Tuesday, August 30, 2011

A 'Whatever' Kind Of Day

Blah, blah, blah.... that's how I feel today.  Do you ever feel like you are dragging?  Like nothing awful happened today but nothing great happened either?  Like you need something to change? That's where I am at today. But then again, all I have to do is look at my little boy and all the icky feelings go away and all I can focus on is how much I love him, how proud I am of him, and how I just want to eat him up! It is a struggle to get this post out as I feel I have not much to say. All day I have been thinking about what to write about and I just decided to write how I feel because I can't be the only mom who has days like this. Not everyday can be sun shiny I suppose, but as we approach the end of August I am reflecting on how the month was and I am not that enthusiastic about it.  Don't get me wrong, there were some amazing things that happened.  We traveled across the country and Logan got to meet more family.  Logan mastered pulling himself up onto furniture and started eating finger foods.  These are moments that I will cherish for the rest of my life.  I, however, feel that I did not exert myself as much as I could have or would have liked.  I felt less inspired this month to be the best I can (as compared to the past few months) and this simply means that September needs to bring change.

Part of the reason for my blah attitude is due to the fact that I injured myself a little over a week ago.  I hurt my back and have been struggling with pain.  I have not been able to attend stroller strides and therefore I am not getting a workout each day and not able to socialize as much as I have come to enjoy.  I plan to go back on Thursday and we will turn this attitude around!

I have learned that back pain in one of the most common complaints among moms.  I don't even know how I hurt myself or what exactly I did to my back, but I bent down to pick the baby up and all of a sudden I was done.  It is so very important to focus on how you are bending (bend at the knees ladies). Between the back pain and lack of sleep I am a mess!

So tomorrow I am making a plan.  A plan of what we are going to do in September.  A plan of what I want to accomplish in September.  A change in attitude starts now!!

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