I picked up a birdhouse kit (there are many out there) while shopping. We ended up with a Toysmith model and it worked marvelously for us. I happened upon the kit at Homegoods, however I had also shopped for them on Amazon and found a sufficient selection.
To complete the project we had to first get ready, which for Logan means putting on his builder hat and grabbing his tools. We are huge fans of green toys and the green toys tool set is yet another example of an exceptional toy for tots! Lowes has a build and grow series. They sell sets for children (admittedly for children a bit older than mine but my darling husband can't seem to resist, and lets be honest, my toddler looks pretty darn cute in the builder duds)!

Once we were ready to build we took everything out of the box and before I could even get the instructions open, my two year old was already correctly assembling the birdhouse. The instructions were simple to follow and once we completed the assembly (a joint effort for safety reasons), Logan was able to paint it and pick out the perfect spot to hang it.

To do this we took a couple paper rolls, painted peanut butter around the tube and rolled the tube around in bird seed. Simple eh?! We found a branch to hang it on and watched the birds come. The dog really wanted to get the peanut butter down from the tree but couldn't quite figure out how. Unfortunately the squirrel was smart enough to figure it out. No surprise there. Oh well, it was fun while it lasted!

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