Thursday, November 3, 2011

Still Not Sleeping But He's Cute

I know that November is about giving thanks.  Therefore, I am looking at the positive each day and recognizing that there is so much to be thankful for.  I am really enjoying my son now that he is almost a year and reaching all kinds of milestones.  He isn't yet walking (or standing without assistance), but today he walked quite a long distance with a one hand assist.  Very exciting.  I am so thankful that he is a happy, healthy little boy.  I am so thankful that I am fortunate enough to be able to spend each day with him to watch him grow.  So thankful.  It is easy to get caught up in the frustrating situations, but the frustration never lasts long because when my baby smiles at me or sleeps peacefully, it melts my heart. 

Sleep, or lack there of, is the biggest frustration right now.  My boy has regressed tremendously when it comes to sleeping.  I recall the days when I would tell people that he would sleep six or seven hours a night.  I was so pleased and proud of us.  Now I am lucky if I get two straight hours of sleep and that's no exaggeration.  I am trying to ease him away from nursing at night because I feel that he relies on this and perhaps if the boob is not available all night long, he would fuss less during the night.  It is dry in our home though, and even I wake thirsty, so I do take this into consideration when he wakes and cries.  Its hard to tell if he needs to have a drink or if he simply wants attention.  He always nurses, but sometimes it is not for very long.  I have tried the past few nights to pull my breast away after a few minutes, lessening the length of nursing sessions, and this has worked some of the time.  I think I may try to keep a bottle with water next to my bed and offer this instead of my breast to see if this works.  My assumption is that this would be less satisfying, yet will provide liquid if necessary, and he will crave it less than my boobs.  He eats enough in his awake hours to go without breast milk at least several more hours.  

I have to wonder if he would sleep better if he were in his own room.  Sleeping in my bed and sleeping in his crib in my room seems to make no difference in the length of time he stays asleep.  Placing him next to me in my bed allows me to try rubbing his back and such when he stirs to see if I can get him back to sleep by soothing him in this manner.  It has not worked.  Oh well, I will continue to try new things until I find what works.  I keep hearing that eventually he will sleep through the night (even if I do nothing), but I am hoping that night comes sooner rather than later.   No sleep leads to a cranky mama - until my baby smiles at me :)

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