Last night we had further success with the night weaning. As I planned, I nursed the baby as many times as he wanted to prior to me going to bed. The first session was at 745pm. The baby was in his crib by eight and slept for about and hour. At nine my husband went in the bedroom and tried to comfort him, but the little guy got progressively more escalated, so I nursed him again and when he was almost sleeping we put him in his swing. He stayed there for about a half hour then I transferred him to his crib. No issues. I went to bed around 1045pm and at 1130 the baby woke. My husband was still awake and the living room was still loud and light so I nursed the baby one last time for the night. I then told my husband that he needed to get on board blah, blah, blah, (so maybe I was a little bitchy.... whatever) and come to bed so when the baby wakes again I can keep with the plan. My husband has a tendency to fall asleep while watching television and then the TV stays on until all hours of the night while he snores away in the chair or on the couch. Not the calm, quiet, dark ambiance I look for when trying to get the baby to sleep - although I think the snoring may work like white noise, not sure.
So the baby went back to sleep and woke again at 330am. "Like clockwork" I thought to myself as I picked him up. I know he stirred several times before that and whimpered but was able to go back to sleep on his own. Mama was proud of him! This time however, he was standing up and crying so I went to him. We went to the living room and I tried to rock him. This upset him further. I offered him water. No dice. He was not interested. He cried for about ten minutes which was not pleasant but I just held him and walked around. It was not consistent crying. It happened in spurts where he would wail and then rest, then cry some more and then rest. In fact, the longest amount of time he cried was while I was changing his diaper, but I figured while we are up might as well get some freshies on! After a few minutes he yawned and rested his head on my shoulder. I walked around with him for a bit longer and once I knew he was asleep I placed him in his crib. He went down without issue. It only took a half hour this time. Progress!
I went back to bed and like the night before, could not get back to sleep. How frustrating! I have the opportunity for sleep and my mind wont stop working long enough for me to catch some zzz's. I didn't look at my phone because I didn't want to become engaged in surfing the web etc. so I just tossed and turned and tossed and turned. The baby woke again at 530am. I had not fallen back to sleep and was a little bitter about it but was happy that the baby got sleep! I again, picked him up and he had no interest in rocking. He cried again for about ten minutes off and on and then I took him to the refrigerator and took out his milk. This kind of woke him up a little and he immediately stopped crying. Gosh, perhaps I will try it sooner tonight. He drank a few ounces of his milk and went right to sleep in my arms. He was willing to rock, walk around, sit in my bed with me. He was out! So I placed him in his crib and as soon as I got in bed he cried. I picked him up, cradled him in my arms for a few minutes and was successful at putting him back in his crib. This time it had been 25 minutes. I could have said a half hour again, but when you are looking for shortened periods of time every minute counts!
Before I knew it, I heard my husband talking on the phone and knew it was time to get up. I opened my eyes to find the baby standing in his crib sorting laundry from the hamper that is placed next to his crib. What a good boy! I guess this means it's time to do laundry if the hamper is full enough to where he can reach the clothes! Honestly, he is such a sweet boy! No crying in the morning. No nursing in the morning. Just got up, got dressed, ate breakfast and headed out to stroller strides!
So how are my boobs you ask? Well, a little heavy. A little sore. Not too bad. I didn't have much pain when I completed the day weaning because I did it gradually. Night weaning might prove to cause a little more discomfort. I will keep you posted!
Tonight I will be going out to visit with some friends and the baby will be home with Papa. I am curious to see if he is in his crib when I get home. I am hoping he is at least asleep in his swing. I am not sure if I will nurse him before I go out, but I am certain the baby will wake shortly after I return home at which point we will do our nursing session and then continue with our routine for the rest of the night.
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