Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Plan B

When things don't go as planned there must be a plan b.  That's my motto this week (well, this half of the week) because I had great activities planned and yet we are not able to make it happen.

You see, we are currently a one vehicle family.  After I left work it didn't seem necessary to have two vehicles.  My husband works from home on some days and uses the metro to get to his office on others.  We only have one designated parking spot so one car always had to be parked on the street. Its such a pain to park on the street when there is street cleaning and limited parking.  It was not uncommon to drive around for twenty minutes after work looking for a place to park.  So we made the decision to sell my car.  I loved my car.  She was reliable, comfortable, and paid for.  My husband bought us an adventure vehicle (4-Runner Trail Version) and it was so much larger than my car I didn't think I would ever dare park it in our tiny garage spot.  It was not an easy decision to sell my car but it worked out for the best.  I paid off my student loan as a result and at that point was officially out of debt. What a fantastic feeling! I now am very comfortable driving my truck.  I recently borrowed a friend's BMW and dare I say, I missed my truck!

Since we share a vehicle there are times when my husband has to use the truck.  He has meetings that he must attend and this week his schedule and my schedule conflict.  He wins because he makes the money. So, rather than going to story time and the museum today, we will be having fun time at home. Not to fear, I have plenty of fun filled activities planned!  We are going to have story time at home.  We live walking distance from the Hollywood Walk of Fame so we will be strolling down there and stopping at the market for some goodies. We also will be making some baby food today with our farmers market finds!  Peaches and Sweet Potatoes today! Now off to play with toys!

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