Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Sick Again?

In the short time I have been a parent, I find there's nothing worse than a sick baby. It breaks my heart to see my little guy in pain and I wish that I could trade places with him so he has relief. It began yesterday with him being fussy and by the end of the night he was miserable. He had a slight fever and I couldn't tell if his nose was runny or if that was a result of crying. Poor baby. Around 2am I was in panic mode. I'm a bit of a hypochondriac and was frantically searching google on my phone with all his apparent symptoms. That only elevated my anxiety as one search result included seizures. You see, he was kind of jerky in his sleep (I now think he had gas) and so I began to watch him intensely to ensure there were no signs of seizure. As the baby calmed next to me, so did I and we were able to get a couple hours of rest.

This morning brought no relief as the baby wailed in discomfort. Late morning hit and I went for the tylenol. Thank goodness for Tylenol. The baby was finally feeling a little better and I took him and the dog to the park so he wasn't in the house all day. I gave him one more dose of Tylenol in the late afternoon which got him through to bed time. He is still a bit warm but I'm holding off on the Tylenol tonight and we'll see how it goes.

I was able to put him down in his crib (which is always a good sign). I wish I knew what is wrong with my little one but I am just hoping for a better tomorrow. Now I write this post from my bed on my iPhone, so hopefully it reads ok and we don't have auto correct issues. I am now going to try to catch some zzz's while I can. Night y'all!

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