I'm so tired. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying.
Wednesday, November 28, 2012
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Barnes & Noble Story Time
I have begun taking O to story time at our local Barnes & Noble store. They offered story time at the Barnes & Noble where I lived previously but I never attended mostly because we were already attending a story time at the library (which was closer to my home). I was searching for activities in the area of our new home and I decided to give the Woodland Hills Barnes & Noble a shot. Boy am I glad I did! Miss Jennifer, the facilitator, is great! We have attended twice now and both times my son has had a good time. The first time we attended there was a curious george theme. Miss Jennifer read books and the kids got to color curious george pictures. In addition, there was dancing to songs such as 'if you're happy and you know it' and the hokey pokey! O did want to leave a little early (I think it got a little too chaotic for him) that day, however by the time we got to the car he was crying because he wanted to go back. He kept saying "more" while getting in the car. I let him know that we would attend the following week and I kept my word. Last week the theme was Thanksgiving. Not only were there stories and coloring pages associated with Thanksgiving, but this time there was a craft project as well. Each child got a bag with materials to make a centerpiece for the table. How thoughtful! The bag contained a paper plate with a square of floral foam attached. Also included were fake plants and flowers as well as a flag that said Happy Thanksgiving. O had a blast putting the centerpiece together. We brought it home and placed it in the center of our table. He is so proud of what he created and I of course, am proud of him too!
It is so great that we happened upon the Barnes & Noble story time. The unfortunate thing is that the store that we have been going to is closing. The good news is Miss Jennifer is going to begin a story time at the Calabasas store which is not too much further. If it continues to be more of the same, it will be well worth the trip.
Monday Fun Day ~ Pine Cone Turkey
Since Thanksgiving is this week it is only appropriate that we complete a holiday craft for Monday Fun Day.
We have recently been completing A LOT of yard work. As we happen upon pine cones, my little guy collects them and now has a bin full of the cones. Pine cones are fantastic. They can be used by themselves or with other fall items to create a centerpiece or decoration for the home. In addition, they make great craft components.
Today we made turkeys out of pine cones. I was able to find lots of ideas online for how to create our turkeys. Some people had created their pine cone turkeys using a pom pom for the head (a styrofoam ball or wooden ball would also work). I found feathers, tissue paper, and pipe cleaners used for feathers. You could also use felt or construction paper, colored leaves if you are fortunate enough to live in an area with fabulous fall foliage, or painted cardboard from a left over box or paper plate (the plates with the slight accordion style edge work well). I was most inspired by the turkey from AmazingMoms.com
Today we chose to use feathers for one turkey and pipe cleaners for the other turkey. We made the head and neck out of felt, used plastic googly eyes, and construction craft paper for the bill and wattle (that's the red, dangly thing). We first constructed the face. Then we attached our feathers by sticking them in the pine cone. We didn't have to use glue, but depending on the cone it may be necessary. We then glued the head to the bottom of the pine cone to complete our turkey! This is what we accomplished.
We have recently been completing A LOT of yard work. As we happen upon pine cones, my little guy collects them and now has a bin full of the cones. Pine cones are fantastic. They can be used by themselves or with other fall items to create a centerpiece or decoration for the home. In addition, they make great craft components.

Today we chose to use feathers for one turkey and pipe cleaners for the other turkey. We made the head and neck out of felt, used plastic googly eyes, and construction craft paper for the bill and wattle (that's the red, dangly thing). We first constructed the face. Then we attached our feathers by sticking them in the pine cone. We didn't have to use glue, but depending on the cone it may be necessary. We then glued the head to the bottom of the pine cone to complete our turkey! This is what we accomplished.
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Love The Way You Learn
Do you ever question whether your toddler is on track with development? When my son was 18 months old he had no true words. Despite me reading to him several times a day, he barely said mama and most of the time it came out as 'ma'. He called all objects 'ma' or 'ba'. When we had his 18month check up at the doctor, she stated that usually at 18 months if a child is not speaking any words, she recommends a hearing test. I knew my son didn't need a hearing test. He could comprehend everything that we said. I would talk about taking the dog for a walk and he would go grab the dog's leash. I would say "where are my keys?" or "where are your shoes?" and he would quickly go on a mission to find them. Wouldn't you know, he always knew exactly where my keys were! So, obviously he didn't have a hearing problem. We decided to see how things went over the next few months and at 21 months he had several words that he said. Not many, but a few. He attempted to make animal sounds and while they weren't perfect (or in some cases even the right sound), they were the same sound every time. I was still questioning if he was delayed in his speech development. I was comforted by the fact that a couple friends with kids my son's age said that their kids were at a similar speech level.
My son will be 24 months [2 years- Wow!] on Sunday and his speech abilities have rocketed since that 21 month mark. In fact, as I am writing this it is hard to believe that we had that concern just three months ago. Slowly he began saying more words and correcting the animal sounds to more correct sounds. Now he is repeating many of the words that we say throughout the day. I make a huge deal out of every new word that he says and then we continuously practice the word.
He is not stating phrases yet, but he is able to verbally communicate his needs and desires instead of whining and grunting! Recently we have been doing some pre-school type activities each day. We have a letter of the day type of learning happening and it is amazing. He is really taking to it well. In addition, I have been letting him watch "Super Why" which he loves! When the letters show up on the screen he says them out loud. I am shocked at how many letters he knows. It won't be long before he is speaking more than I want him too! - Are we there yet? I don't wan't to! NO!
Oh well, I love that he is learning. I love that he is speaking. I love that he is growing. He is so much fun!
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My son will be 24 months [2 years- Wow!] on Sunday and his speech abilities have rocketed since that 21 month mark. In fact, as I am writing this it is hard to believe that we had that concern just three months ago. Slowly he began saying more words and correcting the animal sounds to more correct sounds. Now he is repeating many of the words that we say throughout the day. I make a huge deal out of every new word that he says and then we continuously practice the word.
He is not stating phrases yet, but he is able to verbally communicate his needs and desires instead of whining and grunting! Recently we have been doing some pre-school type activities each day. We have a letter of the day type of learning happening and it is amazing. He is really taking to it well. In addition, I have been letting him watch "Super Why" which he loves! When the letters show up on the screen he says them out loud. I am shocked at how many letters he knows. It won't be long before he is speaking more than I want him too! - Are we there yet? I don't wan't to! NO!
Oh well, I love that he is learning. I love that he is speaking. I love that he is growing. He is so much fun!
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Monday, November 12, 2012
Bedtime Bliss ~ Our Long Journey
It took almost two years, but finally, finally we have bedtime success! Let me start at the beginning so that those who are where I was don't feel so alone.
Bedtime has always been a struggle for us. As a result, we developed what some would consider bad habits. I tried several techniques described either in books I read (books that I loved and thought for sure would work for us), found online or were used by friends and family to try to get my son to bed on his own and at a reasonable hour. We have always had a bedtime routine (the typical bath, book, bed type) but my son would not go to bed on his own. Yes, I am sure if I implemented the cry it out method it would have worked eventually, but I just couldn't do it. I was in a situation where my son had to be sleeping before being put in his crib for well over a year. On top of this he was going to bed way too late for a little guy at around 10pm. He wasn't lacking sleep as he would sleep late into the morning and take a lengthy nap in the afternoon but my husband and I never had time to ourselves in the evening. Mom and Dad should really have some Mom and Dad time.
For a year I nursed my son to sleep day and night. After that ended I would get him to sleep by putting him in his swing (yes we used it way too long) or rocking him until he was out and then would ever so carefully place him in his crib. Then I got pregnant and my pregnant belly just couldn't handle the bending over into the crib towards the end! It was hard enough to rock him on my disappearing lap! So we transferred to a toddler bed. Again, I tried to get my son to go to bed on his own, thinking this was a new, exciting way to get him on board. Nope. Now he could not only scream, but get out of bed over and over again.
I think part of the problem was that we were in a one bedroom apartment. My son could see my bed with me not in it and hear the tv in the other room or Mama and Papa talking. He wanted in on the action. If we got the boy to sleep at an earlier hour he would wake at least once prior to us going to bed and we would have to start the process of getting him to sleep over again. This usually meant turning off the tv and lights even though we weren't ready for bed ourselves. My son wasn't able to soothe himself back to sleep. When we put him to bed later in the evening he tended to stay asleep and when I was pregnant, this is what I cared about more than his bedtime. A full night of sleep was my priority. If I was woken in the middle of the night it was rare that I could easily fall back to sleep.
I felt guilty for a long time about our bedtime habits. I was ashamed that my kid stayed up so late in the evening. Then I found that I was not alone. I spoke with other moms who were in my same boat and I began to feel more normal. Perhaps my son's body had its own internal clock that was set similar to my own rather than to kid time. I did, however, continue to feel a bit ashamed to still be using his swing. I mean he was four months from being two and he was still using a swing to take naps and get to sleep at night? No bueno. This continued until we had the baby and moved into our new home.
Once we moved, I explained that the swing was now for "E" and we would have a new routine for going to sleep. I started with bedtime. I began rocking with "O" in his bedroom (this was key: the rocking chair didn't fit in the bedroom in our apt. so it was in the living room) and immediately we saw a difference. The first few nights I explained to him that he was a big boy now and big boys go to sleep in their big boy beds awake and stay there until they fall asleep etc. I explained that I would be in the other room and would come back to check on him. He willingly went into his bed and for about a week stayed there..... all night! I was ecstatic!
Then we went through a testing phase.
Bedtime has always been a struggle for us. As a result, we developed what some would consider bad habits. I tried several techniques described either in books I read (books that I loved and thought for sure would work for us), found online or were used by friends and family to try to get my son to bed on his own and at a reasonable hour. We have always had a bedtime routine (the typical bath, book, bed type) but my son would not go to bed on his own. Yes, I am sure if I implemented the cry it out method it would have worked eventually, but I just couldn't do it. I was in a situation where my son had to be sleeping before being put in his crib for well over a year. On top of this he was going to bed way too late for a little guy at around 10pm. He wasn't lacking sleep as he would sleep late into the morning and take a lengthy nap in the afternoon but my husband and I never had time to ourselves in the evening. Mom and Dad should really have some Mom and Dad time.
For a year I nursed my son to sleep day and night. After that ended I would get him to sleep by putting him in his swing (yes we used it way too long) or rocking him until he was out and then would ever so carefully place him in his crib. Then I got pregnant and my pregnant belly just couldn't handle the bending over into the crib towards the end! It was hard enough to rock him on my disappearing lap! So we transferred to a toddler bed. Again, I tried to get my son to go to bed on his own, thinking this was a new, exciting way to get him on board. Nope. Now he could not only scream, but get out of bed over and over again.
I think part of the problem was that we were in a one bedroom apartment. My son could see my bed with me not in it and hear the tv in the other room or Mama and Papa talking. He wanted in on the action. If we got the boy to sleep at an earlier hour he would wake at least once prior to us going to bed and we would have to start the process of getting him to sleep over again. This usually meant turning off the tv and lights even though we weren't ready for bed ourselves. My son wasn't able to soothe himself back to sleep. When we put him to bed later in the evening he tended to stay asleep and when I was pregnant, this is what I cared about more than his bedtime. A full night of sleep was my priority. If I was woken in the middle of the night it was rare that I could easily fall back to sleep.
I felt guilty for a long time about our bedtime habits. I was ashamed that my kid stayed up so late in the evening. Then I found that I was not alone. I spoke with other moms who were in my same boat and I began to feel more normal. Perhaps my son's body had its own internal clock that was set similar to my own rather than to kid time. I did, however, continue to feel a bit ashamed to still be using his swing. I mean he was four months from being two and he was still using a swing to take naps and get to sleep at night? No bueno. This continued until we had the baby and moved into our new home.
Once we moved, I explained that the swing was now for "E" and we would have a new routine for going to sleep. I started with bedtime. I began rocking with "O" in his bedroom (this was key: the rocking chair didn't fit in the bedroom in our apt. so it was in the living room) and immediately we saw a difference. The first few nights I explained to him that he was a big boy now and big boys go to sleep in their big boy beds awake and stay there until they fall asleep etc. I explained that I would be in the other room and would come back to check on him. He willingly went into his bed and for about a week stayed there..... all night! I was ecstatic!
Then we went through a testing phase.
Saturday, November 10, 2012
Challenge Is Good
installing the water filtration system |
![]() |
O at the Dealership |
I'm also still adjusting to my perceived isolation from friends. I am still technically in Los Angeles, yet I feel so far away from everyone. I am sure this will change as time goes on; as I find activities and other moms to interact with. After all, I know this was the right move for us. The neighborhood is nice and neighbors are friendly. I have big, tall trees in my yard, a fabulous view of mountains, and when I look up in the sky at night I can see many stars which is something that I have missed and appreciate so, so much!
Wednesday, November 7, 2012
Freedom To Choose
The election is now over yet the chatter still remains. Although my child is not even two, I feel its important to teach my young one about being American.
Part of being American means having a voice. We can all vote, make choices and speak our minds. Yesterday I worked with my little guy to teach him a bit about voting. We tuned in to Sesame Street as they had an episode about voting. Children were able to vote for what to have to eat for instance. We then drove to the polling place to submit our voting ballot. When we submitted our ballot we got stickers that said "I voted" which was exciting for the little guy!
When we came home we practiced voting (making choices) throughout the day. We practiced saying the word vote and I printed some coloring pages about elections and voting. My little one is a bit young to understand the process of election, but he is the perfect age to begin making choices. We incorporate choices into our everyday activities; Everything from what to eat or drink to what pajamas to wear to bed. Choosing a bath or shower and choosing what play activity to engage in.
When we came home we practiced voting (making choices) throughout the day. We practiced saying the word vote and I printed some coloring pages about elections and voting. My little one is a bit young to understand the process of election, but he is the perfect age to begin making choices. We incorporate choices into our everyday activities; Everything from what to eat or drink to what pajamas to wear to bed. Choosing a bath or shower and choosing what play activity to engage in.
While he may not understand all of the elements of voting for president and proposition measures, he is learning that he has a voice. His opinion matters. His choices have an effect, an outcome that he has control over and this is a lesson that I want my child to learn young and never ever forget.
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Fourth Fun Time
Although there are many activities to choose from on the fourth of July - there is usually a parade you can attend, fireworks of course, and any number of food and music events- we chose to stay in this year and save our money as well as our sanity. That's not to say that we didn't have lots of family fun though!
We went to the park to play at the playground and as we anticipated, it was extremely crowded. We still managed to have a good time. Logan loves going down the slide. It is by far his favorite playground activity!
Logan got a new pool yesterday, so we of course had to have a little pool time! He had a blast! The weather hasn't been at its warmest here, but that didn't stop Logan from wanting to stay in the pool forever. He threw a fit when it was time to come inside and although I reassured him that we would have many more opportunities to play in the pool, he was less than happy with Mama for a while!
After dinner we did some arts and crafts, because it wouldn't be a holiday without a little craft time with Mama! We made a Fourth of July Sparkler! We simply rolled a piece of heavy paper into a cone shaped tube and taped some red and white stars around the outside. We stuffed some silver, tinsel like filler in the top and we had ourselves a sparkler! The bottom of the cone was large enough for Logan to place his arm in to wave the sparkler around. He played with it after making it, but as a special treat, after bath time and stories, when it was getting dark out, we took it outside so he could see his sparkler shimmer in the lights. He loved it!
To finish the evening we decided to watch the Macy's 4th celebration on television. Logan fell asleep just as the fireworks began, so he missed it! Oh well, I guess that he had enough fun for one day! All in all it was a great fourth of July!
Monday, July 2, 2012
Playing Catch Up
Now that it is July, I figured its time to get back to blogging. Three months off is too long!
Lets get caught up. I am now 28 weeks pregnant with son #2. It amazes me how different pregnancies can be, even when I'm having another boy. Lets just say this pregnancy is no joke. I was sick the entire first trimester and some of the second - thankfully that is over, but now I am suffering a whole slew of different ailments that are both discomforting and down right annoying. My back is killing me. Its not just my back, its my back, my butt, my thighs and lets not forget those lovely leg cramps that I get when I wake and stretch in bed. Speaking of lovely legs, mine are anything but. I have developed the dreaded spider and varicose veins that I got during my last pregnancy, however this time there are more - and they are on both legs! Oh, I know the pay off will be huge and I will forget all about the displeasing aspects of my pregnancy (maybe) once the little bundle arrives but I anticipate these final two months are going to be rough on Mama.
My not so little toddler is becoming more needy, well, more needy of me, not wanting to spend as much time with his papa these days. I have successfully achieved getting him to say mama when he wants my attention rather than crying and whining. Now if he wakes in the night he will say "Mama" and as much as I hate getting up in the middle of the night, it is so sweet to hear him speak rather than cry and I can't help but smile. Luckily, he is sleeping through the night much more often now! He doesn't go to bed easily, but I will take that over waking all hours! I am really enjoying my time with Logan now that he is a little older (not that I didn't before, but he is so much fun now). I love watching him get excited about what we grown ups take for granted or see as an ordinary occurrence. He is so very precious. I could not ask for a better child!
We are still in our one bedroom apartment and my husband assures me that we will be moving in september (keeping our apt. through Sept. to accomodate me having my baby in Los Angeles). Where we will be moving to is still up in the air. I am quite anxious about this. I have begun packing what I can as I don't want to be packing in the last two weeks of my pregnancy! I figure if I pack a couple boxes a day, eventually it will get done and it wont seem like a burden. Other than those boxes stacked in my home of course. "We are in transition" my husband keeps telling me as I complain that I can't handle the increase in box clutter and decrease in a zen home setting. Oh well, in a few months all of this will be behind me and it is going to be fabulous!
Lets get caught up. I am now 28 weeks pregnant with son #2. It amazes me how different pregnancies can be, even when I'm having another boy. Lets just say this pregnancy is no joke. I was sick the entire first trimester and some of the second - thankfully that is over, but now I am suffering a whole slew of different ailments that are both discomforting and down right annoying. My back is killing me. Its not just my back, its my back, my butt, my thighs and lets not forget those lovely leg cramps that I get when I wake and stretch in bed. Speaking of lovely legs, mine are anything but. I have developed the dreaded spider and varicose veins that I got during my last pregnancy, however this time there are more - and they are on both legs! Oh, I know the pay off will be huge and I will forget all about the displeasing aspects of my pregnancy (maybe) once the little bundle arrives but I anticipate these final two months are going to be rough on Mama.
My not so little toddler is becoming more needy, well, more needy of me, not wanting to spend as much time with his papa these days. I have successfully achieved getting him to say mama when he wants my attention rather than crying and whining. Now if he wakes in the night he will say "Mama" and as much as I hate getting up in the middle of the night, it is so sweet to hear him speak rather than cry and I can't help but smile. Luckily, he is sleeping through the night much more often now! He doesn't go to bed easily, but I will take that over waking all hours! I am really enjoying my time with Logan now that he is a little older (not that I didn't before, but he is so much fun now). I love watching him get excited about what we grown ups take for granted or see as an ordinary occurrence. He is so very precious. I could not ask for a better child!
We are still in our one bedroom apartment and my husband assures me that we will be moving in september (keeping our apt. through Sept. to accomodate me having my baby in Los Angeles). Where we will be moving to is still up in the air. I am quite anxious about this. I have begun packing what I can as I don't want to be packing in the last two weeks of my pregnancy! I figure if I pack a couple boxes a day, eventually it will get done and it wont seem like a burden. Other than those boxes stacked in my home of course. "We are in transition" my husband keeps telling me as I complain that I can't handle the increase in box clutter and decrease in a zen home setting. Oh well, in a few months all of this will be behind me and it is going to be fabulous!
Sunday, April 1, 2012
Can We Say Tired?
Oh Sunday, how you exhausted me!
We broke down and rented a storage unit this weekend. It had to be done. I mean, we were literally bursting and although there is still some clean up to be done, I know it will feel much less cluttered as a result. It is amazing how much 'stuff' you accumulate over time. Luckily I have purged fairly regularly so that I don't have a huge donate pile. This doesn't solve theproblem challenge we have of needing a new home, but it makes the space we are currently in more tolerable while we search. For the past few months I have been stashing away boxes anytime we get a delivery and it felt so good to pack up our belongings in boxes that we didn't have to purchase for the purpose of packing. It also felt pretty good to get rid of all those boxes!
Just as we finished loading up the rental van, our power went out. Ok, so my husband did all of the loading into the van, but I packed up all the boxes! It is the first time in years we have been without power. You see, it was a blustery day here in the West and a tree fell on a power line behind our home. After the fire danger subsided, we dealt with hours of no power which made it difficult to clean up some of the areas that were torn apart. We survived though! Now we watch some television before bed. Not a bad end to a tiring day. I am really hoping that my toddler and baby to be allow me to get some rest tonight. I should probably step away from the computer and try to sleep now. Yes. That sounds like a plan.
We broke down and rented a storage unit this weekend. It had to be done. I mean, we were literally bursting and although there is still some clean up to be done, I know it will feel much less cluttered as a result. It is amazing how much 'stuff' you accumulate over time. Luckily I have purged fairly regularly so that I don't have a huge donate pile. This doesn't solve the
Just as we finished loading up the rental van, our power went out. Ok, so my husband did all of the loading into the van, but I packed up all the boxes! It is the first time in years we have been without power. You see, it was a blustery day here in the West and a tree fell on a power line behind our home. After the fire danger subsided, we dealt with hours of no power which made it difficult to clean up some of the areas that were torn apart. We survived though! Now we watch some television before bed. Not a bad end to a tiring day. I am really hoping that my toddler and baby to be allow me to get some rest tonight. I should probably step away from the computer and try to sleep now. Yes. That sounds like a plan.
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
14 Weeks Tired
I thought it would be a breeze. Well, maybe not a breeze, but as simple as my first. Boy was I wrong. 14 weeks into this pregnancy and I am still waiting for my energy to surface. Why is it so much more difficult this time around? Is it that I am older? Is it that I have a toddler to chase around all day (who still wakes more nights than he doesn't)? I figured that being a stay at home mom would make it easier to handle the minor discomforts that come with pregnancy, however I am finding it was so much easier when I was simply a mom to be with a full time job. Perhaps being in the office day after day was a blessing in disguise. I was able to sit at my desk much of the day and was distracted by my work duties so I may not have noticed that I was feeling a little nauseous. That being said, I am much more ill this time. I was dizzy and hunched over the toilet bowl daily, multiple times a day for weeks until recently. Luckily I think the worst is over. I now appreciate that I was able to go out to lunch everyday when I was working. I ate some amazingly delicious food while I was pregnant with Logan. I find myself craving some of the lunches I used to have but the restaurants are too far away to justify visiting frequently. Now I have to actually cook lunch everyday. It used to be fun. Now its a chore!
Yes, I had it easy prior to being a mom. I would come home from work and plop down on the couch if I so desired, snoozing for a bit prior to making dinner. I recall phoning my boss on more than a few occasions to let him know that I would be in late because I hadn't slept throughout the night and felt like crap in the morning as a result. I could take a three hour nap on the weekends. When I had to walk the dog it was easy. Simply throw on shoes grab the leash and we were off. Those were the days. It is so unbelievably difficult to walk the dog now that Logan wants to walk but won't hold my hand and always wants to walk in the opposite direction from the dog. I can't seem to get the two of them in sync! Logan is becoming more heavy as the weeks go on and carrying him while walking the dog is equally as uncomfortable as struggling to walk with the two! We don't take a lot of walks now. We tend to go outside and throw the ball for the dog so he gets exercise. Thank goodness I have a husband. If I had to do it on my own all the time I would lose my mind.
All that being said, I am so grateful to be expecting baby number 2! I love being a mom and can't wait to have another peanut to snuggle. I am so excited for Logan to have a sibling! Time is flying by and I know the new little bundle will be here before we know it, which is scary, but luckily there isn't a whole lot we need to do to prepare. Well, except get a new home. There's that.....
Yes, I had it easy prior to being a mom. I would come home from work and plop down on the couch if I so desired, snoozing for a bit prior to making dinner. I recall phoning my boss on more than a few occasions to let him know that I would be in late because I hadn't slept throughout the night and felt like crap in the morning as a result. I could take a three hour nap on the weekends. When I had to walk the dog it was easy. Simply throw on shoes grab the leash and we were off. Those were the days. It is so unbelievably difficult to walk the dog now that Logan wants to walk but won't hold my hand and always wants to walk in the opposite direction from the dog. I can't seem to get the two of them in sync! Logan is becoming more heavy as the weeks go on and carrying him while walking the dog is equally as uncomfortable as struggling to walk with the two! We don't take a lot of walks now. We tend to go outside and throw the ball for the dog so he gets exercise. Thank goodness I have a husband. If I had to do it on my own all the time I would lose my mind.
All that being said, I am so grateful to be expecting baby number 2! I love being a mom and can't wait to have another peanut to snuggle. I am so excited for Logan to have a sibling! Time is flying by and I know the new little bundle will be here before we know it, which is scary, but luckily there isn't a whole lot we need to do to prepare. Well, except get a new home. There's that.....
Sunday, March 18, 2012
I'm A Lucky Gal
For our first craft we made a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow! The little guy enjoyed placing stickers on the paper and gluing pieces of gold into the pot of gold.
Next was finger painting a clover! Logan really enjoyed getting into the paint. Good thing it washes off easily!
Finally, we made a leprechaun hat. Logan likes to try to roll the paper into a tube (he does the same thing with magazines)! It is so cute!
We even had a green shake for a special treat!
My lucky charm? My husband, who made us dinner and gave the baby a bath last night. Love him.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
I'm Dreading Sleep Training
It has become a struggle to get my little guy to go to sleep. Once he is sleeping, he sleeps fairly well, but getting to that point has proven to be a rather large challenge. This time change doesn't help either. He is a complete night owl. I am ready to go to bed before him. It's my fault. I didn't sleep train him when he was smaller. I now need to get him to the point where I can put him in his crib awake, but it is a battle I am not looking forward to. I kept saying "when we get a house I will make this happen" but who knows when that will be.
Tonight after we finished our night time routine my husband and I turned off all the lights (and the tv was off of course) and tried to get him to go right to bed. I put him in his crib, but it was clear that this was not going to work as he was literally trying to climb out. I think we can put the mattress down one more notch so that is the next step. We instead put him in his swing after I tried simply rocking with him. We need to stop using the swing and get to a point where he can soothe himself to sleep. We gave him a toy to play with and sat with him until he was sleeping. He was asleep about 40 minutes earlier than the past few nights so I can't complain, but I think the time has come to sleep train. I am going to need a serious bubble bath to handle that stress!
Tonight after we finished our night time routine my husband and I turned off all the lights (and the tv was off of course) and tried to get him to go right to bed. I put him in his crib, but it was clear that this was not going to work as he was literally trying to climb out. I think we can put the mattress down one more notch so that is the next step. We instead put him in his swing after I tried simply rocking with him. We need to stop using the swing and get to a point where he can soothe himself to sleep. We gave him a toy to play with and sat with him until he was sleeping. He was asleep about 40 minutes earlier than the past few nights so I can't complain, but I think the time has come to sleep train. I am going to need a serious bubble bath to handle that stress!
Monday, March 12, 2012
Monday Fun Day ~ Alphabet Board
Our Monday Fun Day Activity was another fun with felt project! As you may recall, we made a felt board months ago that we used as a story board, starting with one of our favorite books, "Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do You See?" Today we are using the felt board to begin our alphabet series. We made letters A, B, and C today. Each letter has an object beginning with the respective letter to go along with it. A is for Apple, B is for Ball, C is for Cat, etc. Three letters were about as much as the little guy could take. His attention span didn't allow for more! We reused our cat from Brown Bear (the purple cat) and created the apple and ball today. Once we make all of our letters and objects, I may go back and spell out the name of each object. One step at a time!
This was a fun project. Logan enjoyed playing with the felt, scrunching it up in his hands and straightening it out! He also likes pressing the pieces onto the board. We set the board up on a easel and I imagine he will be pulling the pieces off the board and reapplying them before the end of the day!
This was a fun project. Logan enjoyed playing with the felt, scrunching it up in his hands and straightening it out! He also likes pressing the pieces onto the board. We set the board up on a easel and I imagine he will be pulling the pieces off the board and reapplying them before the end of the day!
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Channeling Warmer Weather
Monday, March 5, 2012
Monday Fun Day ~ Gardening
It is beautiful today in Los Angeles which makes it the perfect day to do some gardening! Today's Monday Fun Day activity is to grow your own flowers! One of Logan's books came with a strip of seed paper (the paper that has the seeds in it). Having this product available makes it super simple to complete this activity with a toddler.
We gathered up our supplies:
- A small pot to plant the seeds in (we ended up planting the rest of the seeds in a large planter that we have outside)
- Potting soil (we used an organic blend)
- Seeds
- Watering can with water
And we were good to go!
The little guy had a great time putting some soil in the pot and then watering the soil. He then proceeded to water other plants and didn't want to stop. We could have stayed outside all afternoon! This project could be done with any plant or seed, we simply used the flower seeds because this is what we had. Now to see if they grow!
If you enjoy reading about our Monday Fun Day activities, please take a moment to cast an automatic vote for The Play Mat by clicking on the banner below!
Saturday, March 3, 2012
La La La La Logan's Song
Each morning when my son wakes, he looks forward to viewing two Sesame Street videos. He becomes a little perturbed if I don't play them. Usually, Logan will crawl into bed with me and we load the videos on my phone. He impatiently waits for the video to begin but as soon as the songs start he looks at me with the biggest smile you can imagine beaming across his face! He has two absolute favorites that we start each morning with!
Feist singing 1,2,3,4
Elmo's Song
After viewing the videos it is time to get up and start the day!
Friday, March 2, 2012
A Visit To Shane's Inspiration
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Picture from shanesinspiration.org |
Yesterday I took Logan to play at Shane's Inspiration playground at Griffith Park. I love this outdoor playground and the sentiment behind it. Not only is there lots to see and do, but the park is built to be a place where children of all abilities can play.
"The mission of Shane's Inspiration is to create inclusive playgrounds and programs that unite children of all abilities"
Logan had so much fun playing and of course didn't want to leave! He especially enjoyed swinging, sliding down the slides, playing in the sand and walking through the various mazes of adventure!
Monday, February 27, 2012
Monday Fun Day ~ Homemade Playdough
Logan playing with his playdough |
2 cups flour
1 cup salt
1 cup water
quick and simple recipe |
Logan feeling the flour and salt before the water was added |
The finished product |
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