Today was a vaccination day. Since I decided to split the shots up and give less at one time, we have to go more often. I am still very satisfied with my decision. Today the little guy got his Hep B and Pneumococcal shots. Of all the shots he has received, I struggled the most with the Hep B vaccine. I didn't get the Hep B vaccination until I was in college and that was because I was working in the human service field. It was appropriate for me to get the vaccine given the line of work I was in, however for a little baby who rarely comes in contact with people outside of the family is it really necessary? I don't know. We did obviously decided to go ahead and adhere to the CDC recommended immunizations.
We didn't get away with no tears this time, but the baby literally cried for maybe twenty seconds and that was it. I brought along one of his favorite little toys for him to hold onto during the shots. After the nurse put a Tweety Bird circle on each leg, I gave Logan one of his super puffs and all was good in the world again. Typically the shots would be given during a normal well visit, however, the past two times that we went in for the well visit the baby had been feverish and I didn't want to do the shots at that time (neither did his doc). So we went in a separate time for a 'nurse visit'. I kind of like these nurse visits. I am there for about five minutes, I don't have to get the baby undressed as long as the nurse has access to his chubby little thighs and the baby doesn't have time to get worked up at all. Today I felt silly when I got to the parking garage as the valet must have just parked my vehicle when I appeared to have them pull it up for me!
After we went to the doctor, we went shopping at Target to stock up on a few supplies and get some more snacks for the boy. I picked up some baby food as well. Logan has been eating a lot more lately. Not sure why, but all of a sudden he is eating three meals a day plus snacks. These meals are much larger than he has previously eaten. I always wonder what a normal or average amount is that the little ones eat at each stage of their life. When it comes to solid foods it seems there is a large range. Logan has been eating about 3-4 ounces of food each meal. His snacks have been finger foods, whether it be puffs or something like avocado. I am just so pleased that he is eating and not experiencing constipation! Maybe his little body has finally adjusted to his new method of gaining nutrition! The vaccinations didn't seem to effect his appetite for solids at all, although I found he wanted to nurse less today. He was more interested in being on the floor checking things out. Therefore, I am concerned he didn't receive enough liquids today. He also didn't have much interest in juice or water.
When we got home I was half expecting that he was going to get a fever and get fussy. He is a little more fussy than usual, but doesn't have a fever and I am not sure that the fussiness is from the vaccinations. I think he might have simply been tired. I can always tell if he is sick because he won't let me put him down and I am not able to console him easily. Today he played on the floor with his toys and if he cried I could get him interested in a toy, book, or snack very easily. Then... no more tears! We went for a long walk this afternoon which was very pleasant and he was in bed at 830. Not too shabby for vaccination day!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
A 'Whatever' Kind Of Day
Blah, blah, blah.... that's how I feel today. Do you ever feel like you are dragging? Like nothing awful happened today but nothing great happened either? Like you need something to change? That's where I am at today. But then again, all I have to do is look at my little boy and all the icky feelings go away and all I can focus on is how much I love him, how proud I am of him, and how I just want to eat him up! It is a struggle to get this post out as I feel I have not much to say. All day I have been thinking about what to write about and I just decided to write how I feel because I can't be the only mom who has days like this. Not everyday can be sun shiny I suppose, but as we approach the end of August I am reflecting on how the month was and I am not that enthusiastic about it. Don't get me wrong, there were some amazing things that happened. We traveled across the country and Logan got to meet more family. Logan mastered pulling himself up onto furniture and started eating finger foods. These are moments that I will cherish for the rest of my life. I, however, feel that I did not exert myself as much as I could have or would have liked. I felt less inspired this month to be the best I can (as compared to the past few months) and this simply means that September needs to bring change.
Part of the reason for my blah attitude is due to the fact that I injured myself a little over a week ago. I hurt my back and have been struggling with pain. I have not been able to attend stroller strides and therefore I am not getting a workout each day and not able to socialize as much as I have come to enjoy. I plan to go back on Thursday and we will turn this attitude around!
I have learned that back pain in one of the most common complaints among moms. I don't even know how I hurt myself or what exactly I did to my back, but I bent down to pick the baby up and all of a sudden I was done. It is so very important to focus on how you are bending (bend at the knees ladies). Between the back pain and lack of sleep I am a mess!
So tomorrow I am making a plan. A plan of what we are going to do in September. A plan of what I want to accomplish in September. A change in attitude starts now!!
Part of the reason for my blah attitude is due to the fact that I injured myself a little over a week ago. I hurt my back and have been struggling with pain. I have not been able to attend stroller strides and therefore I am not getting a workout each day and not able to socialize as much as I have come to enjoy. I plan to go back on Thursday and we will turn this attitude around!
I have learned that back pain in one of the most common complaints among moms. I don't even know how I hurt myself or what exactly I did to my back, but I bent down to pick the baby up and all of a sudden I was done. It is so very important to focus on how you are bending (bend at the knees ladies). Between the back pain and lack of sleep I am a mess!
So tomorrow I am making a plan. A plan of what we are going to do in September. A plan of what I want to accomplish in September. A change in attitude starts now!!
Monday, August 29, 2011
Monday Fun Day ~ Finger Puppets
I am just now able to get our Monday Fun Day post out but hey, better late than not at all. Today for our Monday Fun Day Activity I attempted to make felt finger puppets. I came across a Martha Stewart page that had these adorable finger puppets to make and I just had to try it. I bought some wool fiber to try felting these puppets. I was semi-successful. It seemed simple enough. I break the fiber up into strings. I wrap the string around my finger, dip it in hot soapy water, and then rinse it in cold water. Let dry and then decorate with felt pieces . I wrapped my finger, dipped the wool and pressed it to make it stick together. That part I was successful at.... but my results didn't come out nearly as good as Martha Stewart's! Hers look smooth and polished. Mine is fuzzy and thicker than I think it is supposed to be. When I took the wool off my finger, I had a hard time not pulling wool out with it. I let the puppet shell dry and it will definitely work, but I am not satisfied with the result. I will be trying again tomorrow or in the near future to better replicate Martha's results. I will let you know how it goes.
The baby and I did have fun trying though and when we have a few puppets made I will use them to tell little stories. The baby had a ball trying to grab and eat the wool! Although he can't participate wrapping the wool, he can dip his hands in the water and feel part of the process. We have a lot of fun together!
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Spectacular Sunday Outing
At the airport. Notice Sophie in the stroller? A lovely lady from stroller strides gave us one from their toy box. Good people rock! |
Another reason that today was so wonderful....
Logan is eating pureed food again! I'm not sure why but he ate like a champ today. Pears for breakfast, yogurt pieces and puffs for snack, carrots for lunch (as well as some avocado and sweet potato from my meal), more puffs for snack, broccoli, pears &peas combo for dinner and even ate apples & blueberries combo for dessert! Whoa! All this on top of breastfeeding! He is also drinking water which I am happy about. I hear a lot that kids will drink juice but not water and I think water is so important when it is hot out. Thats not to say that juice is bad, but water is good. My baby sweats a lot so I know he needs to replenish with liquids! Not to mention he is always going, going, going these days! Love him!
Friday, August 26, 2011
Easy Peasy Packing
Quite a few people I know believe in the philosophy that if you see and believe something will happen then it will. Or you at least clear the way for whatever it is to happen. The power of positive thinking I suppose. Today I am embracing this notion as we embark on another house hunting adventure. I want to find my home this weekend. I don't want to force anything of course, but I am hopeful.
As we head out of town, I find myself so calm as I throw a few things together for our trip. It used to take me hours to pack. I remember our first trip with the baby. I packed so much crap that we barely fit in the vehicle. In addition to the necessities, and somewhat necessary items such as the pump, I brought several baby towels, the baby's play gym, a bag full of toys and even his bouncy chair! I have since learned that hotel towels work just as well as a specified baby towel. With a newborn I might still bring my own, but now that Logan is older, I don't fret about towels. The bouncy chair? Really? The car seat works just as well for a travel seat to set the baby in if needed. I did like the luxury of having the bouncy chair and Logan slept really well in it, but do we really need to bring it on an overnight trip? No. The play gym I thought was a good idea to bring for a little baby who is not yet mobile. It provides a mat to place the baby on that is clean and entertaining. Do you need it though? No.
We already have toiletry items and medicine / first aide type items in the diaper bag that we carry at all times. Today I just put some clothes in the suitcase, grabbed a blanket, some cloths and bibs for my messy eater and put a couple toys, diapers and a book in a bag for the night. Truly the baby enjoys spending time with mama and papa more than anything else. As long as we have a couple things to keep his hands occupied he is happy. Now time to go pack the pup! He has to check the houses out too!
As we head out of town, I find myself so calm as I throw a few things together for our trip. It used to take me hours to pack. I remember our first trip with the baby. I packed so much crap that we barely fit in the vehicle. In addition to the necessities, and somewhat necessary items such as the pump, I brought several baby towels, the baby's play gym, a bag full of toys and even his bouncy chair! I have since learned that hotel towels work just as well as a specified baby towel. With a newborn I might still bring my own, but now that Logan is older, I don't fret about towels. The bouncy chair? Really? The car seat works just as well for a travel seat to set the baby in if needed. I did like the luxury of having the bouncy chair and Logan slept really well in it, but do we really need to bring it on an overnight trip? No. The play gym I thought was a good idea to bring for a little baby who is not yet mobile. It provides a mat to place the baby on that is clean and entertaining. Do you need it though? No.
We already have toiletry items and medicine / first aide type items in the diaper bag that we carry at all times. Today I just put some clothes in the suitcase, grabbed a blanket, some cloths and bibs for my messy eater and put a couple toys, diapers and a book in a bag for the night. Truly the baby enjoys spending time with mama and papa more than anything else. As long as we have a couple things to keep his hands occupied he is happy. Now time to go pack the pup! He has to check the houses out too!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Get That Spoon Away From Me
Now that the baby is nine months we have begun giving him some bite size snacks that he can pick up with his fingers. This however, has created a situation that I was not anticipating. He now doesn't want to be spoon fed pureed food. What to do? I heard that this can happen around 8-10 months of age and is completely normal. I read that the baby may eat the food if you put the bowl and spoon in front of him and he feeds himself. Well, I tried that today. What a mess! He had food in his hair, in his ears, all over his clothes and highchair and still he didn't eat. Twice he brought the spoon close to his mouth (although it had no food on it) and I praised him. At one point he scooped up some food and I praised him when this happened as well. I tried giving him a little bit of steamed fruit (steamed so it was more tender) cut up so he could grasp it and he didn't have much interest in it. I will continue to try this method with fruits and veggies. I also hear that cheese and soft noodles are ok at this age so I guess I will begin to provide him with more variety of foods. I have been hesitant to do so only because the baby has such a sensitive digestive system but he needs to expand his food intake at some point.
There was one thing that I found worked well today. I had frozen cubes of peaches and I broke the cube up so that it fit in a fresh food feeder. The baby enjoyed holding and sucking on the feeder. Peaches worked well. I tried the same thing with green beans (not really hoping for much) and the baby didn't want to have anything to do with it. No big surprise there. One out of two isn't bad, right?
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
From Domestic Dud To Domestic Diva

I do have areas that I need to improve, mainly keeping the house clean and I do have desires, mainly finding a house. We have been house hunting for quite some time and before the end of the year we would like to pull the trigger and move into our own home! I can feel that we are close. It's going to happen. I dream of having a nice, fresh kitchen to cook and bake in. Oh how I would love a dedicated dining room that doesn't double as the family office or garage for bikes and other odds and ends.... Space to store everything, rather than having to pile it up in my closet or in the corner. Yes, and I can't wait to have my own vegetable garden! Most likely we will be moving away from the city in order to fulfill our wishes for a property. I have mixed feelings about this as I will be leaving friends and the luxury of anything you want right around the corner but I figure I can always visit or plan a trip to Los Angeles for the weekend to get my fix of the city. Yes, I can not wait to have my own home.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
The Sleep Gods Deliver
Finally, finally, we got sleep last night. The torturous night waking must have been due to teething, although after all that I still don't see any signs of incoming choppers. Don't get me wrong, the baby still woke about five times throughout the night, but he wasn't hysterical upon waking. He also slept in his crib all night. Each time he woke me, I would look over at him (as the crib is in our room), and he would either be sitting in the crib or kneeling against the side peeking over the edge. I would calmly approach him each time, take him in my arms, and nurse him back to sleep. I have tried leaving him, but when I do, he cries and then is awake for much longer. It is more pleasant for all to get him back to sleep while he is still in that barely awake state. Isn't it amazing how one day you can be thinking that you can't handle 'it', you're just miserable, and the next day you find it hard to remember what even happened yesterday because your sweet baby is so happy, loving and adorable? I know I was there, in that state, but it seems so long ago, so distant and today's pleasantness makes me forget all about it!
I still nurse the baby to sleep. Whenever I put him down for a nap and whenever I put him down for the night he is nursed to sleep. Whenever he wakes I nurse him back to sleep. I don't mind this most of the time, but I would like him to be able to fall asleep, if not on his own, by other means such as rocking or by me rubbing his back. The rubbing the back method would be nice in the middle of the night. I know that he is capable of falling asleep without nursing because he will fall asleep in the car, in his stroller and in his swing. These all involve motion so it is not too far fetched to assume that he should be able to fall asleep rocking with little effort.
I have continued reading the no-cry sleep solution and a suggestion within the book is that you first start with putting the baby in, say, his stroller and then transitioning him to his bed. I like this suggestion because if it works, if the baby successfully transitions into his bed using this method, there is hope for me to leave him with a sitter so that hubby and I can go on a date if we so choose.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Monday Fun Day ~ Story Board
This week's Monday Fun Day activity is being assembled in stages because, well, the baby is needy this week and because there are lots of pieces to assemble. This week we are making a story board!
What is a story board you may ask? Well, it is a way to tell stories by attaching objects to a board. Ours is a felt story board. We are making it so that we can enhance our story time beyond the books! Our first story told with the board is going to be none other than "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?" written by Bill Martin Jr. and illustrated by Eric Carle. A classic! I love this book because there is so much you can do with it.
There are different suggestions for how to make a story board. This is what I did. I took a thin canvas and wrapped felt around it stapling it to the back side of the wood frame. Glue would work too. I picked up supplies at Michael's, however there are many places where you can find felt. I also found a suggestion to use flannel from a fabric store. I found a large sheet of felt that I cut to the size I needed.
I then picked up 9x12 sheets of felt in different colors that I needed to make the characters in the book (red bird etc.) and am in the process of making those now. I did find templates to make pieces for this and other stories but I might just make my own.
I got the idea from story time at the library. The librarian uses a board and the little ones love it. I find that an online search brings most of what you need (or at least competitive pricing if you are purchasing sets.
***Just for fun check out this video of Bill Martin reading the book***
What is a story board you may ask? Well, it is a way to tell stories by attaching objects to a board. Ours is a felt story board. We are making it so that we can enhance our story time beyond the books! Our first story told with the board is going to be none other than "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?" written by Bill Martin Jr. and illustrated by Eric Carle. A classic! I love this book because there is so much you can do with it.
Michelle Obama reads "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?" picture from |
I then picked up 9x12 sheets of felt in different colors that I needed to make the characters in the book (red bird etc.) and am in the process of making those now. I did find templates to make pieces for this and other stories but I might just make my own.
I got the idea from story time at the library. The librarian uses a board and the little ones love it. I find that an online search brings most of what you need (or at least competitive pricing if you are purchasing sets.
***Just for fun check out this video of Bill Martin reading the book***
Something Has Got To Give
Well, I have to say our sleeping situation has gone from bad to worse. I think there are a few things happening. First, I read there is a typical eight or nine month old sleep regression. The brain is developing and so much is going on that it is difficult for the baby to sleep. He wants to also practice his new skills, like pulling to a stand and apparently this is not left to daytime alone. Then there is the probability that he is teething. I don't see signs of any new teeth, but I know that the teeth can be bothersome for weeks (sometimes more) prior to coming in. One thing is for sure and that is that it has to be something more than say separation anxiety. No fever though which is good but..... something has got to give.
I have come to dread bed time. Not only for myself but my husband and neighbors as well. I am lucky to have sweet neighbors that provide support even if in the comfort of their own homes they are cursing me! No one else in our little community has kids but they understand that we are doing all we can to keep everyone happy and healthy!
I have begun reading the no-cry sleep solution by Elizbeth Pantley. After reading the intro to the book I was sold and decided that this is going to be the book for me. I am only about half way through the book, and the advice provided thus far are things I have thought of and implemented previously, but I didn't necessarily rigidly stick to them. It is always good to have a reminder, a renewed sense of what it is you want to do and a list of ideas put together by someone who has researched the topic. Hopefully this will work for us.
It is during these times that you have to work on finding the positives. A shower this morning for instance, a nap yesterday, and a starbucks hot chocolate from hubby. Yum!
I have come to dread bed time. Not only for myself but my husband and neighbors as well. I am lucky to have sweet neighbors that provide support even if in the comfort of their own homes they are cursing me! No one else in our little community has kids but they understand that we are doing all we can to keep everyone happy and healthy!
I have begun reading the no-cry sleep solution by Elizbeth Pantley. After reading the intro to the book I was sold and decided that this is going to be the book for me. I am only about half way through the book, and the advice provided thus far are things I have thought of and implemented previously, but I didn't necessarily rigidly stick to them. It is always good to have a reminder, a renewed sense of what it is you want to do and a list of ideas put together by someone who has researched the topic. Hopefully this will work for us.
It is during these times that you have to work on finding the positives. A shower this morning for instance, a nap yesterday, and a starbucks hot chocolate from hubby. Yum!
Friday, August 19, 2011
Sleepy Mind Good Eats
Sometimes I feel like I am just going through the motions of the day. I am so overtired this week from the baby not sleeping that I am amazed I can even write this post. I keep thinking that I will take a nap when the baby does, but then I find that something else needs to be done (like shower or eat) and I prioritize these things over sleep. It's interesting how we decide what we need for ourselves. Perhaps I should move sleep up a few notches because I have been so easily irritated by everything these past couple days.
Yesterday I went to the market in the afternoon. My mom tip: Go to the market in the morning. It is so much more relaxing because you are just starting your day and most people are working. Yet, yesterday I needed to pick up a few items, including salmon for dinner last night. So out I went. I stopped at the first store and had problems swiping my card upon check out. It eventually worked but....irritating. So then I headed on to the next store and while I was sitting with my blinker on waiting for a car to pull out of the crowed parking lot, this women decided that she didn't care and decided to take the spot. How rude! I wanted to channel Kathy Bates in Fried Green Tomatoes!
On the bright side, I made the salmon dish that I have been wanting to try and it was delicious. Find the recipe on this Martha Stewart Page . It was my first time cooking salmon, my husband always cooks the fish. I am proud of how it turned out. I was most concerned that I was going to over or under cook it, but it was perfect. I didn't have creole seasoning so I made my own. The sweet corn relish was easy to make. The only problem I ran into here was that the avocados that we picked up at the farmers market were no good so the dish was missing a main ingredient. It was still tasty. I served it with rice and we ate it up.
This morning as I dragged myself out of bed to go to stroller strides I was really feeling like I just wanted to make hot cocoa and sit on the couch. I didn't though. I was running late so I rushed to throw on some workout gear, get the baby dressed and fed, and get out the door. I ended up leaving without my phone, sunglasses and resistance bands that we use in class. Again, I have to look on the bright side and say..... I made it to class. I borrowed some bands from the instructor and at least I remembered water! But I need sleep. I tried three times to get the baby to go down for a nap today with no luck but as I write this post, I see his eyes growing heavy and this just may be my opportunity for a little rest of my own!!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Nine Months and Counting
Today is my baby's 9 month birthday! Now that he is getting to be a big boy we are going to start introducing new and exciting things. First and foremost.... finger foods! I was hesitant to start the finger foods, but he is now showing signs that he is ready. He is very interested in taking the spoon to feed himself (and I let him every now and then). He lifts his belly off the ground and grabs at everything to put in his mouth. This past week I began giving him Plum Organics Puffs! I didn't notice that he had a pincer grasp until I gave him the puffs. He is now practicing the grasp with everything!
I plan to also start giving him cheerios as well as some steamed fruits and veggies. It is fine to give him small pieces of mushy fruit like banana or avocado, but for some of the firmer fruits and veggies, like carrots they really need to be steamed first at this stage in order for him to chew them up with his gums. I will keep you posted on how this goes!
I would also like to start teaching him some sign language. I was going to sign him up for a class, but I think we will start practicing on our own and see how it goes. I plan to start with a few simple words/signs such as milk, more, finished, eat, and sleep. I can't wait to see how it all pans out!
I plan to also start giving him cheerios as well as some steamed fruits and veggies. It is fine to give him small pieces of mushy fruit like banana or avocado, but for some of the firmer fruits and veggies, like carrots they really need to be steamed first at this stage in order for him to chew them up with his gums. I will keep you posted on how this goes!
I would also like to start teaching him some sign language. I was going to sign him up for a class, but I think we will start practicing on our own and see how it goes. I plan to start with a few simple words/signs such as milk, more, finished, eat, and sleep. I can't wait to see how it all pans out!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
What A Beautiful Morning
Oh what a beautiful morning....
My baby boy is feeling better today! He made it in his crib last night for about 3 hours and then I brought him into the family bed. I think he stirs more often when in my bed so I really like him to sleep in his crib. After waking many times throughout the night, I put him in his crib around six and he slept until 830. It was the best two or so hours of sleep that I had received all night! When I woke the baby was smiling and this set the tone for the day. A little birdie once told me to set my intention for the day and I will better be able to accomplish what I set out to do. I told my son that today is going to be a good day (really that is my only intention today).
My husband made the most amazing egg scramble this morning that included spinach, mushrooms, tomato and cheese. Mmmmm.... Isn't it fantastic when someone offers to make you food? I always appreciate it! I also was able to make a hot chocolate which made the start to my day spectacular! After we had a little story time, the baby played by himself on his play mat which gave me some time to sweep the floor and create a playlist on Spotify. Just now, I placed the baby in his swing and I am hoping he will nap so that I can get a shower in! Yesterday I was barely able to get a bite to eat let alone shower. Stinky!
So what is on the agenda for the rest of today? Well, making more peaches! The baby loves peaches! I figure they are only in season for so long so I am trying to make enough to have some on hand for a few months. I plan to pick them up at the farmers market each week until they are gone. I am excited for fall vegetables. In California, you can sometimes find vegetables that are typically not in season for well beyond the expected timeframe because of the weather, but I always like to focus on what is currently in season.
I also want to get back into cooking new foods. I picked up a magazine at the store a few weeks ago and there are some really wonderful recipes that seem completely do-able for me! Tonight I would like to try grilled salmon with a sweet corn relish. It sounds delish and it is something that I can make for my husband and myself. I hope that I can find some good salmon at the market. If not, we will save it for a later date. Last night I made steak with a medley of zucchini, sweet peppers and onion. Quick, easy and oh so good.
Baby is sleeping! Yeah! Shower time!
My baby boy is feeling better today! He made it in his crib last night for about 3 hours and then I brought him into the family bed. I think he stirs more often when in my bed so I really like him to sleep in his crib. After waking many times throughout the night, I put him in his crib around six and he slept until 830. It was the best two or so hours of sleep that I had received all night! When I woke the baby was smiling and this set the tone for the day. A little birdie once told me to set my intention for the day and I will better be able to accomplish what I set out to do. I told my son that today is going to be a good day (really that is my only intention today).
My husband made the most amazing egg scramble this morning that included spinach, mushrooms, tomato and cheese. Mmmmm.... Isn't it fantastic when someone offers to make you food? I always appreciate it! I also was able to make a hot chocolate which made the start to my day spectacular! After we had a little story time, the baby played by himself on his play mat which gave me some time to sweep the floor and create a playlist on Spotify. Just now, I placed the baby in his swing and I am hoping he will nap so that I can get a shower in! Yesterday I was barely able to get a bite to eat let alone shower. Stinky!
So what is on the agenda for the rest of today? Well, making more peaches! The baby loves peaches! I figure they are only in season for so long so I am trying to make enough to have some on hand for a few months. I plan to pick them up at the farmers market each week until they are gone. I am excited for fall vegetables. In California, you can sometimes find vegetables that are typically not in season for well beyond the expected timeframe because of the weather, but I always like to focus on what is currently in season.
I also want to get back into cooking new foods. I picked up a magazine at the store a few weeks ago and there are some really wonderful recipes that seem completely do-able for me! Tonight I would like to try grilled salmon with a sweet corn relish. It sounds delish and it is something that I can make for my husband and myself. I hope that I can find some good salmon at the market. If not, we will save it for a later date. Last night I made steak with a medley of zucchini, sweet peppers and onion. Quick, easy and oh so good.
Baby is sleeping! Yeah! Shower time!
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Sick Again?
In the short time I have been a parent, I find there's nothing worse than a sick baby. It breaks my heart to see my little guy in pain and I wish that I could trade places with him so he has relief. It began yesterday with him being fussy and by the end of the night he was miserable. He had a slight fever and I couldn't tell if his nose was runny or if that was a result of crying. Poor baby. Around 2am I was in panic mode. I'm a bit of a hypochondriac and was frantically searching google on my phone with all his apparent symptoms. That only elevated my anxiety as one search result included seizures. You see, he was kind of jerky in his sleep (I now think he had gas) and so I began to watch him intensely to ensure there were no signs of seizure. As the baby calmed next to me, so did I and we were able to get a couple hours of rest.
This morning brought no relief as the baby wailed in discomfort. Late morning hit and I went for the tylenol. Thank goodness for Tylenol. The baby was finally feeling a little better and I took him and the dog to the park so he wasn't in the house all day. I gave him one more dose of Tylenol in the late afternoon which got him through to bed time. He is still a bit warm but I'm holding off on the Tylenol tonight and we'll see how it goes.
I was able to put him down in his crib (which is always a good sign). I wish I knew what is wrong with my little one but I am just hoping for a better tomorrow. Now I write this post from my bed on my iPhone, so hopefully it reads ok and we don't have auto correct issues. I am now going to try to catch some zzz's while I can. Night y'all!
This morning brought no relief as the baby wailed in discomfort. Late morning hit and I went for the tylenol. Thank goodness for Tylenol. The baby was finally feeling a little better and I took him and the dog to the park so he wasn't in the house all day. I gave him one more dose of Tylenol in the late afternoon which got him through to bed time. He is still a bit warm but I'm holding off on the Tylenol tonight and we'll see how it goes.
I was able to put him down in his crib (which is always a good sign). I wish I knew what is wrong with my little one but I am just hoping for a better tomorrow. Now I write this post from my bed on my iPhone, so hopefully it reads ok and we don't have auto correct issues. I am now going to try to catch some zzz's while I can. Night y'all!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Relaxation Day
As all moms know, our days are filled with doing for our children. We don’t often take time for ourselves and when we do, it seems like it has to be planned… but today is National Relaxation Day so I challenge all you moms to find some time to relax!
I do not find it easy to relax. My days are hectic and it always feels like when I need to relax, I can’t for one reason or another. Sometimes it’s that the baby needs me. Other times it feels like I am just so entrenched in the day that relaxing seems a million miles away. So I have to make time to relax and focus on me. I have to consciously, actively relax.
How do you relax? I remember in college taking a stress relief class that focused on relaxation and I remember everyone having their own little ways that worked for them to calm. Some would dance, exercise or do yoga, focus on breathing and meditate. Others would read, listen to music, go for a walk or a drive. I like taking baths and sitting outside to take in the fresh air. Some people mentioned that they would drink to relieve stress and that was always considered a no no, but every now and then I like a glass of wine. Its not that I use the wine to relax, it’s what goes along with drinking a glass of wine that is relaxing - Sitting, talking with a friend (or my hubby) or writing.
Today however, it was a tough day. The baby was needy….. fussy. We made it to Stroller Strides and I managed to eat lunch and walk the dog, but everything seemed like a struggle. So when I finally got the baby down for a nap I was able to relax. And what was my relaxing activity? Why…. Dishes! Yep. That’s right! We don’t have a dishwasher (I am the dishwasher) so as I was scrubbing the dishes I was thinking how relaxing it was to be able to stand alone and look out the window while I hear the water and get something accomplished. To each his own! Then I was able to sit down and write this post, so now I feel totally relaxed. Challenge complete! Now go on…. Do something for you!
I do not find it easy to relax. My days are hectic and it always feels like when I need to relax, I can’t for one reason or another. Sometimes it’s that the baby needs me. Other times it feels like I am just so entrenched in the day that relaxing seems a million miles away. So I have to make time to relax and focus on me. I have to consciously, actively relax.
How do you relax? I remember in college taking a stress relief class that focused on relaxation and I remember everyone having their own little ways that worked for them to calm. Some would dance, exercise or do yoga, focus on breathing and meditate. Others would read, listen to music, go for a walk or a drive. I like taking baths and sitting outside to take in the fresh air. Some people mentioned that they would drink to relieve stress and that was always considered a no no, but every now and then I like a glass of wine. Its not that I use the wine to relax, it’s what goes along with drinking a glass of wine that is relaxing - Sitting, talking with a friend (or my hubby) or writing.
Today however, it was a tough day. The baby was needy….. fussy. We made it to Stroller Strides and I managed to eat lunch and walk the dog, but everything seemed like a struggle. So when I finally got the baby down for a nap I was able to relax. And what was my relaxing activity? Why…. Dishes! Yep. That’s right! We don’t have a dishwasher (I am the dishwasher) so as I was scrubbing the dishes I was thinking how relaxing it was to be able to stand alone and look out the window while I hear the water and get something accomplished. To each his own! Then I was able to sit down and write this post, so now I feel totally relaxed. Challenge complete! Now go on…. Do something for you!
Monday Fun Day ~ Airplanes
I have gotten into this habit of looking at what wacky, bazaar national holidays are occurring each week. I learned that this week is National Aviation Week. I was surprised to find very little about this 'holiday' and there is nothing happening in my area that I found. I wanted to celebrate National Aviation Week with my little guy because his papa is becoming a private pilot. So this week we decided to make our Monday Fun Day Activity making paper airplanes. I made a very simple plane and Logan got to watch it fly. Wednesday we are going to the Library for story time and we are going to look for a book about planes! You can find many instructions online for how to make different airplanes (simple to complex). Here is a basic airplane to fly with your little one.
Folding the Plane (Pictures below show each step)
1. Fold a crease in the center of the paper (long side)
2. Fold in each of the top corners toward the center crease
3. Take the outer points that were just created and fold the paper into the center crease
4. Fold the paper in half on the original center crease
5. Fold each side back so it lies along the center crease
6. Straighten out your wings, hold the center and Fly Your Plane!
Folding the Plane (Pictures below show each step)
1. Fold a crease in the center of the paper (long side)
2. Fold in each of the top corners toward the center crease
3. Take the outer points that were just created and fold the paper into the center crease
4. Fold the paper in half on the original center crease
5. Fold each side back so it lies along the center crease
6. Straighten out your wings, hold the center and Fly Your Plane!
Friday, August 12, 2011
My Baby is Growing
I am feeling a little sentimental today! I am one proud mama. I can't believe how much my boy has grown in the past eight months. When I was at Stroller Strides this morning there was a new little baby- three and a half months. So precious. It made me think about how my little guy was once that small and - look at him now! He is babbling like crazy! I love to have conversations with him. I know it sounds silly, but sometimes it seems like we completely understand one another. He is really starting to master the bye-bye hand clasp now. It went from a wrist rotation to hand clasp in the past week or so. His crawling technique has improved and yesterday he pulled up off his tummy when he crawled. He is also pulling himself up on everything to practice standing. My husband and my neighbor have a bet going as to when the boy will start walking. He is so much fun!
Speaking of Stroller Strides..... It feels so good to be back. I didn't realize until I was there that I didn't just miss the class, I missed the people. I really enjoy the group of ladies that I get to sweat it out with!
Speaking of Stroller Strides..... It feels so good to be back. I didn't realize until I was there that I didn't just miss the class, I missed the people. I really enjoy the group of ladies that I get to sweat it out with!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
The Challenge of Childproofing
Now that we are back from our trip it is time to get down to business with the childproofing of the home. Where to begin? Throughout the past month we have been moving things around, to make a safe play space for the baby, but now that he is more mobile, its time to concur the rest of the house. I guess there are different ways to go about it. I mean, we could just get a pen or fence to put around his play area to keep him safe. Although this isn't a bad option, I don't think its the one for me. I want the baby to be able to crawl around from room to room and explore his surroundings. I also think that the more ground he has available to cover, the better he will be able to develop his motor skills.
So I did what all the parenting websites suggest. I got down on my hands and knees (his eye level) and took a look around. It can be pretty scary down there! The most apparent things were wires. Wires galore. For this hazard, I am looking for cord protectors. We can tie the wires together, but they are still exposed along the floor, so a cord protector would work best. Then there were the fuzz balls. This is simply a matter of multiple sweeping and dusting efforts each day. Fun.
Other items that I am going to purchase are outlet covers and cabinet locks. I also found a power strip protector. I didn't even know these existed but I think we may have to get a couple of those too. The only other thing I think we should purchase is something to put around the corners of the coffee table. The baby is not too stable on his feet and its only a matter of time before he bangs his face on the edge.
There are so many gadgets out there to keep your kids safe and each family has to decide which products are important to them. The most important preventative measure is supervision, so this is where I will focus most of my attention. I am sure that as time goes on I will find new areas that need attention as the baby will become more curious, quicker on his feet and perhaps even a little sneaky!
So I did what all the parenting websites suggest. I got down on my hands and knees (his eye level) and took a look around. It can be pretty scary down there! The most apparent things were wires. Wires galore. For this hazard, I am looking for cord protectors. We can tie the wires together, but they are still exposed along the floor, so a cord protector would work best. Then there were the fuzz balls. This is simply a matter of multiple sweeping and dusting efforts each day. Fun.
Other items that I am going to purchase are outlet covers and cabinet locks. I also found a power strip protector. I didn't even know these existed but I think we may have to get a couple of those too. The only other thing I think we should purchase is something to put around the corners of the coffee table. The baby is not too stable on his feet and its only a matter of time before he bangs his face on the edge.
There are so many gadgets out there to keep your kids safe and each family has to decide which products are important to them. The most important preventative measure is supervision, so this is where I will focus most of my attention. I am sure that as time goes on I will find new areas that need attention as the baby will become more curious, quicker on his feet and perhaps even a little sneaky!
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Time to Head Home
As our stay in New York comes to an end, I find myself reflecting on our visit and am so appreciative that we were able to make this trip. The days passed quickly and we didn't get to everything that I had wanted to do, but we had a fantastic time with family. My little one got to meet his final set of Great Grandparents, his uncles, aunts and cousins, much of his extended family, and had quality time with Grandma! All the little children are growing so fast and I wish that I could see them more often. It is so much fun to see what they are excited about these days, to hear them talk and tell stories and to experience the love that they have to give. Beautiful. Logan even had a play date with a fellow that is his age! It was so cute to watch them play and explore one another! We got to barbeque, swim in grandma's pool, attend a wedding, go for some walks and last night, took in an amazing sunset over Lake Ontario. I couldn't have asked for a better evening. When we got back to the hotel I indulged by not only taking a hot bath, but eating a snickers ice-cream bar in the bathtub! That was a first (and probably won't happen again) but what a fantastic treat that was - until I got a bellyache. Oops.
I have packed my bags to get on a plane first thing tomorrow morning and am happy to report that I am rather calm. That could all change in the next eight hours, but as I write this post, I am content. I will miss my little nieces and nephews so very much (and the rest of the fam too) but I am also happy to get back to my home. I miss my dog dearly and as sick as it sounds, I am looking forward to tidying around my own home! I am also looking forward to getting back into my workout routine (attending stroller strides) and experiencing a little less humidity!
I have packed my bags to get on a plane first thing tomorrow morning and am happy to report that I am rather calm. That could all change in the next eight hours, but as I write this post, I am content. I will miss my little nieces and nephews so very much (and the rest of the fam too) but I am also happy to get back to my home. I miss my dog dearly and as sick as it sounds, I am looking forward to tidying around my own home! I am also looking forward to getting back into my workout routine (attending stroller strides) and experiencing a little less humidity!
Monday, August 8, 2011
Monday Fun Day ~ Apples
The second week of August is National Apple week and since it is National Apple Week, it is only appropriate to have this week's Monday Fun Day activity be focused around apples.
There are many crafts associated with apples. Little ones might like to color a printed page with an apple or use finger paints and paint a paper plate apple that mom or dad helps shape. Another painting project that mom and dad can help with is making stamps out of apples. You can simply cut the apple in half and dip the apple in paint to make an apple shape on the paper, or carve shapes out of apple pieces so that when the apples is pressed to the paper you see a triangle, for example. You can even make paper mache apples to paint! The fun is endless but I have a favorite apple activity that I remember from when I was a kid and that is the Shrunken Apple Head! Sometimes this activity is associated with Halloween, but why not try it for summer fun time?!
To make a Shrunken Apple Head:
1. Peel and Core and apple
2. Carve a face into the apple. Make sure to make large, pronounced features as small cuts will disappear as the apple shrinks and shrivels.
3. Soak the apple in lemon juice with a pinch of salt for 30 seconds to a minute to prevent browning
4. Place the apple on a string using toothpicks to keep the apple in place as necessary and hang to dry for several days (up to 3 weeks) to see your apple turn into a character! Some people add accessories to the apple to enhance the look of the character.
If your kids are too small for this activity or you want to pair it with a computer based intro, you can check out this Highlights Page.
The Disney Family Fun Site has an activity to make this dried apple kitty puppet.
There are many crafts associated with apples. Little ones might like to color a printed page with an apple or use finger paints and paint a paper plate apple that mom or dad helps shape. Another painting project that mom and dad can help with is making stamps out of apples. You can simply cut the apple in half and dip the apple in paint to make an apple shape on the paper, or carve shapes out of apple pieces so that when the apples is pressed to the paper you see a triangle, for example. You can even make paper mache apples to paint! The fun is endless but I have a favorite apple activity that I remember from when I was a kid and that is the Shrunken Apple Head! Sometimes this activity is associated with Halloween, but why not try it for summer fun time?!
To make a Shrunken Apple Head:
1. Peel and Core and apple
2. Carve a face into the apple. Make sure to make large, pronounced features as small cuts will disappear as the apple shrinks and shrivels.
3. Soak the apple in lemon juice with a pinch of salt for 30 seconds to a minute to prevent browning
4. Place the apple on a string using toothpicks to keep the apple in place as necessary and hang to dry for several days (up to 3 weeks) to see your apple turn into a character! Some people add accessories to the apple to enhance the look of the character.
If your kids are too small for this activity or you want to pair it with a computer based intro, you can check out this Highlights Page.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Keeping The Fitness Focus
You can take the girl away from Stroller Strides, but you cant take Stroller Strides away from the girl!
Even though I am out of town I am trying to make time, at least some days to get a small work out in. Yesterday we walked to the park where I was able to work it out while my husband watched my sleeping baby in the stroller and complete a conference call!
Today the only workout I got was carrying the baby while wearing heels. I haven't worn heels in over a year and I am pleased to announce that my feet feel great!
Even though I am out of town I am trying to make time, at least some days to get a small work out in. Yesterday we walked to the park where I was able to work it out while my husband watched my sleeping baby in the stroller and complete a conference call!
Today the only workout I got was carrying the baby while wearing heels. I haven't worn heels in over a year and I am pleased to announce that my feet feel great!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Baby on Board - The Plane
Well, of course I got way too worked up about flying with the baby. He did a fantastic job! He slept the majority of the flight and was just delightful! I nursed him upon take off and landing as suggested, to prevent or help ease ear pain associated with the pressure change. I have read stories of women who were asked to cover up while breastfeeding on a plane. I have not run into such issues. Each time we have flown I have nursed the baby and have not had any issues. We fly United and flight attendants have been very accommodating and warm. Its a good thing that no one said anything negative to me about nursing my son on the plane. I was amped up to speak about my legal rights, the fact that it is recommended to nurse upon take off and landing, and.... don't get me started on the fact that it is World Breastfeeding Week!! So, Way to go United! And guess what I found when we got off the plane.... A nursing room adjacent the women's restroom! Way to go Rochester Airport!
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
And We're Off
We are finally off to New York. There is so much that you have to take with you when you travel with a baby. Its no longer a matter of throwing a few outfits in the suitcase and taking off. No, you have to have the baby’s clothes and blankets, bibs and burp cloths, some toys and his toiletries. Goodness. Then there are the food and feeding implements to worry about. It took me all day yesterday to get packed. Between chasing the baby who was motoring all over the house, tidying, cooking, walking the dog and feeding the baby it’s a wonder I got anything accomplished! We have traveled on a plane before with the baby so I know what is manageable in terms of luggage and the amount of crap we take. This time we are going for a bit longer and it has proven to be a challenge to keep the baggage manageable, more so because of weight than anything.
I like to bring one suitcase for the baby and I and my husband brings his own suitcase to check. We then take one suitcase that we carry on which contains the diaper bag plus a few extras for mom and baby. My husband, again, takes his own carry-on bag that holds a laptop and all of his man goodies. He usually has a camera bag as well. After planning everything out and packing everything up it came time to weigh the large suitcase. Of course it was about five pounds too heavy. So, as much as we don’t want to do it, we are bringing an extra small bag to check. Boo.
I like to bring one suitcase for the baby and I and my husband brings his own suitcase to check. We then take one suitcase that we carry on which contains the diaper bag plus a few extras for mom and baby. My husband, again, takes his own carry-on bag that holds a laptop and all of his man goodies. He usually has a camera bag as well. After planning everything out and packing everything up it came time to weigh the large suitcase. Of course it was about five pounds too heavy. So, as much as we don’t want to do it, we are bringing an extra small bag to check. Boo.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
World Breastfeeding Week~ Lets Celebrate
It's World Breastfeeding week! World Breastfeeding week was created by the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF policy makers to promote breastfeeding and healthy babies. It has been occurring the first week in August for the past 20 years. It is currently celebrated in over 120 countries! There are a whole slew of activities taking place around the world and Southern California is no exception! You can find more information about what is happening at
I won't be in town for these activities, but if I were here I would be attending Boobie Palooza in Costa Mesa! Boobie Palooza seems especially fun! It is a family event brought to you by Berlin Wellness Group and The Pump Station! You will find speakers, a chair massage, raffles and even a beer garden at this event! Papa is a Rolling Stone will also be there. Papa is a Rolling Stone is a Daddy and Me (moms welcome too) music class by two professional musicians. I can't wait for my little guy to attend one of these sessions in Los Angeles! You can find additional information about Boobie Palooza at
Le Leche League of South Orange County celebrates Breastfeeding = Communication, a family fun day in Laguna Beach! Here you will find music, games, crafts and fun!
Another Southern California event is Talk to Me. It's an open mic celebration in Long Beach. Share your story and support breastfeeding moms!
In addition to events, some companies are giving away items in celebration of World Breastfeeding Week! I am a member of Planning Family for example and received an email that included a promo code for a free nursing cover.
So what will I do? Well, I will be in the Rochester NY area. I may attend a Nurse In at Cobbs Hill Park on August 4th. In addition, I may also attend The Big Latch On the morning of August 6th. This event is happening across the USA ("and beyond"). The goal is to break the record for the most women breastfeeding simultaneously. Yeah!
I won't be in town for these activities, but if I were here I would be attending Boobie Palooza in Costa Mesa! Boobie Palooza seems especially fun! It is a family event brought to you by Berlin Wellness Group and The Pump Station! You will find speakers, a chair massage, raffles and even a beer garden at this event! Papa is a Rolling Stone will also be there. Papa is a Rolling Stone is a Daddy and Me (moms welcome too) music class by two professional musicians. I can't wait for my little guy to attend one of these sessions in Los Angeles! You can find additional information about Boobie Palooza at
Le Leche League of South Orange County celebrates Breastfeeding = Communication, a family fun day in Laguna Beach! Here you will find music, games, crafts and fun!
Another Southern California event is Talk to Me. It's an open mic celebration in Long Beach. Share your story and support breastfeeding moms!
In addition to events, some companies are giving away items in celebration of World Breastfeeding Week! I am a member of Planning Family for example and received an email that included a promo code for a free nursing cover.
So what will I do? Well, I will be in the Rochester NY area. I may attend a Nurse In at Cobbs Hill Park on August 4th. In addition, I may also attend The Big Latch On the morning of August 6th. This event is happening across the USA ("and beyond"). The goal is to break the record for the most women breastfeeding simultaneously. Yeah!
Monday, August 1, 2011
Just Another Music Monday
We recently purchased several musical instruments for the baby. I wanted to purchase a drum because he enjoyed the Rhythm Child session so much. He LOVES to bang on things! In addition to the drum we purchased a xylophone. Not a toy, a real one. I was uneasy about this in the beginning, but my husband was adamant about getting the real deal and I have to admit, it’s been pretty awesome! We all love playing it. We happened upon a used one when out shopping for the drum so it worked out perfectly. Logan uses the mallet that came with his drum to bang on the xylophone. He has quite the collection of percussion instruments now. In addition to the drum, we got him claves and maracas. He already had a tambourine, so now he is set for his one-man band!
You don’t have to purchase instruments to have fun. You can use items found around the house such as tupperware and a wooden spoon, or.... why not try making some!
Monday Fun Day Activity
Making a Shaker!
What you need
2 empty yogurt containers (or some type of containers of the same variety so they are the same size)
Popcorn Kernels
Hot glue gun
Duct tape or packing tape
Place some popcorn kernels in one of the yogurt containers. Line the top of the container with glue. Place the other container on top and press to seal the two together. Secure the seam further with tape to ensure the shaker does not come apart.
Optional: Decorate the shaker
There are many ways that you could decorate the shaker. One option is to paint the containers prior to sticking them together. You could also glue felt or fabric to the outside. Perhaps your little one is artistic and would like to draw a picture to secure around the shaker containers.
You don’t have to purchase instruments to have fun. You can use items found around the house such as tupperware and a wooden spoon, or.... why not try making some!
Monday Fun Day Activity
Making a Shaker!
What you need
2 empty yogurt containers (or some type of containers of the same variety so they are the same size)
Popcorn Kernels
Hot glue gun
Duct tape or packing tape
Place some popcorn kernels in one of the yogurt containers. Line the top of the container with glue. Place the other container on top and press to seal the two together. Secure the seam further with tape to ensure the shaker does not come apart.
Optional: Decorate the shaker
There are many ways that you could decorate the shaker. One option is to paint the containers prior to sticking them together. You could also glue felt or fabric to the outside. Perhaps your little one is artistic and would like to draw a picture to secure around the shaker containers.
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