Saturday, December 31, 2011

Letters To Logan ~ A year in Review 2011

Picture taken Dec. 31, 2010
This year has been one of the most amazing years of my life.  It was not without struggle or pain, yet the year was filled with so many incredible experiences that even given the struggles it was a fantastic year.  You accomplished so much this year.  You went from being a little tiny baby that couldn't even hold his head up to a strong boy who is now walking!

There were many highlights throughout the year.  You managed to travel quite a bit in 2011.  You flew on a plane (in first class) to visit New Hampshire in March and to visit New York in August.  In addition to these trips, you visited a cabin in Big Bear Lake in the winter, a resort in Indio in the spring, you made three trips to Santa Cruz (and Monterey) to see your great grandparents, and even went camping in Joshua Tree National Park! You are a trooper and have earned your badge to become a true member of team rugged! We took many day trips with you as this was the first year that we had our 'adventure vehicle' so we went on off roading excursions, as well as what your father calls 'drive miss daisy' trips because mama likes to take rides!

You met all of your living great grandparents in 2011.  You met Granny and Grandad  in January. You were introduced to Meme' in March and she then passed away in May.  In this same March trip you were introduced to your Great Grandpa on my mom's side.  You met Pa and his wife in August.  I am very pleased that they were all able to meet you and that we have pictures to show you when you are older.

Your papa and I became so excited as you achieved milestones throughout the year.  I remember getting really excited when you first learned how to roll over.  You would roll over onto your belly and then get upset because you were stuck.  The same excitement came over me when you learned to sit up, crawl, stand and most recently walk! I remember the first time you ate cereal.  It was April.  You seemed to like it and would eat up whatever I gave you.  We had to play around with the solid foods we fed you until we found a diet that your stomach approved of.  Luckily you are now able to eat just about anything.  Those five teeth you have help a little!  You have two more coming in right now. You seem to be slightly allergic to strawberries (your mama is too).  You used bottles every now and then throughout the year but moved quickly to a sippy cup.  We had to try several types of cups in order to find the perfect cup for you (which has changed over time).  Currently you are digging the straw cups.   You also drink out of mama's or papa's cup whenever you get the chance.

You used to be a good sleeper, or what I considered to be a good sleeper.  You have always been a bit of a night owl.  From the time you were very young, you didn't really go to sleep (and stay asleep) until about 10pm.  I would put you to bed earlier, but you never stayed in bed.  For quite a while, however, you would sleep for six or seven hours which I thought was heavenly.  Then around eight or nine months you started waking more frequently and for the past few months you have been waking a lot during the night.  When I say a lot, I mean every two to three hours.  I will say that it seems you are beginning to sleep for longer periods again.  Recently you have been getting a four to five hour stretch in there which is nice.  Lets work on getting more sleep in 2012!

You are not saying any words yet, but you understand so much.  You basically communicate by pointed and making noises.  I understand exactly what you are saying! You are so much fun.  We play together a lot.  You have some buddies that you play with, but the dog is your favorite playmate! You really enjoy being outside exploring and playing in the dirt.  Luckily you love bath time just as much!

This evening we will be ringing in the new year.  Your papa and I will be at home with you and while you will most likely be sleeping, we will be having champagne and chocolate cake!  So happy new year my baby boy!  Here's to a spectacular 2012! When I say cheers, lift your sippy cup so it touches mine!

Here are a few pictures from how we spent New Years Eve last year.  After this outing we spent a cozy evening at home listening to music and enjoying time together as a family.

Thursday, December 29, 2011


I was hoping to post this evening, but my typing keeps waking the baby so I will postpone until tomorrow.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

He Walks!

I have been waiting (not so patiently) for the little guy to start walking and he proved that he is capable! Yesterday he took his first steps on his own.  Prior to this he would take one or two steps in between two pieces of furniture, but this was a full seven or eight steps across the room.  More importantly, he was able to repeat the activity several times! Now, he won't walk in many locations, but if I open his drawer full of clothes and put him on the other side of the room, he will walk on his own to get to his clothes!  He won't walk to me when I ask him to, but clothes, how could he refuse clothing?! I think it may have something to do with the area rug in his room.  It isn't a shag rug, which is what we have in the main living area, and it's not wood flooring, which is what we have in the rest of the house, so perhaps the bedroom is where he feels safe.  Now we will work on generalizing the skill!

We recently got a video camera and managed to record this milestone, however the memory card failed and therefore this precious video is lost.  Oh well.  I am confident that we will be able to recapture the moment tomorrow.

I am so glad that my little guy is feeling better in time to go on our road trip to Santa Cruz.  In fact, we slept very well last night (relatively speaking of course).  I got a 4.5 hour span in there!  Can you believe it?  That's unheard of in our home!  Guess we all needed to catch up on lost sleep.  I probably won't get as much sleep this evening.  I have been packing for hours and imagine I will be up half the night trying to think of everything that I have forgotten.  I don't think it matters if we are going away for two days or ten, it seems the packing is the same nuisance either way.  Since the baby is growing into the toddler I find that our supplies change a bit, but the amount of crap that we have to take remains the same.

Time to get back to packing! Santa Cruz bound tomorrow AM!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Sick Days

My poor baby is still not feeling well.  Isn't it a terrible feeling when your little one is not well?  I wish that I could take all his discomfort away and see him smile.  I am fortunate to be able to stay home with the little guy though.  There are many folks who head back to work today and I am feeling grateful that I am able to be home with Logan.  

Yesterday he seemed a little better but last night was rough.  He wanted to be held all night, which is fine, except around five this morning he threw up all over me.  He didn't cry or even move, just puked.  So I got up and my lovely husband changed the bedding while I wiped us up.  Then, within the next three minutes, the baby proceeded to throw up on me again, and then again. He was calm and pale and just wanted to go back to sleep, which I suppose is a good thing.  We snuggled back into bed and slept fairly well until getting up for the day.  He seems in better spirits today, but I can tell he is still not 100%.  I am really hoping that he is back to his happy self soon!  

While we weren't able to complete a monday fun day activity this week, we did take a drive to Mt. Wilson to get out of the house.  It was mild enough to where it was comfortable to walk around a bit and take some pictures.  There was a faint bit of snow but nothing to get excited about.  I can't wait to take Logan to the snow (the real snow)! Today is all about holiday clean up.  I am hoping to get all my chores done today so that I can relax tomorrow before heading out of town.  

Here is a recap of our holiday.

'Can't you see I don't care that it's Christmas'
Murphy with his holiday treats!
Still not caring about Christmas

Santa's Gift

A little play time before bed
mid-day feeling a little better

My sharp dressed man!
at Mt. Wilson

Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Crumble

Well, it wasn't the Christmas I envisioned.  I wouldn't call it magical but we made it through.

What I had in mind:
The baby wakes peacefully and we venture into the living room to find what santa has delivered.  The baby squeals with excitement as he discovers his new toys and spends the morning in his pajamas playing with the new finds.  We delight in family banter and fill our bellies with a delicious christmas dinner.  All while listening to splendid holiday music, eating cookies and laughing the day away.

What actually occurred:
As Christmas eve day came to an end I could tell the baby was not feeling so hot.  He was very cranky, crying a bunch and just wanted to be held.  He had no interest in decorating cookies, reading 'The Night Before Christmas' or 'Where Is Baby's Christmas Present' and wouldn't allow me to put him in his crib.  These are never good signs.  I wanted to spend Christmas Eve with my husband after the baby went to bed, but what ended up happening was far from my desire.

I must have eaten too many gingerbread men throughout the day because I ended up with a terrible stomachache and both the baby and I went to the bedroom at 830pm.  I was able to hear Santa hammering away in his workshop as the baby and I snuggled in my bed.  The baby whimpered in his sleep and I knew he was not feeling well at all.  Those darn teeth decided to push their way down through his gums on Christmas!  Logan was not wishing for his front teeth for Christmas, but two of the four front teeth were coming anyway. It was awful! Logan cried all night and was glued to me.  He wasn't content being next to me, he wanted to be on top on me.  Whatever.  I am willing to comfort him however I am able.  Did I mention he had a fever?  Almost 103.  Not cool. When we woke Christmas morning (after little sleep), we made our way to the christmas tree to see what Santa brought.  Logan didn't care.  He just cried in pain.  We gave him some tylenol (or the generic equivalent) again and for a moment he was content going through his stocking.  It took us all day to get through his gifts (giving the medicine every few hours to try to keep that fever down as it continuously crept back up).

We didn't end up making our Christmas dinner because neither my husband nor myself wanted to cook after the day we had.  I ended up nursing the baby during the day, which I had been successful at stopping, but it seemed to be the only thing that would comfort him.  My husband and I decided to put on a movie and we just sat with the baby.  That was the highlight of the day.  Finally as it became bath time the baby seemed to feel a little better.   I tried one more time to feed him some food (he refused to eat the entire day) and was successful at getting him to eat a little.  My husband gave him a bath as I did dishes and I was able to get the baby to sleep in his crib.  What a relief. He slept much better last night, not requiring any medicine and although he didn't eat breakfast this morning and has been sleeping for the past two hours, I think he is feeling a little better.  I am hoping to get out of the house today to enjoy this beautiful day.

The dog, on the other hand, well, I think he had a pretty damn good holiday!!

*Christmas pics to come!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Travel Town

This evening my husband and I took the boy to Travel Town in Griffith Park to ride the Santa Train.  We first went through a part of the Travel Town Museum to see santa.  I didn't make the baby go and sit on Santa's lap (we already learned how that goes).  We simply walked through.  Logan did like the giant elf that was standing in the line greeting kids, which surprised me.  After looking around a bit, we boarded the train and took a ride around the park.  It was fun! There were christmas lights to look at along the way and Logan enjoyed dancing to the holiday music.  After getting off the train, we walked around outside and explored.  We lucked out because although it was cool, it was not freezing.  What a great activity.  It was the perfect way to begin our holiday weekend.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Positively Delightful

Today was delightful. From the time I woke up I seemed to notice the positives of the day.  First, I didn't feel completely drained when I woke up even though the baby woke several times throughout the night.  I went to the kitchen to make hot cocoa and while looking out my kitchen window I noticed a patch of plants that I had not noticed before.  The sun was shining in such a way that made them stand out and I found myself appreciating the beauty in front of me.  Later in the day we were taking a walk and I noticed architecture that I had not before.  Original doors that were amazing decorating the renovated homes in the neighborhood.  

Additional Delights
  • Giving myself permission to skip Stroller Strides this morning to get some other things done
  • Holiday Baking (Making Peanutbutter Balls and gingerbread dough for cookies)
  • Making stuffed mushroom poppers - holy goodness!
  • Getting help from my husband so that I was able to get some cooking and baking completed
  • Spending a few minutes with the neighbors
  • My husband made dinner
  • An evening glass of wine
  • Watching 'The Help'

Then there was the time that I spent with my little guy.  I have so much fun with him. His mind is developing and although he is not speaking yet, I am learning that he knows quite a few words.  We like to play the 'where is' game.  So I say "where is Logan's foot?" and he points to his foot.  We do the same with the words leg, Logan, and belly button, etc.  He seems to understand mama, papa, dog, hat, star, ball and a few other words.  When we are reading books he is able to point to items that I state such as the fish or muffin man.  It is so exciting.  He waves bye-bye, claps, gives high fives and is learning to blow kisses!  I am amazed at his developing mind!  Everyday something new happens and I am so appreciative of the time I am able to spend with him.  

*A few of this weeks gems*

My precious boy
pulling the clothing from his drawer
Logan loves helping with laundry.  This
gave him easier access to the clothes!
*Do not try this at home

mini virtuoso
I wear my sunglasses at night

rolling around on the bed

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Three Dog Bakery

holiday cookies with dog friendly carob!

For you dog owners out there, I am sure you feel as I do that your dog is more than a pet, he's a member of the family.  So how could we have a proper christmas without a stocking for the dog?  I wouldn't hear of it.  Last year I visited the 99cents store.  They actually had several varieties of natural dog treats.  Its always hit or miss though. This year I ventured out to Three Dog Bakery.  I first learned of this store when I visited Sutter Creek, CA.  I happened upon a location there and thought it would be the perfect treat for the dog after riding for hours in the car, only to find that the store was no longer there.  Only then did I realize that they had a location in my back yard.  Silly me.

The store is cute.  They have natural dog treats for sale throughout the store, but what I found to be most appealing were the treats kept behind the bakery display cases.  I couldn't help but splurge on treats for the Murphster.  So I ended up buying a bag of peanut butter bones, some chew sticks, and some special treats from the case.  While I really wanted to purchase cupcake looking items, I tried to keep my selections to items that would keep well and easily be stuffed in a stocking. When I was ready to pay, the guy behind the counter explained that they were helping a no kill shelter and I had the option to buy a bag of food for the shelter.  The store matches your donation.  Well, how could I say no to helping save poor little homeless dogs?  I couldn't.  Before I knew it I had blown through my dog budget and then some and hadn't even purchased any toys for the stocking.  I am such a sucker.  What can I say, I love my dog.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Santa and The Hollow Trees

I had been toying with the idea of taking Logan to have his picture taken with Santa all month and finally today, while at the Americana, I pulled the trigger.  There was hardly any line and I justified my decision by telling myself that I would not likely regret spending money on one small picture (I certainly didn't need a huge, overpriced photo package), but I could very likely regret not having the picture taken if I didn't do it.  So we did.  It wasn't pretty.  I mean, it wasn't terrible, but we ended up with a crying baby on a jolly Santa's lap.  Santa was patient and sweet.  Logan even seemed to like Santa - at first. I promise I didn't torture my kid, although I did see a few moms there that were determined to have their kid smile on santa's lap even though their kid had no desire to do so.  Seriously?  I tried for a minute and then decided we were done.  There was one mom that kept trying over and over.  Her daughter was screaming yet she kept going back.  Another mom stormed out with here kid and sharply said "I thought you were going to have your picture taken with Santa this year" and then in a snotty tone "Sorry Santa." Our experience was mild compared to that. The baby cried when I placed him on Santa's lap, which honestly I was anticipating.  Logan stopped crying as soon as Santa's helper brought a toy to him, yet when she walked away he started crying again.  They quickly snapped a few pictures and let me know that we could let a few more people through and then try again.  Logan didn't warm up to the idea at all and I decided to go ahead and purchase the crying baby photo.  I suppose it's kind of cute and will be something we can smile at when he is much older.
I snapped a pic of the photo to share with you here.  Poor kid.

We then watched The Hollow Trees perform.  What fun that was!  This helped with the process of obtaining our santa photo as well because Logan was able to watch the performance and dance while we waited to have our picture printed.  Logan even got a free kid's club t-shirt!

watching The Hollow Trees from Santa's House
The Hollow Trees

Monday, December 19, 2011

Monday Fun Day ~ A Snow Globe

Today our Monday Fun Day Activity was making a snow globe.  This craft was fun, easy and took very little time to complete.  So how did we do it?

Baby Food Jar
Hot Glue

Mold clay on the inside of the jar cover so that you have something to stick your figurine to.  We used a small snow man christmas ornament and a small stick resembling a winter, leafless tree.   After arranging your figures on the clay, tip the cover upside down to ensure that they stick.

Next, fill your jar with water and dump a small amount of glitter inside (this gives the snow effect).  Place hot glue around the edge of the jar cover and place it on top of the jar.  Glue around the outside of the jar to ensure you have a tight seal.  The first time around this did not work for me and I had to do it twice.  Luckily the second time worked just fine.  I then glued a piece of red felt around the edge of the jar cover to disguise it a bit and voila! we had a snow globe!

Hot (Cocoa) Mess

As you know, I usually get up in the morning and make myself a hot cocoa before starting my day.  I am very careful to not leave my mug anywhere where the baby might be able to pick it up while it has my hot beverage in it.  Sometimes however, I set my mug down on the coffee table when I am finished (especially if I am working on my laptop.  Then this happens.

Me:  "Logan, Were you drinking Mama's hot chocolate?"
Logan (Giving the Look):  "What? Me? You can't prove anything."

And, while that is cute.... This is not so much.
Yes, that is a wireless computer mouse (and little chocolate finger prints all over the table). 

**Note to self:  Put your damn mug in the sink upon finishing.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Trip To The Fire Station

Yesterday we took a trip to the Los Feliz fire station with the Stroller Strides ladies and kids! Our instructor kindly scheduled a tour of the station.  We had a blast!  We donated toys for the toy drive and got to check out all of the firemen - I mean fire engines! Logan had an opportunity to sit inside the truck but as soon as the fireman picked him up he started crying.  So we focused our attention on the shiny objects attached to the fire engine and the uniform.  Logan especially enjoyed checking out the hat and boots.  The fire fighters were great.  They took time to show us how they suit up into their uniform and even pulled out a hose for the kids to play with.  Thanks Fire Station 35!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Mama Makes Good Porridge

I'm on a roll folks! Yesterday I decided that I was going to start cooking for the family again.  My husband is busy and has been either out of town or out on the town lately so dinner time has been nothing special.  Now that we have a few consecutive nights together, I figure its time to get into the family meals.  Last night I made salmon with mashed potatoes and a garden salad.  While my husband enjoyed it, the little guy wasn't as enthusiastic.  He typically likes fish, but salmon is definitely not his favorite.  

This evening I made stew - beef stew for the boy and I and vegetable stew (with beans) for the papa.  Add some fancy bread on the side and you have a fantastic dinner!  It was enjoyed by all.  The baby devoured his beef stew.  Good thing I made extra for leftovers! The vegetable stew turned out well, according to my husband, and he is a very hard man to please.  So I am happy! 

I am getting better at planning family meals with a vegetarian (or more accurately a pescatarian).  I no longer ask my husband what he would like at the store because he never has any suggestions.  "Would you like me to pick you up something special at the market?" "No, I can't think of anything." "Are you sure because I don't want you to complain that I didn't get you anything or that you have nothing to eat."  "It's fine.  I'll figure it out."  Only to later lead to the annoying question.... "What am I going to have for dinner?" This week I planned a menu and shopped for items on my menu which made the shopping experience more enjoyable because I knew what I was getting.  No wandering around wondering what to get while anxiously awaiting a possible toddler tantrum. 

I have noticed a transition in our home where I am cooking more than my husband, which has never occurred in our eleven years.  I'm totally digging it.  I don't even mind cleaning up and doing the dishes after.  I know.  I sound crazy right? I must be crazy.  But I feel like I am finally, finally getting into a groove and I guess I am proud of myself.  Here's to at least a few more nights of good porridge!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Logan's Favorite Things

It seems that with the holidays come disclosures of people's favorite items.  Logan has only slight attachment to his belongings, but certain activities, well he will throw a fit if you tear him away from his favorite activities.


#5  Trying on shoes that are too big
Don't get me wrong, Logan continuously wants to put his own shoes on and then wants them taken off (and then put them on) throughout the day as well, but his shoes are not nearly as interesting as my converse, his dad's chukkas, or my Betsy Johnson fuzzy flip flop slippers with the pink bows.

#4 Wearing Hats 
Logan especially loves his new hunter / lumberjack / bomber hat.  There was a long period of time when he would pull any hat off his head immediately after me putting it on.  I was getting a little concerned as the cold weather approached and then we found this hat.  Before we even left the store he seemed attached to this one so it became a must have.  He is also fond of the party hat.  He happened upon a leftover party hat from his birthday and enjoys wearing that a fair amount too.  The only problem.... he hasn't quite figured out how to get the hats to stay on his head without assistance.  So we get the "eh, eh" until we help him out.  Super cutie.

#3 Climbing on the Furniture
The boy loves to climb up on the furniture - The couch, the chairs (living room chairs, kitchen chairs, office chair etc.), my bed.... He will be receiving his own chair for Christmas and with any luck he will independently climb in and out of it to avoid the "eh, eh" statements that he makes whenever he wants to be assisted onto the couch or a chair.   This will not assist with the bed though.  He LOVES rolling around on my bed.  He is so adorable as he rolls all over and lets out belly laughs.  He cracks himself up.  I think he's pretty funny too! Because I am only listing five favorites, I must include here that he loves to play basketball while sitting on the couch.  If I put the hoop in the middle of the floor the baby simply sits on the floor, holds the ball in the air and says "eh, eh, eh...." over and over until I go to him and pick him up so he can reach the hoop.  Therefore, to make my life easier, I put the hoop at the end of the couch and until he can 1. reach the hoop or 2. throw the ball up and in, the hoop will remain there.  It is much more fun to watch him make baskets on his own and give him a high five after than to lift him over and over.  I love that he understands what a high five is too.  Here you see him sitting in the chair drinking a beverage and glued to his phone (just like papa).

#2  Emptying His Drawers OR The Bookshelf 
 I especially love this one. What?  Sarcasm? Never.  Anyway, without fail, no less than five times a day I find myself restocking the bottom two shelves of the bookshelf and refilling the baby's drawers with his clothes.  I have given up on the organization of the clothes.  I simply stuff them back in as quickly as I can because I know it won't be long until I have to repeat the process.  That's what I get for not purchasing those 'keep it closed' child proofing goodies that they sell.  Unfortunately I have no photo to go along with this one.  Perhaps I will capture the experience soon....


#1 Racing to the Dog Food
Logan feels that the dog's water bowl should be his own personal splash bucket but I feel differently.  If it were only the water that he played with it would be one thing, but he also picks up the dog food and on occasion will eat it.  Well, he will try to eat it.  I fish it out of his mouth and he screams in anger.  So it is much easier to pick the bowls up before he gets to them.  The race has become a game for him.  He will move towards the kitchen and look back over his shoulder at us to see if we are going to chase him. We then proceed to run after him.... "I'm gonna get you, silly boy"..... and grab him at which point he cracks up.  Love it. He enjoys playing with the dog so much.  Every time we go outside he picks sticks up off the ground and holds them out for the dog.  If only he could say Murphy.  Instead he says "eh, eh" and I have to get Murphy's attention to play with him.  When inside, he enjoys playing with the dog's ball and toys.  It is so cute.

So there you have it.  This concludes Logan's Favorite Things.