Pop, Papa, Papacito, Dad, Daddy, Dada, Bob – whatever it is you little one calls his or her father this Sunday is the day to show appreciation! Its Fathers Day!
Since Logan is only seven months, he will most likely not remember Fathers Day this year, in fact, I don’t think he will recognize that the day is different from any other. It is however my husband’s first Fathers Day and I want it to be special for him. Rather than buy him something fancy (believe me, not spending money will be gift enough in his eyes) I wrote him a letter of sorts. I let him know how beautiful it is to watch him being a father. I mentioned all of the special moments that I notice between him and our son that make me feel all warm inside. I am hoping that this will be something that he will treasure, cherish, and one day look back at and remember what it was like in the beginning.
Logan will give his Papa a gift as well. In years to come I envision myself taking Logan to the store to pick a gift out for his Papa (mugs, ties, picture frames etc.). This year we are giving a simple gift. Logan is going to help design a card. I am going to put a few drops of different colored food purees on a piece of card stock, let Logan finger paint a little and see what comes of it. I may nix the idea once we get into it, but hey, at least Logan will have a little fun with it. I will be sure to let you know how it goes.
I plan to cook breakfast for him and dinner as well. Some of you may be thinking “doesn’t she do that everyday?” and the answer is- not even most days. Papa gets up way earlier than I do and he has usually already had breakfast, coffee and a shower before I even open my eyes. The dinner thing is complicated. My husband and I enjoy different foods. He is a vegetarian and I eat meat so to make meals that please us both is difficult. Oh, did I mention that he hates my cooking. That’s really the issue. He has offered to send me to cooking classes more than a couple times. Perhaps one day I will take him up on the offer. I am working to improve in this area. I feel that it is important to have a family dinner every evening so I am constantly trying to come up with new ideas and improve my skills!
We enjoy adventuring on holidays as well, but I think Papa is busy on Sunday so our adventuring may have to wait until next weekend. Oh well, we will still have fun!
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