I have always enjoyed Christmas decorating but some years I am more into it than others. Last year, I could barely open my eyes let alone decorate so I enlisted help from my mother in-law. She came to visit when the baby was a couple weeks old and the only thing I asked of her was assistance in getting the tree up. She did a fabulous job. This year, since the baby is a little older, I am excited for Christmas and therefore excited about the decorating.
I put the lights on the tree last night after the baby went to bed. I figured that would be easier than trying to keep the little guy from getting tangled up in the strands of lights. It seems that every year there is one strand of lights that doesn't work. Don't you hate it when that happens. Then you find yourself searching for that one little light that might be causing the issue. Once you identify the problem light, you carefully replace it while hoping and praying that changing the light will fix the problem. I am happy to report that there was none of that this year! I got through the whole tree lighting extravaganza without any faulty lights! And thats not all! I placed figurines and such around the house and created a centerpiece for the dining table too! I am very pleased with the way everything turned out. More pleased than I have ever been. Yeah! This evening however, was all about trimming the tree together as a family! It feels wonderful to create treasured family memories and traditions. Luckily, we had some baby safe types of ornaments to put on the bottom of the tree so there was no need to purchase new ones. These were less interesting than the glass ornaments of course, but we made it through the decorating process without incident! So much fun!
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