Thursday, July 28, 2011

Flying With Baby

Here we go again.  The time has come for us to go on a family flight again.  The first time we flew with Logan he was almost 4 months.  This time he is 8 months. I have flown many times in my life and never really got anxious about it.  I don't mind flying and most of the time I would simply fall asleep for the duration of the flight.  Then I had Logan.  Now I dread flying.

I am filled with anxiety mostly related to my baby crying on the plane.  I care too much about what others are thinking and although I know they will 'get over it', it is still uncomfortable to be that parent.  I also worry about how he will react to the pressure in the plane. I don't want him to be in pain.  Logan was fantastic on his first flight.  We flew across the country (a direct flight) and with the exception of a little fussiness during the last hour of the flight he was rather pleasant.  On the flight home he didn't make a peep.

This time I am more concerned.  He is older now and mobile.  He gets distracted very easily (which may work to my benefit) but he does not like to nurse unless he is sleepy. Otherwise it's a minute and he stops to look around, then back on for a sec, then needs to see what's going on.....

I have researched and spoken with people about flying with a baby and have a few tips that might ease everyone's nerves.

*The number one tip I have is to have the baby nurse, bottle feed or suck on a pacifier during take off and landing.  My pediatrician gave me this tip early on and I have read it again and again.  The sucking motion works in the way chewing gum does with adults.
*Try to take a direct flight when possible.  Unfortunately we have a layover and I am not looking forward to it.
*Allow for a little extra time.  Unexpected things happen when you have a baby.
*Be thoughtful about the time you fly.  Perhaps you can take a flight during baby's nap time.
*Be thoughtful about the seats that you choose.  Different things work for different people.  You might want bulkhead seats, an aisle or window seat, closer to the front of the plane etc.
*When possible, move around the aircraft.  The change of scenery will keep baby more calm.
*Have things for the baby to play with on the plane.  This might be a favorite toy or a book to read.  Some parents have movies for the little ones to watch. I plan to bring a couple new toys with us so that they keep the baby's interest longer.
*Be smart about packing.  The last thing you want is to be weighed down with a bunch of stuff you most likely won't need. Of course, you want to have what you need (and then maybe a little more) but don't pack everything but the kitchen sink. If you are traveling to an area where there are stores, you can probably pick up diapers and such when you arrive.  Another option is to have items shipped to your destination location. I do recommend however, having an extra set of clothes with you on the plane not only in case you have luggage problems or an unforeseen flight delay, but also in case the baby spits up on you or spills something.

Most of all, stay calm yourself.  If you are a nervous wreck the whole time the baby will pick up on this.   Try to keep the baby's schedule as normal as possible.  Think positive.  I am not only recommending this but saying it over and over in my own head as we prepare for our upcoming flight next Wednesday.  Just to add a little pressure to the situation, I lost my photo id.  Hopefully it will show up, but yep. Perfect timing. Not even enough time to get a new one before flying.  Wonderful.

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