Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What A Beautiful Morning

Oh what a beautiful morning....
My baby boy is feeling better today! He made it in his crib last night for about 3 hours and then I brought him into the family bed. I think he stirs more often when in my bed so I really like him to sleep in his crib. After waking many times throughout the night, I put him in his crib around six and he slept until 830. It was the best two or so hours of sleep that I had received all night! When I woke the baby was smiling and this set the tone for the day. A little birdie once told me to set my intention for the day and I will better be able to accomplish what I set out to do. I told my son that today is going to be a good day (really that is my only intention today).

My husband made the most amazing egg scramble this morning that included spinach, mushrooms, tomato and cheese. Mmmmm.... Isn't it fantastic when someone offers to make you food? I always appreciate it! I also was able to make a hot chocolate which made the start to my day spectacular! After we had a little story time, the baby played by himself on his play mat which gave me some time to sweep the floor and create a playlist on  Spotify.   Just now, I placed the baby in his swing and I am hoping he will nap so that I can get a shower in! Yesterday I was barely able to get a bite to eat let alone shower. Stinky!

So what is on the agenda for the rest of today? Well, making more peaches! The baby loves peaches! I figure they are only in season for so long so I am trying to make enough to have some on hand for a few months. I plan to pick them up at the farmers market each week until they are gone.  I am excited for fall vegetables.  In California, you can sometimes find vegetables that are typically not in season for well beyond the expected timeframe because of the weather, but I always like to focus on what is currently in season.

I also want to get back into cooking new foods.  I picked up a magazine at the store a few weeks ago and there are some really wonderful recipes that seem completely do-able for me! Tonight I would like to try grilled salmon with a sweet corn relish. It sounds delish and it is something that I can make for my husband and myself.  I hope that I can find some good salmon at the market.  If not, we will save it for a later date.  Last night I made steak with a medley of zucchini, sweet peppers and onion.  Quick, easy and oh so good.

Baby is sleeping! Yeah! Shower time!

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