Since today was on the cool and windy side, I focused my thoughts on the glorious time we had at the beach on Sunday. The first weekend in March and we had 80 degree weather on the coast! Too bad I was wearing jeans that day. Oh well we still had a blast. Logan loved playing in the sand filling his pail and emptying it all over himself and our blanket! We took a walk along the water, which he wasn't too sure about, but ended up putting his feet in before walking back to the blanket. A short time later we went to the wet sand area to build a sand castle and Papa buried Logan's feet in the sand! It was such a relaxing and peaceful day. I only wish everyday was so spectacular. Today the little guy got some vaccines and he is not the happiest of campers. My poor angel. On the bright side, he is currently content on the floor next to me drawing with a pen (his new favorite activity)!
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