Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fitness and Beyond

Lets start with my Day 6 gift. This afternoon I opened my front door and there was a box on the mat. It was filled with Fitness attire and new shoes! I bought myself a present for following through on my commitment to work out. I don’t buy myself things too often, but the fact is I needed some shorts to work out in since it is hot everyday now and my class is outside. I have been in the market for shoes for several months now and I did purchase some but I’m not sure if I am sold. I am going to continue to look as the ones I purchased may be a bit too pink – but what a fantastic gift!

Now that I am in the groove of working out to some extent each day, it is time to move forward on to my next challenge. It’s a doozy for me….. cooking!

Why cooking? Well, it is important to me to provide healthy balanced meals for my children. I also feel that it is important to sit around the dinner table each evening and have family time. I remember being in high school and eating dinner with a family that is near and dear to my heart and I recall thinking “this is what I want for my family when I have my own.” I remember my mother cooking, but I also remember going out to eat often and as a single mother she worked a lot. She was not always able to provide healthy balanced meals (she did however teach me about healthy eating).

My husband has really been the healthy influence in my life. He is a fantastic cook. Now that I am at home, I would like to become the primary cook in our family. Its not that I don’t cook, in fact I cook myself lunch and dinner most days and breakfast sometimes, but I don’t cook family meals very often at all. I also tend to cook the same things over and over. I eat frozen entrees for lunch several times a week. So I am going to set a goal to improve in this area.

This week I will look at some recipe websites and cookbooks in an effort to be inspired to cook some fabulous vegetarian entrees. There will be some meals that I will have to cook both meat and a meat substitute for (because I like eating meat), but I am willing to work a bit harder in order to have family meals.

I realize that my goal needs to be attainable so I am not going to say that I will cook a three course meal every evening, however I will make something new every three days (or at least 2 times per week). There are some days when I know I won’t want to cook and some days when I will not be able to due to the baby’s needs, so I feel that this is a good start.

I will be honest. I am not sure how I will do with this goal. Only time will tell if I am able to follow through. Wish me luck!

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