Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas Crumble

Well, it wasn't the Christmas I envisioned.  I wouldn't call it magical but we made it through.

What I had in mind:
The baby wakes peacefully and we venture into the living room to find what santa has delivered.  The baby squeals with excitement as he discovers his new toys and spends the morning in his pajamas playing with the new finds.  We delight in family banter and fill our bellies with a delicious christmas dinner.  All while listening to splendid holiday music, eating cookies and laughing the day away.

What actually occurred:
As Christmas eve day came to an end I could tell the baby was not feeling so hot.  He was very cranky, crying a bunch and just wanted to be held.  He had no interest in decorating cookies, reading 'The Night Before Christmas' or 'Where Is Baby's Christmas Present' and wouldn't allow me to put him in his crib.  These are never good signs.  I wanted to spend Christmas Eve with my husband after the baby went to bed, but what ended up happening was far from my desire.

I must have eaten too many gingerbread men throughout the day because I ended up with a terrible stomachache and both the baby and I went to the bedroom at 830pm.  I was able to hear Santa hammering away in his workshop as the baby and I snuggled in my bed.  The baby whimpered in his sleep and I knew he was not feeling well at all.  Those darn teeth decided to push their way down through his gums on Christmas!  Logan was not wishing for his front teeth for Christmas, but two of the four front teeth were coming anyway. It was awful! Logan cried all night and was glued to me.  He wasn't content being next to me, he wanted to be on top on me.  Whatever.  I am willing to comfort him however I am able.  Did I mention he had a fever?  Almost 103.  Not cool. When we woke Christmas morning (after little sleep), we made our way to the christmas tree to see what Santa brought.  Logan didn't care.  He just cried in pain.  We gave him some tylenol (or the generic equivalent) again and for a moment he was content going through his stocking.  It took us all day to get through his gifts (giving the medicine every few hours to try to keep that fever down as it continuously crept back up).

We didn't end up making our Christmas dinner because neither my husband nor myself wanted to cook after the day we had.  I ended up nursing the baby during the day, which I had been successful at stopping, but it seemed to be the only thing that would comfort him.  My husband and I decided to put on a movie and we just sat with the baby.  That was the highlight of the day.  Finally as it became bath time the baby seemed to feel a little better.   I tried one more time to feed him some food (he refused to eat the entire day) and was successful at getting him to eat a little.  My husband gave him a bath as I did dishes and I was able to get the baby to sleep in his crib.  What a relief. He slept much better last night, not requiring any medicine and although he didn't eat breakfast this morning and has been sleeping for the past two hours, I think he is feeling a little better.  I am hoping to get out of the house today to enjoy this beautiful day.

The dog, on the other hand, well, I think he had a pretty damn good holiday!!

*Christmas pics to come!

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