Thursday, August 13, 2015

And Then There Was One

Today was the day.  The day that I put my 2 (almost 3) year old in preschool.  It isn't technically the first day of preschool until next week, but he tagged along with his older brother on the last day of this school year.  We were all excited last night.  This morning however, that excitement turned to nervousness and I thought for sure there would be tears.  I wasn't sure if they would be coming from my eyes or his, but I knew it was going to be a tough transition.  Thanks to the amazing distraction skills of the teacher, I am not sure my kid even realized I left! I felt a tear begin to emerge as I drove away but there was no hysterical crying on my part! I did drive in silence on the way home and as I glanced at my sleeping baby in the back seat I wondered what I would do with my morning.  Then I jumped back into reality as I remembered all of the housework and errands that needed to be completed.

Seriously though, I am feeling some separation anxiety related to leaving my little boy in someone else's care.  My first son was older when he went into preschool and we both felt very ready for it to happen.  Part of me feels that I should have waited a bit longer for E to go, but I know he will love interacting with kids his own age and as his brother is transitioning into a full day kindergarten program, I worried that he would be longing for a playmate.

People keep asking me if I am excited to have some time alone with the baby, and I suppose I am, but that excitement is overshadowed by the loss I am feeling by not having my other baby with me at home.  I suppose it is normal to feel this way and it will get easier over time.  I hope.  I am sure he is having a great time and will be all smiles when I pick him up.

Rather than dwell on it, I suppose it is time to get to those chores.....

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