Since we are finally feeling better we decided to complete our Monday Fun Day activity today given that we missed the opportunity yesterday. Recently my son has developed a liking for collecting items outside - rocks, sticks, pine cones, and acorns in particular. So naturally, we had to create a collection box of sorts for him to store his items in while we walked around. Today we made a basket to use outside.

I used what I had available in the house which included a tissue box (easy since we all used a hundred tissues this past week), some drawings of Logan's and a piece of rope that I had saved from a package we received.
After we cut out the drawings, we taped them around the box, added the rope for a handle and voila! we had a basket. We took it outside and Logan enjoyed filling it with acorn caps and flowers today. The box probably wont last too long, but that's ok. We can transfer the rope to another box in the future for a brand new basket!
*Variation on this activity: Try making a personal mailbox to collect valentines in! A shoe box works well for this (you can cut a slit in the top for people to drop the valentines in). Decorate the box to your liking!