I am not a fan of the hot, hot heat. After having lovely fall weather, the heat is back for a couple days. Rather than sweating the heat (no pun intended), I have decided to make the best of it. This morning I took the boys, meaning the baby and dog, to the park for some pre heat exercise. It was warm but pleasant. After working out we found a shady place on the grass to play before returning home. After the dog was apparently finished drinking some water, I let the baby splash the water around in the bowl. I don't usually let him do this, but I decided to loosen up a little today. I had a conversation with myself in my head. "What is the worse that will happen? He will get wet? Muddy? I can wash him when we get home. Its not a big deal. Let him play. He will love it!" It was such a good move. I feel like we accomplished something today and it doesn't much matter if we need to spend the rest of the day inside to stay cool. Now the baby and dog are sound asleep. Ahhh...
Tomorrow is supposed to be the hottest day. I think I am going to skip stroller strides tomorrow and take a trip to the beach. I never did take Logan to the beach this summer, other than a quick stop while we were along the coast, so the hot day is giving me the opportunity to make it up to him! Since it is a week day, I figure it will be a little less crowded as people should be working and in school (except for those playing hooky)! Now I just have to talk my husband into working from home so I don't have to worry about the dog being home alone for hours. I will have to butter him up!
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