Do you have a child that is particular about what he wears? I know this is common with older children and teens (actually I am hearing that as young as four, children are caring about what they wear), but a one year old? I don't know about that! I picked out an outfit for the little guy this morning but he wasn't interested in getting dressed. So I said "ok, I am going in the other room and you let me know when you are ready to get dressed." A couple minutes passed and Logan came out of his room with a different shirt than I had picked along with a sweatshirt. I guess he didn't like what I had chosen! I hope this isn't a sign that he is going to be like his father. His father is extremely picky and I wouldn't even think of buying him clothing. This is fine when the adult can go and shop for himself, but could prove to be a serious challenge with a young child!
My husband is known for his particularity when it comes to clothing. He once had to stop at an outlet mall on the way to Disneyland because he wanted new socks to walk around in. He has taken back every single item that I have ever bought him in the past decade or more (except underwear- apparently I am good at picking out undies or he just doesn't care). When I ask what is wrong with the clothes he responds with "I don't like the buttons", "It's a little short (or long, or wide)", "I don't like the color", "not stripes"...... the list goes on and on. Now I only buy him clothing if he picks a specific item out and says "you can get me this." I don't mind his pickiness. Most days he looks fabulous. There are those rare days on the weekend when he will pull out an old pair of pants from 1999 because "he likes them". Countless trips to donate old clothing and we still can't seem to fit those into the bag! I simply smile and focus on the days when I am proud to have him as my husband.

It is clear that the little guy cares about what he is wearing. I am not sure yet if he cares what it looks like or if he cares more about textures and the way something feels on his body. If a shirt is too loose he pulls on it all day trying to take it off. If his sleeves hit a little below his wrist he throws a fit until I roll them up or push up his sleeves. He loves his shoes. He puts hats on and smiles at himself in the mirror as he admires the beauty in front of him. Gotta love my kid!!
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