Thursday, June 30, 2011

June Recap

As the month ends I feel it is important to reflect on all of the joys this month has brought me.  Since the baby was born, time seems to fly and I want to take moments every now and then to relish in the delights of our lives.

I feel accomplished this month. I set goals for myself and followed through with them.  First and foremost, I began this blog.  Rather than continue to think about it, talk about it, I actually did it.  I am proud of this and it set the stage for me taking this stand in more aspects of my life. The website is far from what I envision it being, but each day it becomes more established. I am still trying to decide who I am as a writer and who I want to be for readers.  I am happy with where I am at in this process though.  In reality, I created this website only seventeen days ago, it is in its infancy stage and I generate traffic!  People read my blog! I added a couple pages (tabs) to the website this week that includes a gallery.  Pictures - Yeah!

It is difficult for me to put myself out there.  In a sense I feel inferior and I really want to work on feeling more confident.  I think this will come with time - remember, only seventeen days old.  I have set some goals for July to push myself forward in my blogging journey.  They include the following:

1.  Create a Facebook and Twitter account for my site
2.  Start communicating with the mommy community
3.  Get some videos up on the site
I have many, many more ideas, but I want to set attainable goals and by completing these steps, it sets the stage for the next level!

I also began a fitness regimen this month.  I set a 10 minute leg challenge and have followed through with completing my 10 minute workout each day.  I joined Stroller Strides and have gone to 3 classes thus far.  I have commited to going a minimum of two times a week.  I actually wanted to go today, but since the baby is so fussy I decided to skip today.  I will be going tomorrow no matter what. The nice thing about that class is that it is full of moms.  They have all been in my shoes so no one judges you or gives you the evil eye when your child is acting up.  They even try to help. We sing songs, the instructor tries to give the baby toys or a bottle.  It is really a great support group in addition to a fitness class.

As I mentioned in a previous post, once I start exercising, I tend to want to do more. I have begun hiking Runyon Canyon again.  I went by myself with no baby and no dog and hiked up to the top then ran down (and continued to run all the way home).  It felt so good to run again.  It had been over a year.  My knees are a little upset with me but other than that I am loving my fit initiatives.

Lastly, I want to recognize that I am getting out of the house more.  It takes time for a new mom to feel comfortable getting out and about with a baby and I feel at ease with this now.  I even went away for a girls weekend, wine tasting, with the baby.  I created activities for the little guy and as a result I am learning of this mom culture in Los Angeles.  There was a long time when I felt like I never saw kids in LA. I mean, of course there are kids, but I guess I didn't ever notice children because I wasn't focused on them.  Now that I am going to these activities, I am amazed at how many moms and babies I am encountering.  I love it.  I only have a couple friends with babies and am not able to see them too very often, so it is nice to get together with other moms in my area.

June has been an outstanding month.  I can only hope that July brings as much joy!

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