Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Receiving Project

With a new month comes new adventures.  I recently decided to take part in an e-course titled 'The Receiving Project'. Jo Anna, the facilitator, is a wonderfully inspiring person.  The Receiving Project is designed to help you learn to receive.  As a mom, you give and give of yourself and too often do not take time to receive in your life.  For me, this means that I might not take time for myself.  I might focus on frustrations or negativity instead of focusing on all the good that is right in front of me.  My intention in taking this 32 day course (which is free by the way), is to recognize the gifts that are provided to me each day; to welcome positive energy, help, and rewards to myself. Being a mom is hard.  I deserve some gifts!

I am currently on Day three.  The daily gifts that I have received (as defined by me) include:
Day 1: Taking a bath without distraction - I usually find that when I take a bath the baby is fussy.  While my husband might  be able to tune this out and do his own thing while watching the baby, I am more sensitive to the baby's fussiness.  I feel the need to 'remind' my husband to pick the baby up, play with him, feed him, etc. throughout my bath time.  What? Control freak you say? Perhaps. This day however, I was able to relax in the tub which is a fantastic feeling. Thank you to all who allowed this to happen!

Day 2: My husband made me dinner- The baby is teething and did not sleep at all the night before.  He woke every hour which meant I was up much of the night.  I dragged myself to my Stroller Strides class and worked through it while the baby fussed a bit.  I had a terrible headache and forced myself to get to the market so we at least had food to eat.  I didn't have a chance to write and the baby would not nap even though I knew we both really needed it.  I tried to take a short nap, but again, couldn't really sleep because the baby was fussy.
My husband came home last night and made dinner.  This was truly one of those 'ask and you shall receive situations'. I can't begin to tell you how much I appreciated this.  You know, sometimes it feels like you are pushed further than you think you can handle and just as you are about to break- voila - relief.  What a wonderful gift!

Day 3: Having this time right now, while the baby naps to be able to write and have some me time - I got a bit more sleep last night and felt more rested this morning.  I have received multiple gifts today! This morning my husband made me a hot cocoa (I usually do this myself on a good day) which was very sweet of him.  However, I must say that this time now, with no noise except for that twangy classical music coming from the baby swing (whatever works), can not be beat.  Sitting alone on my couch, feeling the breeze of the fan, and writing.  Beautiful.  I could shower. I could workout....but I choose to sit hear and relax for a bit. A gift to myself.

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