My poor baby is still not feeling well. Isn't it a terrible feeling when your little one is not well? I wish that I could take all his discomfort away and see him smile. I am fortunate to be able to stay home with the little guy though. There are many folks who head back to work today and I am feeling grateful that I am able to be home with Logan.
Yesterday he seemed a little better but last night was rough. He wanted to be held all night, which is fine, except around five this morning he threw up all over me. He didn't cry or even move, just puked. So I got up and my lovely husband changed the bedding while I wiped us up. Then, within the next three minutes, the baby proceeded to throw up on me again, and then again. He was calm and pale and just wanted to go back to sleep, which I suppose is a good thing. We snuggled back into bed and slept fairly well until getting up for the day. He seems in better spirits today, but I can tell he is still not 100%. I am really hoping that he is back to his happy self soon!
While we weren't able to complete a monday fun day activity this week, we did take a drive to Mt. Wilson to get out of the house. It was mild enough to where it was comfortable to walk around a bit and take some pictures. There was a faint bit of snow but nothing to get excited about. I can't wait to take Logan to the snow (the real snow)! Today is all about holiday clean up. I am hoping to get all my chores done today so that I can relax tomorrow before heading out of town.
Here is a recap of our holiday.
'Can't you see I don't care that it's Christmas' |
Murphy with his holiday treats! |
Still not caring about Christmas |
Santa's Gift |
A little play time before bed |

mid-day feeling a little better |
My sharp dressed man! |
at Mt. Wilson |
Most babies will get this, it's normal (aka baby acne, etc) just keep baby's face and body clean through gentle washing or damp cloth. Been told by doctor not to put any oil on milk bump areas. Lotion and powder will help keep them dry and soft.