Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I Want A Do Over

Seriously, If I could start this morning over, everything would be just peachy.  The baby woke me this morning, as per the usual, and it was gloomy out.  Even so, I pulled myself together, fed the baby (who didn't want to eat) and got ready to head out the door.  Heck, I even made hot chocolate to drink on my way to stroller strides.  I was making it happen! I was tight on time and feeling anxious already when everything began to fall apart.

I had five minutes before I had to leave and needed to take the dog out and get the stroller in the truck (as well as the baby and myself).  As luck would have it, the dog actually wanted to go for a walk this morning.  Most mornings he just wants to go hang out outside for a few minutes and then go back to bed.  This morning however, my husband had left without saying goodbye to him (because he was still getting his beauty sleep) and as soon as my husband left, the dog started barking non stop.  So I took him out and he wanted to race to find his papa.  I took him on a short walk, my compromise, and he was somewhat satisfied.

At this point I was thinking that I might be a few minutes late to class, which kills me, but hey, at least I would be there.  I got in the house, put the dog in his cage, got the baby in his carrier (so that I could carry the stroller and diaper bag down the stairs to the truck) and went to grab my keys.  My keys.... where are my keys.... oh S#*@, where are my keys?! I searched high, I searched low. No keys.  I thought about where I might have put them, when I last had them, I looked in every bag, every pair of pants or top with pockets that I have worn.  No keys.  Now I'm getting angry.  No longer anxious about time, just pissed. So what do I do?  I call my husband.  Why? I don't know.  How is that going to help the situation? It's not.  But I wanted to give him a piece of my mind (stupid idea).  I wanted to let him know how he could have helped me this morning.  He could have taken the dog out or put the stroller in the truck, as if this is what held me up this morning.  He must have done something with my keys.  As you can imagine, this didn't go over so well.  I was just taking out my frustration on him.  Why do we feel the need to do this? Is it that we don't want to be alone in the frustrating situation? Do we want to blame someone else? and if that is the case, what's that about?

I came to terms with the fact that I was not making it to class this morning and I decided to start some laundry.  As I was sorting clothes, I picked up a pair of my husbands shorts and low and behold.... my keys.  In his pocket.   I know I didn't reach in his pocket and place my keys there.  Well, well, well.... So what did I do?  Why, I called him of course.  In the end, I am glad I called. I was able to express that I wasn't a disorganized disaster as I am sure he thought even if he didn't say it.  We said "I love you" before hanging up. I am now ready to start my day over.  It has been hours since I got up, yet if feels like it has been 30 minutes.  Not fair.  I want a do over.  At least I have my keys now.  I can now do what I want with my day.  I can make this day fantastic and that is exactly what I intend to do. Watch out world, here I come!

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