Monday, August 15, 2011

Relaxation Day

As all moms know, our days are filled with doing for our children. We don’t often take time for ourselves and when we do, it seems like it has to be planned… but today is National Relaxation Day so I challenge all you moms to find some time to relax!

I do not find it easy to relax. My days are hectic and it always feels like when I need to relax, I can’t for one reason or another. Sometimes it’s that the baby needs me. Other times it feels like I am just so entrenched in the day that relaxing seems a million miles away. So I have to make time to relax and focus on me. I have to consciously, actively relax.

How do you relax? I remember in college taking a stress relief class that focused on relaxation and I remember everyone having their own little ways that worked for them to calm. Some would dance, exercise or do yoga, focus on breathing and meditate. Others would read, listen to music, go for a walk or a drive. I like taking baths and sitting outside to take in the fresh air. Some people mentioned that they would drink to relieve stress and that was always considered a no no, but every now and then I like a glass of wine. Its not that I use the wine to relax, it’s what goes along with drinking a glass of wine that is relaxing - Sitting, talking with a friend (or my hubby) or writing.

Today however, it was a tough day. The baby was needy….. fussy. We made it to Stroller Strides and I managed to eat lunch and walk the dog, but everything seemed like a struggle. So when I finally got the baby down for a nap I was able to relax. And what was my relaxing activity? Why…. Dishes! Yep. That’s right! We don’t have a dishwasher (I am the dishwasher) so as I was scrubbing the dishes I was thinking how relaxing it was to be able to stand alone and look out the window while I hear the water and get something accomplished. To each his own! Then I was able to sit down and write this post, so now I feel totally relaxed. Challenge complete! Now go on…. Do something for you!

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