Thursday, July 7, 2011

Round and Round We Go

Logan has a new behavior.  I put him to sleep on his back and at some point he wakes and tries to spin around in his crib. In doing so he bumps his head (lightly) and then starts crying.  It happened three times last night.  He didn't even open his eyes.  He was just trying to move around in a circle.  I tried putting a pacifier in his mouth in the hopes that he would drift back off to sleep without having to take him out of his crib.  This worked once. When he woke from his nap he was on his belly facing the opposite direction from which I placed him.  Silly guy.  He used to wake himself whenever he would roll over but doesn't so much anymore. On the positive side, he is now sleeping in his crib for his naps.  I even managed to get a sleeping baby from the car to his crib without him waking.  Now that is unheard of!  I was so excited.

He does that round and round behavior on the floor as well.  He can't quite crawl yet but he does an army crawl where he uses his arms to pull himself around. I don't worry about him crawling.  He gets everywhere that he wants to go, which is a growing diameter from where he began, and I read that some babies never do the typical crawl.  Some may scoot on their bottom and some may skip crawling all together and just move on to walking.  Its great to see his personality develop, to watch him independently become interested in objects around him.  He thinks the dog is hilarious.  He often scoots over to the dog toys and bones to try and chew on them.  "No, no" mama says. He is quick too.  I can't let him out of my sight.  Really though, I don't want to.  He is so precious to observe.

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