Thursday, October 13, 2011

The Clock Is Ticking Again

No beach for us today after all.  My husband needed the vehicle, such is life.  So we stayed in most of the day.  We don't have cable television, so I watch a lot of online programing - Hulu mainly.  That or Netflix.  I happened upon a show that may might be old news to you all but was new to me, called One Born Every Hour.  Its all about the labor and delivery unit at a hospital and each episode shares the birth of three babies.  I am hooked.  I watched it while the baby nursed this afternoon and since he fell asleep in my arms, I decided to watch a second episode as we snuggled on the couch.  It is making me want another  baby very badly.  I know that sounds crazy.... I see all these women going through the worst pain of their lives and it makes me want to go through the same, but the joy, the joy that is felt when it is all said and done, that it what gets me every time. I also think the people in the room with the women are comical.

I didn't want anyone around when I had my son.  We don't have any local family (other than a cousin), so we didn't feel obligated to allow people to share in the delivery experience.  Was this the right decision though? Neither one of us had been through child birth before and it can be pretty scary.  In the end everything worked out well.  His mom came out when the baby was about two weeks old and the rest of the family trickled in throughout the month.  I am not sure what we will do when we have another baby.  We will have to have someone to watch Logan.

There are so many factors to consider when expanding your family.  Its not all that difficult to bring the first baby into your family, provided you have the necessary resources to accommodate a baby.  With baby number two however, it seems you need to be a bit more thoughtful.  It starts with deciding when to have the next baby.  Is it too soon to start trying? How long should I wait? What factors do I need to consider when trying to conceive baby number two?  These are all questions I have asked.  I spoke to my ob-gyn early on about how long one should wait before trying for another baby.  She let me know that physically my body was back to normal.  I wasn't even close to ready at that point.  Speaking candidly, I didn't even really want to have sex at that point as it was painful.  I read lots online and what I found was the popular response to the question was to wait 18 to 24 month before trying to conceive baby number two.  Your body needs time to heal before you put it through another pregnancy.

As my son is approaching his first birthday, I am getting a more intense urge to start trying for another baby.  Yep, the baby bug is wanting to bite! I am not sure if my body is in the same place as my mind though.  I am still breast feeding and my menstrual periods have not returned.  I have heard that it is difficult to get pregnant when this is the case.  A couple people I know have weaned their children from the breast because they are wanting to try for another baby.  I am not ready to stop breast feeding.  It is possible to ovulate even when periods have not returned, however, and I have read that there are a couple things that can increase fertility for women in my position.  Sometimes cutting out one feeding a day or night weaning can help.  I think I might be ok with creating more of a schedule with breast feeding, cutting back on the feeding upon cue.  This could help.

But when is the best time to have baby number two? Do we have the resources to accommodate two babies? I mean, I am not getting any younger, so if I want to have several children, I need to consider this as well.  How will another baby effect our family unit? There is just so much to consider.  For now we are enjoying every minute with our beautiful baby boy. He amazes me everyday.  Love Love Love him!

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