Thursday, July 14, 2011

One Rested Mama

Logan has not been sleeping well for the past week or so and it progressively got worse and worse until the night before last, after getting up four times between ten and one, I put him in my bed to sleep because I didn’t want to continue the routine as I had the previous two nights. He was waking about every forty-five minutes and crying, not just fussing but full on crying, not able to be consoled while in his crib by back rubbing, “shhhh” or “its ok” talk, not even a pacifier. I have never spent the night with him in my bed. He sometimes is able to stay there for an hour or so in the morning, but never throughout the night. It worked though. He slept a bit better, not great, but better. It is not something I want to make a habit of, but I guess that it’s ok to show him some special attention every now and then. ☺

You know, a while back Logan began waking in the middle of the night when he rolled over onto his belly and was stuck. Then he seemed to improve with soothing himself back to sleep when this happened. More recently however, it’s happening again. He will roll over and now try to move around in his crib and piss himself off, start crying and need to be taken out of the crib in order to get him back to sleep. This is what was going on every forty-five minutes. My husband and I were trying to figure out what exactly was causing the reaction. Was he uncomfortable on his tummy? Is he scared of the dark? Is it an “I want my mommy” behavior?

It is probably some combination of the above, but for whatever reason, last night was so much better (proving again that just when you think you are at your breaking point you get relief). He was fussy in the evening and didn’t stay asleep until 10pm, but after that, he didn’t wake until 330. After the past few nights I was ecstatic! I mean, that’s more sleep than I had total the previous nights! Then, he went back sleep until 730 this morning! Wow! He hadn’t rolled over either. He was still on his back when I went to get him. Even more shocking however is that he is still sleeping! After he ate he went back to bed. I got up to make my hot cocoa and have some ‘me’ time. I heard him fuss a little but when I checked on him he was sound asleep on his belly. So he can do it when he feels like it. I have noticed that he is an excellent sleeper in the morning. He always has been. Those 4am to 9am hours are when he sleeps the most soundly. We also put the nightlight in the room rather than in the bathroom across from the room. I am not sure that this helped, but hey, I’ll take whatever help I can get!

So this morning, I didn’t go to stroller strides. I feel rested. I am taking time for myself to sit and write and just be. As the boy gets more mobile, the availability of these opportunities is dwindling. Appreciate the moments that you are given!

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