Monday, August 22, 2011

Something Has Got To Give

Well, I have to say our sleeping situation has gone from bad to worse.  I think there are a few things happening.  First, I read there is a typical eight or nine month old sleep regression.  The brain is developing and so much is going on that it is difficult for the baby to sleep.  He wants to also practice his new skills, like pulling to a stand and apparently this is not left to daytime alone. Then there is the probability that he is teething.  I don't see signs of any new teeth, but I know that the teeth can be bothersome for weeks (sometimes more) prior to coming in.  One thing is for sure and that is that it has to be something more than say separation anxiety. No fever though which is good but..... something has got to give.

I have come to dread bed time. Not only for myself but my husband and neighbors as well.  I am lucky to have sweet neighbors that provide support even if in the comfort of their own homes they are cursing me! No one else in our little community has kids but they understand that we are doing all we can to keep everyone happy and healthy!

I have begun reading the no-cry sleep solution by Elizbeth Pantley.  After reading the intro to the book I was sold and decided that this is going to be the book for me.  I am only about half way through the book, and the advice provided thus far are things I have thought of and implemented previously, but I didn't necessarily rigidly stick to them.  It is always good to have a reminder, a renewed sense of what it is you want to do and a list of ideas put together by someone who has researched the topic.  Hopefully this will work for us.

It is during these times that you have to work on finding the positives.  A shower this morning for instance, a nap yesterday, and a starbucks hot chocolate from hubby.  Yum!

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