Thursday, October 6, 2011

There's Always Tomorrow

Why is it that I never complete everything that I set out to do?  I read a lot of forums that seem to excuse moms from keeping a clean house.  I am so conflicted about this.  Should I give myself a break because I have a baby that can't be left alone for more than 30 seconds or should I have higher expectations of myself?  I am not meeting my expectations, so obviously I feel that I should be able to keep a neat, clean home, yet I am not delivering.  My husband even offered to get a maid for me.  I am so crazy that I said no thank you.  No thank you? What is wrong with me?  Yet, that's how I feel.  I want to be able to do it myself.  I get the bare minimum completed (on most days), you know, dishes, laundry, tidying...but things have got to improve.  I am really hoping that having a house with more space will help.  I honestly feel like half of the problem is not having a place to put everything.  Not everything has a home (that works) and therefore, I can't possibly be as organized as I would like.  I guess I use this as an excuse.  Not in a negative way.  In a true way.

Speaking of a new house, we are going on another house hunting adventure this weekend.  We are traveling seven hours in the car to look at what I am really hoping will be our new home.  It is the first home that seems to have true potential.  It is in what seems to be a quaint little community, but at least there is a community.  It is a rather large house on 3.5 acres.  It has internet access (no internet is a deal breaker and some of the homes that we have looked at have no access), and its capable of have cable, not just satellite.  So we are venturing off to take a look.

But thats not all!  What kind of mom would I be if I didn't put some activities on the itinerary?! So I figured we would visit the local farmers market while we are there.  This way we will get a feel for who lives in the area.  I thought we would visit a couple of the shops in the little town.  There is a dog bakery where Murphy will be able to pick out some treats.  He will be stoked to get a special treat after traveling all that way.  I wanted to find a fall festival or halloween festivities, but I couldn't find anything close enough of the dates we will be in town.  We will be stopping by the local airport (my husband will be flying in and out of it if we move so its worth checking out), and if I am lucky we will have time to visit a local winery before dinner.

Wine sounds good.  Now that I got the baby to sleep, for the second time, I think I will treat myself to a glass.  I wanted to pack this evening, but like the dusting and bathroom cleaning, that didn't get done. Oh well, there's always tomorrow.  One of the posts I read yesterday really resinated with me.  I can't remember how it went exactly but the point of it all was that babies are not babies forever and you should not feel guilty for slacking in some areas so that you can enjoy the precious moments with your little one.  I appreciate the sentiment.  Ok now that wine. Nighty night!

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