Friday, November 4, 2011

Crayon Chaos

Is it bad that I no longer care what direction the crayons go in the box?  I used to take care to ensure the pointed ends were facing up, however as my son began to use the crayons (and putting the crayons in the box) they would often end up in the box 'upside down'.  At first it took all my might to not take the crayons out and turn them around.  I want him to feel accomplished, so I leave them.  Now I don't care and find myself shoving the crayons in the box however they end up.  I am not sure that this is a good thing.  I mean, when I am picking the crayons up (and not doing it with my son) it usually means I am in a hurry.  Does this mean, though, that I can't take the extra 4 seconds to turn the crayons around?  And when I let my son place them pointed side down I ask myself, "Am I teaching him to not respect his belongings?"  I am kidding really- mostly- , but what does this say about me?  That I pick my battles so to speak?  That I no longer take time to do things well and do things half assed now?  What does it mean?  I remember Oprah once saying that you should always place your bills in your wallet so that they are face up, all facing the same direction and in order because this signifies that you respect the money that you have.  So I have to wonder if the same applies to the crayon box!

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