The baby had a doctor appointment yesterday morning. I spoke to the doctor about his on going constipation issues. We had discussed it at the last appointment and talked about trying different things with regard to his diet. Yesterday we spoke about several other options since dietary adjustments don't seem to be helping much or - at all. One option was to put him on Miralax. I have read, this has proven to be successful to treat (or prevent) constipation in infants, however, from what it I read, the child can end up being on miralax for many months or even years. The pediatrician confirmed this and said that some parents don't like it as an option for that reason. I don't know if this is a bad thing necessarily, but I think I would like it to be a last resort for us. The pediatrician suggested we try giving the baby probiotics. I was totally on board with that option. I started feeding Logan Happy Bellies (Happy Baby brand) cereal a couple weeks ago, which contain probiotics. I thought this might help. The doc wasn't sure that he would get enough from the cereal and suggested BioGaia Probiotic Drops. They also come in straws.
It took a few phone calls and a drive to Silverlake, but I found them! The drops are easy enough to give. Five drops a day.... that's it. I put them on a spoon and fed them to the baby, but you can add them to water or other cold drink. It doesn't change the flavor of the drink. He didn't seem to mind it at all. So now we wait. I asked the doc how long it would take to see some effect and she felt that it would take at least a week to see results. So we anxiously await!
Foods we are staying away from include bananas, apples and rice for the most part. I will let the baby have puffs every now and then which are made with rice flour, but he doesn't even eat close to a serving size and it doesn't seem to effect him any more negatively when he eats them than when he does not. The doctor asked if I was feeding him a lot of breads, pasta or dairy and Logan doesn't eat much of any of these items. If he eats bread or pasta it is a couple bites of what I am eating. He hasn't yet begun eating cheese or yogurt (although we will be starting yogurt). I have cautiously moved forward with new foods as I don't want to make matters worse.
Foods that I try to get the baby to eat include prunes, pears, peas, apricots, and peaches. He likes all of them. Pears seem to be the most helpful in getting things moving although even with pears he seems to have issues. I push all fruits and vegetables. I give him fruit with his morning cereal. I give him veggies for lunch and dinner with fruit for snacks in between. He enjoys cheerios as well. Logan doesn't seem too interested in drinking juice anymore, which he used to really like. He will however drink water, so I let him drink water whenever he wants. Some people have concerns about giving infants water because (I have heard) the baby is filling up and not getting the nutrients that he needs. This isn't the case with my son. He is getting plenty to eat between breast feeding and solid feedings. He is gaining weight fine and needs to stay hydrated. I recently got him a sippy cup with a straw and he is having so much fun drinking water from it!
Lets hope we get some relief for the little guy. It will be a relief for all of us.

Foods we are staying away from include bananas, apples and rice for the most part. I will let the baby have puffs every now and then which are made with rice flour, but he doesn't even eat close to a serving size and it doesn't seem to effect him any more negatively when he eats them than when he does not. The doctor asked if I was feeding him a lot of breads, pasta or dairy and Logan doesn't eat much of any of these items. If he eats bread or pasta it is a couple bites of what I am eating. He hasn't yet begun eating cheese or yogurt (although we will be starting yogurt). I have cautiously moved forward with new foods as I don't want to make matters worse.
Foods that I try to get the baby to eat include prunes, pears, peas, apricots, and peaches. He likes all of them. Pears seem to be the most helpful in getting things moving although even with pears he seems to have issues. I push all fruits and vegetables. I give him fruit with his morning cereal. I give him veggies for lunch and dinner with fruit for snacks in between. He enjoys cheerios as well. Logan doesn't seem too interested in drinking juice anymore, which he used to really like. He will however drink water, so I let him drink water whenever he wants. Some people have concerns about giving infants water because (I have heard) the baby is filling up and not getting the nutrients that he needs. This isn't the case with my son. He is getting plenty to eat between breast feeding and solid feedings. He is gaining weight fine and needs to stay hydrated. I recently got him a sippy cup with a straw and he is having so much fun drinking water from it!
Lets hope we get some relief for the little guy. It will be a relief for all of us.