Wednesday, October 19, 2011

What a Week

So my week is going something like this....
Sunday night my baby was up all night screaming because his top teeth are coming in.  Despite Tylenol and teething drops, he seemed to be in pain.  What made it worse is that he would not nurse.  As you know, I nurse him to sleep and nurse him when he wakes in the middle of the night to get him to go back down.  Well, Sunday night we rocked, and we rocked, and we rocked all night.  Finally at 7am he latched on and fell asleep for a couple hours.  We woke up too late to go to stroller strides, but I don't know if I could have done it even if we had been up.  I was exhausted.  I made it to the grocery store, only to forget the item I went to buy in the first place.  The baby continued to be fussy on Monday.  I gave him Tylenol again in the afternoon and it seemed to help for a while.  We went about our evening routine and I could tell he was feeling more pain.  I fed him and got him to go to sleep for a bit in my arms (because when I tried to put him in his crib he screamed).  So I thought all was going to be ok.  Then it happened.  We were standing in the dining room and I handed him a cheerio.  He was not interested, which is very odd.  All of a sudden he vomited all over me, and himself.  Not just a little either.  We both needed a wardrobe change.  Lucky papa got to clean up the mess on the floor.

So I waited a little while and gave him some Tylenol, hoping that he would not throw it up.  He didn't.  But by this time it was 9 o'clock and he was wide awake.  Wanting to play.  I finally told my husband that I was going to bed (remember I was up all night the night before) and he could bring the baby in when he was ready for bed.  My husband tried rocking the baby to sleep but he became whiny and I told him to bring the baby to me.  I can't sleep when the baby is crying.  Finally, the baby went to sleep next to me and we got a bit more sleep monday night.

I got up yesterday intending to go to my stroller strides class.  The baby was a little fussy but seemed to be feeling better than Monday.  He likes to ride in his stroller so I thought what the heck.  I made some hot cocoa and sat down to check emails while the baby played a little.  He likes to bang on things, including the fish bowl.  I have to stop him from doing this at least a couple times a day.  Well yesterday we had an incident. He banged one more time and the 2 1/2 gallon fish bowl broke.  Fish water was gushing everywhere and I was beside myself.  I ran for towels (as many as I could find) and tried to soak up the water as it ran toward the electronics.  The very expensive, much appreciated electronics.  I then scooped the baby up who was now crying because he was scared and moved him away.  That's when it hit me.  Where was the fish?  The poor thing was flopping on the floor.  I scooped him into another bowl and he is doing just fine.  That fish is so resilient.  He has lived well beyond his life expectancy.  I guess he enjoys being with us.  I think he is going to miss his fish bowl though.  The bowl was still intact; It simply had a hole that the water gushed out of.  Luckily there wasn't a bunch of glass everywhere.  Luckily the baby didn't get hurt.  But there was still the matter of the wood floor and wool rug to address.  I enlisted my husband's help to move the  television, speakers and other electronics so that I could ensure the floor beneath them was dry.  He was less than pleased.  I spent the morning drying the floor, trying to soak up as much water from the rug as I could and trying to get rid of the fish smell. I was not a happy camper.  Yesterday afternoon I walked to the market to pick up rice, the item I forgot the day before, and guess what?  I managed to walk out of the store without it again.  I felt so stupid.  Talk about overtired.

Finally today the baby is feeling better and I am able to do a few things for myself, such as write a blog post.  I have a couple other items to tell you about, but they will have to wait as I have to tend to baby now. We'll talk soon!

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