Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday Fun Day ~ Reading Corner

Why is it that Mondays are always so..... Monday-ish?  I used to dread Monday coming because it meant going back to work after what was typically a fun filled weekend.  I think this is pretty common, unless you are lucky enough to find your dream job and enjoy going to work no matter what day of the week it is.  I don't mind Mondays, as it feels that my days are all very similar.  However this Monday morning I could tell it was Monday.

What's worse than Monday morning? Why, a Monday morning with plumbing issues.  It could have been so much worse.  I wasn't that impacted, but it was still a pain.  The drain behind my washer became clogged and there were bubbles spilling out of the hose thingy (mama's technical term).  I wasn't even using the washer or running water.  This was simply another one of the joys of living in an apartment built in the thirties.  So I called the manager and she said the maintenance guy would be here in the early afternoon.  When someone says early afternoon, what time comes into your mind?  I think 1pm, maybe 2.  It was 530pm when he got here.  I wouldn't have minded except I really needed to do laundry today as well as go to the market.  I thought, "ok, I will wait until after he comes and then I will take a shower, go to the market, come home then start in on laundry."  Silly me, I thought this would all get done prior to dinner time.  I ended up not taking a shower, going to the market at 530 and starting laundry at 830 (while I cooked dinner).

At least it was taken care of.  At least I got everything completed with one exception.  I wanted to participate in a tele-conference today and had to end it before it really even began because life called and it just didn't work out for me today.  I allowed myself to take a bath tonight since I didn't get a shower and now I feel pretty good.  I had BBQ chicken for dinner with some corn on the cob and roasted potatoes.  Yum! I got the baby to bed and he has not woken up yet. Yay!

Now for the project....
Since we got some new books this weekend, we made today's Monday Fun Day Activity creating a reading corner.  It is not my dream reading corner, but its a temporary solution. It would be ideal if I owned a small book shelf to keep all of the baby's books.  When we move into our own home, I will be buying one, but I want to wait so that I get the perfect shelf for the space.  We set up the space on one corner of the baby's play mat.  For now, I took his books off of the big book shelf that they were housed on and put them along a wall for him to access.  We put a blanket down so that he can snuggle while we read.  He also has a little chair (kind of like a bumbo) that he can sit in.  In addition, there is a spot where we can place the story board when we want to incorporate this into our reading session. The one item that I will be purchasing is a bean bag chair.  After this, our temporary reading corner will be complete.  I can't wait to move.  I can't wait to have a special area in our new home dedicated to reading.  It can't come fast enough.... Logan seems to like his reading corner though.  He already pulls books out to look at.  I made a point to go to him when I saw him pull one out and we read it together.  Another time however, I let him look at the book on his own so that he could explore as he wanted. I love watching him grow, although it seems to be going by so fast.

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