I have been talking about wanting to work out more for a couple months. I have been listing off obstacles that stand in my way: I get no time to myself. I can't go jogging because I don't have a double stroller or a treadmill. I can't go to the gym because I don't have a babysitter. Every time I try to complete a video my toddler jumps on my or my baby cries. YaDaYaDaYaDA....
Enough with why I can't. It's time to focus on how I can. I'm hopping back on the workout wagon!
- I can get up early and either go for a jog by myself or grab the baby (who wakes before the toddler) and stroll around the neighborhood before my husband leaves for work
- I can engage my toddler in some exercising (he enjoys this although he distracts easily)
- I can exercise after the kids go to bed
The post bedtime workout routine is going to be the main focus of my shape up challenge. I don't care how long a day I've had, I don't care how tired and beat I am, I don't care if I have zero interest in completing any exercise. It's happening. I have decided to complete the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. I know a few friends who are challenging themselves with this program so I decided to give it a try. Before I purchased the dvd, I did some research online. I read that the routine consisted of a 20 minute workout focused on strength, cardio and abs. People said it wasn't easy, that there were no breaks and it went by fast. This all sounded good to me so I clicked the purchase button. I was on my way!
I expected to receive the video today (Friday) and committed to starting today. I went out to run and errand yesterday and the video was sitting on my doorstep. It came early! Now what? Do I start early? Do I leave it until tomorrow? I decided to give it a test run last night. To motivate myself even more and to cross another excuse off the list, I went out to the shoe store and immediately bought myself some new sneaks. I gave myself a budget of $50 to get whatever shoes felt good on my feet and succeeded at finding the perfect pair. Honestly, I would have spent more if necessary but it wasn't so.... Bonus!
I did the workout last night without weights because they were in the garage and I didn't feel like digging through boxes to get them. I found the workout to be effective but not so difficult that I wanted to quit. It was the perfect length. I got my weights today and opted for the 5 pound option instead of the 3 pound weights. Tomorrow I will use the threes! I think its safe to say that I am going to be sore tomorrow. The push ups were a little harder today and my legs are beginning to feel the after effects.
As of right now, I don't plan on following the online program which probably has a diet plan to go along with the exercise etc. I know that I need to make some food choice changes but have never been on a diet before and am not excited to start now. Hopefully some minor adjustments will go a long way! Wish me luck on my journey and I will update you periodically as to how it all is going!
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