Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Pre Halloween Rant

I bought my boy his halloween costume today.  Is that weird?  That I am dressing my baby up for his first halloween?  I mean, I know that he won't understand what it is all about, but I think he will have fun with it all.  I am going to have him wear his costume when we go to the pumpkin patch.  He may even wear it a couple times (why not get some use out of it).  I want to be able to take his picture in a costume for his 'first halloween'.  I chose not to get anything too fancy.  I also chose not to make a costume.  There will be plenty of years to come when I will be able to do that.  Years that won't require me to watch the boy's every move, allowing me a little more time to create and sew.  I went with a monkey costume.  It was between the monkey and lion and while I would love to all dress up like wizard of oz characters, the monkey fits my little monkey best!  I will not be taking my little guy trick or treating.  That would be weird.  "umm, hi.  my baby can't speak yet, but would you give him some candy in this bag or pumpkin that he can't yet carry?" "Oh, and I my baby also can't eat candy-he doesn't yet have teeth- but still, will you give him some candy?" "because I want some."  Nope.

I used to eat a lot of candy.  A lot.  It was a better option than cigarettes.  I don't eat much candy anymore- oh, except for those peanut butter cups that they sell at Trader Joes.  Those are the bomb! Yet, I will feel obligated to buy candy for halloween night, even though we have never had a trick or treater in the time I have lived here.  I would feel awful though if someone showed up and I had nothing.  I was thinking about buying a couple of decent candy bars and dressing them up a little (in a Martha Stewart way).  That way, should someone arrive I would have something, but most likely it will be something that I will enjoy eating.  Plus, I like crafty stuff. Yep.  I think this is the ticket!

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