Not feeling so hot today. I am really needing to focus on positives to find them. I always struggle a bit (emotionally) when my better half is out of town, so this week is probably going to be tough. On top of that though, I am feeling physically crappy which makes it so much worse. Let's just recap the disasters of the past week.
The worst thing that happened: The baby fell and banged his head on the coffee table. Now, I had those corner protector goodies on the table when I childproofed the home and the baby quickly pulled them off. All I was left with was sticky goo on the table which was not fun to remove. So I decided we would just have to be careful. Well, the inevitable happened. Logan was sitting in his chair that he got for christmas. I walked into the kitchen and it was at that moment (of course) that he fell into the table which made his head bleed. This was the first bleeding incident for us so you can only imagine how I felt. I wasn't sure what to do, whether we needed to go to the ER or put ice on or what. My husband assured me that the boy was fine and since he stopped crying after a minute, I supposed he was. We washed the wound, applied pressure and put a band-aid on. At least I was smart enough to buy cool band-aids for the kid in anticipation of some learning to walk mishaps. I felt awful but am happy to say that his head is just fine.
The next day I stupidly put the dog's water bowl on top of the washer and then started laundry. Once the spin cycle hit the bowl fell onto the kitchen floor and broke (its a plastic bowl and it broke) spilling water over then entire kitchen. Ok, so that wasn't too bad, but I do need to buy a new water bowl and it was annoying to clean up.
Then there was the following day when I stopped at In-N-Out on my way home. I learned my lesson a few months back that I need to put the food in a bag, not a box, when bringing it home. I always liked to get it in a box so that everything was placed nicely and such. One day however, that changed. You see, its hard to carry the baby and your burger and drink etc. and when I picked up my box with my half free hand, I managed to dump the whole thing on the ground. Well, some of the french fries landed on the floor of the car, but most of it was on the ground. I was so disappointed and never since have I gotten my food to go in a box! I have a whole system (sad, I know) where I place my drink in the diaper bag and carry the kid and my bag o' food in my hands / arms. This day however, I also splurged by getting a vanilla shake. I carefully placed the shake in the diaper bag as well and we successfully made it into the house! I went to place the baby in his christmas chair and place the diaper bag on an end table next to it. That's when it happened. The shake dumped over in his chair. Not just a little, the whole damn thing. The cover came off and the shake gushed out. I couldn't believe it. I rushed to clean it up before the melted ice cream seeped into all the crevasses of the chair and by the time I got it all taken care of my food was cold. Whatever. It could have been worse. I could have spilled it on the fabric couch or on the wool rug.
Alright. Enough with my disaster recap. I must say though, getting it out made me feel better. I am able to laugh about it now. Not the baby's cut, but the rest! Here are a couple reminders of the good times this past week!
For those of you that have followed us for a while, you may recall that my little darling broke the two and a half gallon fish bowl a while back. Since then the fish has lived in a small bowl that seemed cruel to keep him in given his previous home. Finally, this past week, I went out and got a new home for him! I am loving it and so is he! He is making bubbles again!
There were plenty of good times outside playing in the dirt! I love that our climate it generally warm, sunny and dry! It doesn't get better than that for me!
My silly boy thinks that all the dog's toys and goodies are his too. Every time I turn around he is putting the dog bones, dog food, and dog toys in his mouth. Yuck!