The baby likes to be rocked now. He never liked to be rocked before this. I tried more than a few times in the past to get the baby to rock with me and he was never content. Now, however he will rock with me if he wakes in the night and falls back to sleep. Awesome! One night he nursed and then when I went to put him in his crib he fussed. I picked him up and walked back to the living room and he pointed to the rocking chair! He pointed at the chair! I was so excited! We rocked and he went right to sleep.
The baby sleeps better now. Twice now he has 'slept through the night'. By this I mean, once he slept from 9pm - 530am. Last night he slept from 11pm - 7am, and I am pretty sure he would have slept longer except my husband's alarm is so damn loud. So, we have had two nights of complete rest in a week. How amazing that felt! Most other nights he has slept for for an hour or two, wakes up, goes back to sleep for about five hours, wakes up and then sleeps again for another couple hours at which point we get up. Five hours is more sleep than I have gotten in months so I'm taking it! One or two nights were pretty rough where the baby was up a lot and/or didn't easily go back to sleep.
The baby sleeps in his crib now. For several months it became the norm for the baby to sleep in our bed with us. I fully believe each family needs to decide what sleeping arrangement works best for them, but co-sleeping was not the best option for us. I was too nervous to co-sleep in the beginning months because I felt the baby was too little. Once the baby was a bit more robust, I became more comfortable with the idea and would allow him to get into bed with us as a treat. Then it got to the point where I let the baby sleep with us out of convenience. It was easier to get him back to sleep in my bed than to transfer him to his crib. Recently I started to feel a bit trapped as the little guy would sometimes not go to sleep unless he was in my bed. I am happy to say that since we started our night weaning, he has slept in crib every night! I think everyone sleeps a little better now. My husband and I don't have to worry about the little one in the bed and he gets to move around all night long without having us in the way.
He still loves me! I think it is important to note that although I am nursing less, the baby is just as happy, loving and sweet as he was prior to this process. Yes, he can become fussy, but that happened before too. Breastfeeding allowed for a very special bonding time between my son and I and while I will miss it and loved it while it lasted, I feel it is for the best that we move on. We still get in plenty of cuddle time each day!
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