Thursday, November 24, 2011

Letters To Logan ~ Giving Thanks

Logan, my sweet angel, I am so thankful to have you.  I waited a long time for you to come into my life and you are amazing! I cherish every day that we spend together and although I don't always feel it in the moment, I love the nights awake as well.  Thanksgiving last year was special because we were just home from the hospital and Papa made us a marvelous Thanksgiving meal.  I spent most of the day on the couch holding you in my arms. It makes me so proud to see how much you have grown since then. As we celebrate your second Thanksgiving just after your first birthday, I am having so much fun with you.  There is so much to love.

I love the smile that you give me first thing in the morning.
I love the scent of your neck that I get a whiff of when you give me giant bear hugs.
I love how you hold your hand out whenever you want to move around the house because you are not quite confident enough to walk on your own, but you are so beyond crawling!  I imagine you thinking "crawling is for babies..... I am a big boy!"
I love how excited you get when you play with the dog, or accomplish something like fitting a puzzle part in the right spot.

I love that you are a mellow and go with the flow kind of guy.
I love that you absolutely love bath time and get super excited when we start to run the water.  As soon as there is a pool of water in the tub you reach in to splash around even before we get you undressed!
I love that you automatically stick stickers to your shirt when I give you one, because this is what I used to do when we picked up a sticker after grocery shopping.  Now you do it yourself! You are so smart baby boy and I love watching your mind develop.
I love watching you as you get your swing moving when it simply is not moving fast enough for you.  You are so adorable!

I love how you try to put my shoes on
I love that you brush your own hair
I love that you prefer to wipe your own hands and face after eating meals and all I have to do is give you a wet cloth and you are wiping away.  Its not only your hands and face, but your hair and the tray on your highchair too!
I love watching you dance around to music and enjoy finding your favorite tunes.

I could go on and on.  I am so very thankful to have you in my life today and everyday.  I thank you for being the best little boy a mom could imagine.

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