Monday, July 18, 2011

I Want My Mama

My son is going through a serious “I want my mommy “ phase. I mentioned in a previous post that he has been waking in the evening and I anticipated that one of the reasons might be that he wants my attention. As I was reading about ‘waking in the night’, I found that many babies go through the same thing around the seven month mark. All of a sudden it seems that they begin to have nighttime separation anxiety. Interesting. So my son is normal.

It is not just in the middle of the night though. If I set him down he cries. I can usually distract him by playing with him for a minute or giving him an interesting toy. If I leave the room he cries. He will even work his way into the room I went to. For example, if I leave him on his play mat in the living area and run to the bathroom, he will drag himself over to the bathroom doorway. Its cute but I want him to feel comfortable when I am not around. I don’t really lose a visual on him now since he is more active, but I will run to the kitchen for a glass of water and such. If I am going to be cooking I bring him in the kitchen with me and he sits in his highchair. If it’s a real bad day, I strap him into the baby backpack to get some things done.

I have been reading that if you do not spend much time away from your baby, you may want to start with small increments of time in which you leave his sight and then come back before he starts to get really upset (but don’t wait until he is hysterical or else he will learn that this is what will get you back). This way he will learn that when you go somewhere, you come back. I try leaving him with my husband for a little time each day. I will do the dishes or stay in bed a few minutes longer for instance so that Logan understands that I am not the only one who can care for him. He used to be fine with Papa in the morning, but now he is fussy and it is not relaxing at all. I may start to take an hour a week to have me time out of the house (or I might send them away). I think this would be good on several levels. It would also give Papa some quality time with his boy. I am not exactly sure how feasible this is but it’s worth taking a look.

After all, there will come a time when I want to have a date with my husband and will want to leave Logan with a babysitter. Perhaps, this is just a phase and it will pass. As a first time mom I probably over think these things. I don’t want my son to have an unhealthy attachment. I know that separation anxiety is normal, so we will work through this. It’s not a burden by any means, just something I am aware of. I like giving my little one all the attention he needs to be happy or content!

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