Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Hot House

When the weather gets hot, the hot go shopping!  Really, it's important to keep cool in this hot, hot heat and if you are one of the few like me (without air conditioning) you have to find ways to stay sane - I mean, cool.  Go to the movies, a museum, the Library or the mall.  Do whatever you need to do to keep yourself and your little one safe from this heat.

I don't know about you, but I find that when it is hot, the baby doesn't want to eat as much... certainly not solid foods.  I tried to serve him food that was cold and found that this helped.  I also made sure to give him water to keep him hydrated.  The little guy sweats more than a pro athlete! He kept waking up throughout the night last night and his bed was wet from sweat.  It's really his head that gets sweaty.  So I nursed him each time he woke to make sure he was getting liquids. He fell back to sleep very quickly each time, so although we were up every two hours, I really didn't mind.  I felt so bad for him.  I even contemplated renting a hotel room tonight just to rest comfortably, but then decided I didn't need to spend the money.

I don't usually like to ride around in the car (well, I do like it, but I don't do it) because of gas prices, but today I made an exception.  It was so hot in the house and the baby was just not going down for his nap.  So in the truck we went so that we could get some relief from the heat and the baby could comfortably sleep for a bit.  We actually did this twice today.  For the first trip we left the dog at home (before it got too hot in the house) and  before returning home we did a little shopping for baby.  This afternoon though, I felt even the dog needed some relief from the heat so we all piled in the vehicle again. I am not just a mom to the baby, but also the dog after all, and I don't want him to suffer any more than the rest of us.

We visited The Children's Place outlet store near The Grove in Los Angeles.  Logan was in need of some new T-Shirts as his are getting a little short. They had a fantastic deal on Tees with solid colors for $2.99 and printed Tees for $4.99. I went for the solids and stocked up!  We also walked out with a few other items and I felt it was a great success!

Tomorrow is not supposed to bring much change in temperature.  Oh how I would welcome some clouds right now! We will no doubt be seeking the a/c again tomorrow.  What to do, what to do....

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