Sunday, July 24, 2011

Receiving Update

Today is day 25 of The Receiving Project.  I am so happy that I decided to participate in this e-course.
I am noticing gifts that come my way each day. I have a conversation in my head when things come my way and I think about - 'Is this something that should happen or is it a true gift?', 'Is this something I want to accept?', and 'what makes this a gift?'

Before I began The Receiving Project, I participated in the Rock Your World Summit.  There was a speaker that talked about clutter.  If you have clutter in your life you may not have room for all of the wonderful things that could come your way.  By de-cluttering you can make room to accept what it is you want.  Jo Anna reminded me of this today.  It is something that I have thought about a lot since the summit. It is not simply the clutter in your closet, for instance, (although that counts too) but the clutter within yourself.  I am going to need to take a closer look at myself and see what barriers I have in place that might be holding me back.

So what has been coming my way?
Last night the baby was placed in my bed around 430am because every time I put him back in his crib he screamed and I gave up after five times. I don't mind letting him in our bed every now and then and since it doesn't happen too often, it is a pleasure waking up next to him.  Not to mention it is soooo much easier to just roll over and nurse him! My first gift today: Feeling my baby pull on my shoulder and then rolling over to see his big smiley face! My second gift: My husband took the baby this morning (allowing me to have a few minutes to myself prior to getting out of bed) and made me hot chocolate!  I love having hot chocolate made for me! What is better than crawling out of bed to a hot cup of cocoa (or joe, or whatever it is for you)? Two gifts already and its only 930am.  I'm liking this!

Yesterday my husband bought me some earrings. I mean, we were at the store and I picked them up and said, "I think I'm going to get these".  I don't buy much for myself and rarely jewelry. They weren't fancy earrings, they were fun earrings! It was a complete splurge and I love them! My husband also took me out to lunch yesterday when he wasn't even hungry and held the baby while we ate so that I could focus on eating my meal.  I love him!

Other gifts this week included:
*Giving myself a break.  Perhaps this is in the category of a 'should' but what I did and did not do during this break was, in my mind, a gift.  I even watched a movie during the day!
*Not feeling exhausted when I concurred Runyon Canyon with the stroller (each day I feel stronger!)
*Thoughtfulness of family members - my grandmother passed away in May and my cousins picked out a piece from her copper collection to send to me. She had quite an extensive collection.Very sweet.
*The gift of patience
*The opportunity to cuddle with my dog
*Memories.  Memories of spending time with loved ones. Memories of my childhood. Memories of yesterday and today. Can you imagine not being able to remember? I hope I never have to find out what this is like because it is so incredible to have memories. It makes me feel for those who can not remember, which makes this a much appreciated gift.

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