I do have areas that I need to improve, mainly keeping the house clean and I do have desires, mainly finding a house. We have been house hunting for quite some time and before the end of the year we would like to pull the trigger and move into our own home! I can feel that we are close. It's going to happen. I dream of having a nice, fresh kitchen to cook and bake in. Oh how I would love a dedicated dining room that doesn't double as the family office or garage for bikes and other odds and ends.... Space to store everything, rather than having to pile it up in my closet or in the corner. Yes, and I can't wait to have my own vegetable garden! Most likely we will be moving away from the city in order to fulfill our wishes for a property. I have mixed feelings about this as I will be leaving friends and the luxury of anything you want right around the corner but I figure I can always visit or plan a trip to Los Angeles for the weekend to get my fix of the city. Yes, I can not wait to have my own home.
In the meantime, I will work my but off to be the best mom and housewife a woman can be. I have it in me to try a little harder and I am going to do so. I can get up a little earlier, work a bit after the baby goes to sleep and make good use of the minutes that come my way throughout the day. This doesn't mean that I get no me time, oh no, that is the reward for a job well done!
Being a housewife is new to me as I was a career woman prior to having a baby. Much like cooking, cleaning was never my forte and I never had a routine for cleaning. I worked up until a couple weeks before my little guy came into the world and lord knows that is not the time to become a master! It's pretty easy to say "the baby needed me" all day and that's why the bathroom didn't get cleaned but is that acceptable? I don't think so. On some days, yes of course, but I want a clean bathroom! So I am going to continue with what I normally do, but also set a day of the week where rooms get deep cleaned. Once I get into the habit of doing it, I think it will become second nature, easy and not seem like such a task. I hope!
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