Thursday, June 30, 2011

June Recap

As the month ends I feel it is important to reflect on all of the joys this month has brought me.  Since the baby was born, time seems to fly and I want to take moments every now and then to relish in the delights of our lives.

I feel accomplished this month. I set goals for myself and followed through with them.  First and foremost, I began this blog.  Rather than continue to think about it, talk about it, I actually did it.  I am proud of this and it set the stage for me taking this stand in more aspects of my life. The website is far from what I envision it being, but each day it becomes more established. I am still trying to decide who I am as a writer and who I want to be for readers.  I am happy with where I am at in this process though.  In reality, I created this website only seventeen days ago, it is in its infancy stage and I generate traffic!  People read my blog! I added a couple pages (tabs) to the website this week that includes a gallery.  Pictures - Yeah!

It is difficult for me to put myself out there.  In a sense I feel inferior and I really want to work on feeling more confident.  I think this will come with time - remember, only seventeen days old.  I have set some goals for July to push myself forward in my blogging journey.  They include the following:

Teething Time

I think its that time! Although my son has been drooling and chewing on everything for months, I have not been able to see any signs of teeth. Yesterday though, I noticed a little white spot on the bottom gums and I think it just may be a tooth! He has been a little fussy for the past couple days.  Not too bad, but he cried through the stroller strides class on Tuesday and was fussy last night and this morning. I wonder how long it will take to push through the gums.  I read that once these symptoms start that it usually takes about three to five days but each child is different.  I haven't noticed any fever or illness- no diaper rash and no facial rash.  I have not noticed a decrease in the frequency in which he eats (lord knows this kid loves to eat), just a little fussiness. 

To assist with what I assume is his discomfort, I have given the baby teething rings.  I also have a toy that you cool in the refrigerator and let him chew on.  I have heard that freezing a washcloth works well. I appreciated the tip I received that you wet one corner of the cloth prior to freezing and then when the baby is chewing / sucking on it, the rest of the cloth can soak up all the drool and wetness. My kid really enjoys sucking on the washcloth.

Other products I have heard about but have not tried include teething tablets, gels, and a necklace that you place around the baby's neck that releases oils into the skin that are soothing. We have not broken out the Tylenol yet and I'm hoping I don't have to.  I have found distraction to be my best friend when it comes to a fussy baby.  They are pretty easily amused and although it can be exhausting, it works and its what being a mom is all about.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Plan B

When things don't go as planned there must be a plan b.  That's my motto this week (well, this half of the week) because I had great activities planned and yet we are not able to make it happen.

You see, we are currently a one vehicle family.  After I left work it didn't seem necessary to have two vehicles.  My husband works from home on some days and uses the metro to get to his office on others.  We only have one designated parking spot so one car always had to be parked on the street. Its such a pain to park on the street when there is street cleaning and limited parking.  It was not uncommon to drive around for twenty minutes after work looking for a place to park.  So we made the decision to sell my car.  I loved my car.  She was reliable, comfortable, and paid for.  My husband bought us an adventure vehicle (4-Runner Trail Version) and it was so much larger than my car I didn't think I would ever dare park it in our tiny garage spot.  It was not an easy decision to sell my car but it worked out for the best.  I paid off my student loan as a result and at that point was officially out of debt. What a fantastic feeling! I now am very comfortable driving my truck.  I recently borrowed a friend's BMW and dare I say, I missed my truck!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

No Mama I Don't Want a Nap

Does your baby nap?  Logan usually naps two times a day (when I am lucky).  The first is about two hours after he wakes in the morning and he will sleep for about forty five minutes or so.  Then I can get him to nap (sometimes) around two or three in the afternoon and he might stay asleep for two hours on a good day.  Today however, well, I'm having one of those days.  The kind of day when you know he is tired.  I mean, he is cranky and isn't comforted by anything but just wont go to sleep.  He cried through my stroller strides class this morning, he cried while I tried to eat lunch (just a sandwich) and then finally, finally I put him in the baby backpack, started doing chores (dishes) and he fell asleep.  I was then able to transfer him to his bouncy chair where he likes to nap.  If I put him in his crib he wakes immediately and starts crying.  So, until he doesn't fit in that chair anymore, I'm not going to fight with him.  It works. The car works as well. As soon as we start moving he is out, but I can't drive around all the time.  Now he is sleeping and I can finally get some things accomplished.  I never sleep when he naps.  All the other moms I talk to take naps with their kids.  I read over and over again when I was pregnant that you should sleep when baby sleeps, and I did when he was first born - mainly because I had no energy to do anything after being up all hours of the night- but now I clean, and it still never seems to be done. Speaking of which, I better get to it!

The Activity Planner

Now that summer is here I always want to be outside. Staying in the house seems so boring! I have been actively seeking activities in the community that are inexpensive or free. I am not opposed to joining one mommy and me class at a time, but we can't afford to do it all.  I must make choices! What fun activities do you have planned with your little one?

Just getting outside in your yard can be an experience for the baby.  He is fascinated by grass and dirt these days.  He also enjoys feeling the brink and concrete on the patio. I am thinking about getting a little blow up pool for him to play around in on those hot days, but we are playing this by ear.  Sometimes however, you just want to go someplace. The following is a list of some of the places I discovered.  It is bound to grow and I will keep you updated as we find new adventure spots!

 Griffith Park.  Griffith Park is so vast that I could have a different adventure each day of the week! When the weather is hot I tend to stick to the shadier trail areas or find a tree to park under for an hour or so.  On cooler days I enjoy hiking up to the observatory (which is fun itself), but where there is also a nice view of the Hollywood sign.  There are areas with a merry-go-round and a kiddy gym / playground as well.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Mommy Movies

This morning I tried something new. I skipped my stroller strides class (don't worry, I am making it up tomorrow) and went to the movies.  I never go to the movies.  It is expensive and I don't like movies enough to spend two hours doing nothing but staring at a screen.  I especially dislike attending movies during the day because I feel like I am wasting my daylight.  That being said, I learned about Monday Morning Mommy Movies at Pacific Theatres and I wanted to check it out. I was surprised to see so many people there.  Lots of moms and babies!

Logan slept through the majority of the movie, which is what I was hoping for.  It was something different to do, but am not sure I will do it often.  I suppose if there is a movie that I care enough about to see in the theatre I will go again. It was nice to feel comfortable having the baby there.  Babies were making noise and no one cared because we were all in the same boat.  There was a table off to the side that moms used to change babies.  Moms walked around to calm fussy babies and one little girl practiced her crawling during the movie!  The babies were more entertaining than the movie itself!

I appreciate that there is a venue that offers this in my neighborhood. Morning movies are less expensive than 'prime time' movies so that is an added plus.  There were no previews prior to the movie beginning either! The lights seemed to stay on during the movie and I am not sure if this was on purpose or not.  They seemed to dim at the end?? I will have to go again to find out!  Now to enjoy the rest of this beautiful day- we are off to the park!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Such is Life

All I wanted to do was have a little time to myself.  The baby woke up around 5am and after getting him back to sleep I decided to get up to have some piece and quiet.  I never get up that early.  I started cleaning the kitchen - I know, what a way to spend my alone time- but wanted it to be sparkly before the day really began so I wouldn't have to worry about it. I thought I would make myself a delicious hot cocoa and sit down on on the couch and maybe read a little.  Shortly after I got up my husband wandered into the kitchen.  He decided that he too needed to be up early.  On another day, this would have been awesome, to have some alone time with hubby (fun!), but this morning all I wanted was some time to myself.  Oh well, such is life.  We shall try again another day....

Friday, June 24, 2011

Farmers Market Fun

Nothing beats a good farmers market! I love bringing my little guy to the farmers market. We go every Sunday morning (that we are in town) to the Hollywood farmers market. It is fantastic! I have been to several others around town, but none compare to this one.

On Thursday evenings there is a farmers market at Yamashiro, a restaurant set up on a hill above Hollywood that overlooks the city. I hear the music from this market each Thursday evening while I am at home partaking in my usual evening routine. Last night we decided to trek up the steep hill with the baby in the stroller to see what goodies we could find. I made my wonderful husband push the stroller. I mean, if I am going to these fitness classes and getting my butt in shape, he should get a little workout too right?!

I was delighted to find a line of food vendors with delicious dinner options. I opted for Heirloom LA’s food truck. I had myself one of their delectable lasagna cupcakes (pulled pork option) and a salad on the side. The salad was fantastic as well. Great choice. I couldn’t have been happier. My husband and I shared a table with a mom and her two children. My husband decided to have a large beer with his dinner. I couldn’t help but chuckle when the little girl, around eight years of age, looked at him and said “That’s a lot of beer. I think that is meant for two people.” He responded by letting her know that he agreed that was probably the intended purpose. The little girl had a crepe for her dinner and she said it was very good – and she doesn’t usually like crepes, although she also mentioned that she confused crepes with tamales often.

There weren’t many fruit and veggie stands, however there were enough. In addition I spotted a meat and cheese vendor as well as a vender with some cake goodies. We didn’t end up shopping for produce at all. We enjoyed our dinner, the live music, the spectacular views and friendly company. This farmers market also had a clown that entertained the little ones.

After being out of town the last couple of Sundays, I am looking forward to this Sunday when I can go to my usual spot, the Hollywood farmers market and stock up on supplies for the week. There is such great variety at this market. One corner is set up as a music circle for the little children. So not only can you teach your kids about healthy foods, you can do some taste testing, craft shopping, and get some entertainment out of the trip as well! I am always so inspired to make my own baby food when I attend the farmers market! I can’t wait!

I Think I Can

Today was my second day at Stroller Strides. There were more moms and babies there today (maybe 6 or 7). We did different exercises today which was nice as variety is always appreciated. Logan slept through play time though! Poor guy was tired I guess. I am loving this class not just because I get a work out in, but also because I get to hear what’s going on in town, advise about schools, and much, much more. I think I had mentioned that I can go almost every day of the week, but am committing to Monday and Friday. I might try to attend one more class next week. They are held at the Americana (a mall) and at the Silverlake Reservoir in addition to my class at Griffith Park. We shall see.

I have been completing my 10 minute leg challenge each day. Well, one day I had to stop at seven minutes because baby beckoned, but other than that I have done well. Some days I will go longer than the 10 minutes too!

I don’t see any results yet. I guess its too early to expect any. Maybe the results are occurring on the inside of my body but hopefully eventually I will see the outer appearance of my legs change. I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Green Start Books

This morning I took the baby and the dog for a walk/hike in the park. At the end of our walk we always sit on a blanket and have a snack and play with toys. Today we had story time at the park. Have you heard of Green Start books by Innovative Kids? I love these books! Today we read 'Little Helpers'.
I picked up ‘The Five Senses’ and ‘Little Helpers’ at a boutique shop before my son was born. After he was born I picked up several others. I have come to love these books for a number of reasons.
-They are made from 98% recycled materials
-There are many activities that you could do with your child related to the material in the book but in addition, each book has a parents page with activities and tips at the end of the book.
-The books teach about the topic in a straight forward yet kid friendly manner. The books contain more than pictures but not too many words. Each page is a conversation starter!
-I absolutely love the illustrations in the books!
My son is a bit young for me to design activities around the material, but he enjoys listening to me read and point out objects!

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

TV or Not TV

The age old question…. Should you allow you child to watch television? This is one area where I have found a huge disconnect between research and reality (what parents are revealing in discussion forums).

Research indicates that watching television is not beneficial to a child’s development and may even be harmful. Some studies have shown that language development and attention abilities have been negatively effected when a child is exposed to television. Experts recommend that children under two years of age watch no television and after that no more than one half hour a day. Not only do some researchers recommend not allowing the children to watch television but extend this to using computers and other media devices as well.

There are a group of parents who follow this guideline and do not expose their children to television. I found that a fair amount of parents admit to allowing their children to watch television. I read articles that stated using the television as a babysitter is bad and I immediately thought to myself ‘obviously’ and admit I was surprised to find that some parents write about doing just this. I recall one woman talking about how she would use the television when she needed a break and felt it was better to allow her child to watch programming than to take frustrations out on her child. I totally agree, although I recognize that there are other options. Then there are the ever so popular videos marketed to parents to enhance their child’s abilities. Talk about a mixed message to mom and dad.

We live in a tech world. I don’t want to damage my child, impede his development, yet I don’t want him to be at a disadvantage because he was not exposed to media devices (mainly the computer). It’s a fine line, no wonder it’s the great debate.

I watch tv. My husband watches tv. Admittedly, he watches more sophisticated programming than myself, but we both sit in front of the television most evenings. We don’t have cable, so there is no mindless channel surfing. We don’t watch much tv during the day but we do put on music. I read that even listening to television can interfere a child being able to listen to individuals speak to him (because of the background noise) and hence effect his development. I wonder where music fits in to this scenario. Music is not seen as bad for children, is it (generally speaking)? There are times in my home when the television is on and the baby is in the room. I never use the tv as a babysitter. I spend the day and night with my child, interacting with him, reading to him, talking with him, playing with him, singing to him, holding him, and we get out of the house. So is having the tv on in the background while we participate in some of these activities really all that bad? Is it wrong for me to watch a program while I am nursing and he drifts off to sleep? Does this make me a bad mom? I am going to say no. I fall into the category of people that feel that as long as you aren’t using the tv as a crutch, a babysitter, and the amount of time a baby is exposed to tv is minimal, you are not going to harm your child. I make conscious decisions about television. I do agree that the imaging on television is fast moving and may be too much for a baby’s little brain to process so I actually make an effort to not let him ‘watch’ tv. We don’t watch the baby language videos or cartoons and I will have to do some research before deciding what exactly I will allow my little one to watch when the time comes that I feel it is appropriate for him to have a little tv time. Cartoons just aren’t what they used to be when I was a kid. Or are they and I am just old now??

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Fathers Day Follow Up

Remember how I said that Logan was going to help design a card by painting with food puree? I don't recommend it. Its one thing to let him do this on his highchair tray, but on a card, not such a great idea. I would stick to actual finger paints on paper. Live and Learn!

Sleep is Overrated

My son was up last night more than he was asleep. It makes for a very tired mama, but I know that it was because he is uncomfortable. Whenever he doesn’t poop his belly gets upset and he is up throughout the night, some nights worse than others.

I often wonder what the sleeping habits of other babies are. Is my experience a common experience or am I totally different from other moms? As a first time mom I often find myself comparing myself to other, more experienced, moms. I am making an effort to be less critical of myself and to accept that I am on a journey of discovery. I am learning to trust my instincts about what is best for my child and to not let others opinions have such an effect on the way I feel about myself. I am sick of feeling guilty for doing what I feel is best for my situation.

Take for instance the topic of the baby sleeping through the night. It’s inevitable that this topic will come up when having a discussion with friends and family. If you say that your child is not sleeping through the night you get the sympathetic sighs and frowns on faces that say ‘poor you’. Yet if you say that your child is sleeping through the night people are so enthusiastic and let you know how lucky you are. So what is normal?

When completing my Google searches during sleepless nights I found that some experts say that an infant sleeping through the night means 5 or 6 hours. Some moms say that their little one sleeps for 7, 8, even 10 hours at a time. Others say that their infant will sleep for several hours, wake to eat, and then go back to sleep soundly for another few hours.

My son sleeps about 7 hours straight on a good night. He will then eat (nurse) and go back to sleep for another 2-3 hours. He will sometimes wake around 3am and then easily go back to sleep with a little soothing. There are those nights , like last night, when it feels like he is up all night long. My son is a night owl. I get a look (you know the look) when I tell folks that he doesn’t go down for the night until around 10pm. He will go to sleep earlier but it is more like a nap. I hear of these babies that go to bed at 7 or 8 (which I agree is a fantastic bedtime for little ones), but even with effort, my son won’t go down at this time. I don’t find it to be a hindrance that he is up (I am up) but again, its one of those situations that makes me feel like a guilty mom. Do these babies that go to bed at 7 really stay asleep for 11 or 12 hours? I keep telling myself that as long as my son is getting the sleep he needs, it really doesn’t matter what hours this takes place in. Eventually, I want to transition to him going to bed on his own at a more appropriate hour for little guys, but we just aren’t there yet.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Fitness Follow Up

I followed through with my plan to attend Stroller Strides! The class is at 930 am. I wake later than most folks, getting up and moving at about 830 or 9. So, this morning I rolled out of bed, washed up, got the baby ready to go, fed him and off we went with a banana in hand.

The class was fun! Today there was only one other mother but I hear there are typically about six or so. I have decided that on the days that I go to the class I will give myself permission to skip my 10 minute leg challenge if I feel like it. This morning I got a full body workout. We walked, jogged, did squats, lunges, arm exercises with resistance bands, calf exercises, and even ab work. The kids enjoyed it too because we sang nursery rhymes and they got to sit on the blanket and play while we did our crunches.

It was much more of a workout than I anticipated when I first decided to go, but hey, it is good for me. It gives me an opportunity to work out, get out of the house, and meet other moms in the area. Needless to say, I signed up for a monthly membership, which means that I could go to a class almost every day of the week. I will stick to Monday and Friday for now and we shall see what the future holds!

Trip Trooper

Team Rugged went on another road trip this past weekend! Logan is such a trooper when traveling!

Sometimes when I speak with other mothers, they are uneasy about traveling with their baby. I can understand their concern, however there are a few things you can do that make the trip more enjoyable for all involved. Logan did not like to ride in the car at first and cried every time we put him in his car seat. I even rode in the back with him when I could because I just didn’t know what else to do. Thankfully, this only lasted a short time and he is now a fantastic traveler.

My Tips
-When going long distances, plan to stop every so often to get out, stretch and get some fresh air.
-I found the mirror that goes on the seat of the car so that you can see the baby in your rear view mirror helpful. The baby enjoys looking in the mirror as well.
-Having food available for the baby is always a good idea. If you are exclusively breastfeeding, simply plan on needing to stop along the way. I always try to be proactive with this and when I know its about time for him to eat we will look for a desirable location to pull off the road. There will be times however when the baby decides that he wants to eat ‘now’ and you will have to find anyplace you can to pull over. Since our son is a bit older now and is willing to drink out of a bottle or sippy cup, we are able to feed him while we are driving. I still try to pull off and feed him (because everyone needs breaks from riding), but again, if we are trying to make it to a certain location this has been helpful.
-Toys are helpful. I always bring a few toys and switch them out every so often throughout the trip so that the baby doesn’t get bored with the same old things, however you might find that your little one has a favorite toy. Don’t forget that one!
-A blanket is cozy for the baby. I always have a blanket for him to cuddle up in if he so chooses. Our son sleeps a lot when riding in the car
-If the baby has a favorite type of music or an album that is calming for him bring it and be prepared to listen for a while. Our son enjoys listening to jazz.
-A pacifier can be useful to soothe the baby when you can’t pull over and need to get from point A to point B. I was never a proponent of the pacifier, however I have learned that they can come in handy every now and then. My son isn’t attached to his pacifier, he doesn’t cry for it or need it to sleep or anything like that, but he does use one here and there. I am learning not to be so judgmental of myself for providing it.

We go on overnight trips quite often. Every hotel that we have stayed in offers cribs for free. I have heard that there may be a charge for a crib, however I have not found this to be the case. Some hotels (Hyatt specifically) even give you a travel pack of toiletries for baby. I call ahead to ensure I know what I am getting into before we leave. I always bring the baby’s blankets so that they smell and feel like home. Some sinks work well for bath time when the baby is small. If I don’t feel that the accommodations are appropriate for a bath, we simply do a sponge bath. The baby usually stays up a little later than usual when traveling, but he sleeps really well most of the time. I strongly recommend bringing a night light. When hotel curtains are closed it is usually pitch black in the room once the lights go out. I know that I like to check on the baby if I wake during the night and when he starts crying you want to be able to find him! You don’t have to bring your entire nursery to be comfortable. A few thoughtful items can go a long way.

Friday, June 17, 2011

What's Up Pop

Pop, Papa, Papacito, Dad, Daddy, Dada, Bob – whatever it is you little one calls his or her father this Sunday is the day to show appreciation! Its Fathers Day!

Since Logan is only seven months, he will most likely not remember Fathers Day this year, in fact, I don’t think he will recognize that the day is different from any other. It is however my husband’s first Fathers Day and I want it to be special for him. Rather than buy him something fancy (believe me, not spending money will be gift enough in his eyes) I wrote him a letter of sorts. I let him know how beautiful it is to watch him being a father. I mentioned all of the special moments that I notice between him and our son that make me feel all warm inside. I am hoping that this will be something that he will treasure, cherish, and one day look back at and remember what it was like in the beginning.

Logan will give his Papa a gift as well. In years to come I envision myself taking Logan to the store to pick a gift out for his Papa (mugs, ties, picture frames etc.). This year we are giving a simple gift. Logan is going to help design a card. I am going to put a few drops of different colored food purees on a piece of card stock, let Logan finger paint a little and see what comes of it. I may nix the idea once we get into it, but hey, at least Logan will have a little fun with it. I will be sure to let you know how it goes.

I plan to cook breakfast for him and dinner as well. Some of you may be thinking “doesn’t she do that everyday?” and the answer is- not even most days. Papa gets up way earlier than I do and he has usually already had breakfast, coffee and a shower before I even open my eyes. The dinner thing is complicated. My husband and I enjoy different foods. He is a vegetarian and I eat meat so to make meals that please us both is difficult. Oh, did I mention that he hates my cooking. That’s really the issue. He has offered to send me to cooking classes more than a couple times. Perhaps one day I will take him up on the offer. I am working to improve in this area. I feel that it is important to have a family dinner every evening so I am constantly trying to come up with new ideas and improve my skills!

We enjoy adventuring on holidays as well, but I think Papa is busy on Sunday so our adventuring may have to wait until next weekend. Oh well, we will still have fun!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Feeling the Burn

So I have been completing my 10 minute leg workout for four days now. It has been relatively easy finding time to complete the workout. I either do it when the baby is napping or playing with his toys. Playing the three songs to time the workout has made it enjoyable. I do squats, then calf raises and finish it off with lunges. I tried doing the wall sit. I really did. I try it everyday but only make it for 30 seconds or so and then I'm ready to kill someone. At first I honestly thought that 10 minutes wasn't going to do anything. Boy was I wrong. My legs hurt so bad! When I walk the dog through our neighborhood (lots of hills) I feel it. As I walk down the stairs outside of our house I curse. Walking up isn't so bad but I am feeling the burn baby, feeling the burn. Bring it. Come on sexy legs!

Next Stop Vaccination Station

This week was shot week. I am by no means an expert on the subject of vaccinations. I am simply a mom with an experience. I believe in vaccinating my child but it has proven to be one of the most challenging aspects of being a parent. I'm not going to preach that there is a right or wrong way to go about the process. Each mama knows what is best for her little one. There is so much literature out there about the pros and cons of vaccinating. Then there are controversies regarding which vaccines to give and when to give them. I was so overwhelmed when I first began my research. I started by looking at the Center for Disease Control (CDC) schedule for children’s vaccines. I then researched each of the vaccines and the side effects for each. The doctor gave us a booklet that was helpful as well. Once I gained an understanding of which vaccines were available, I began to look into alternative schedules and mommy blog entries. I was torn about what to do.

As I interviewed pediatricians I spoke to them about vaccination schedules. They all stated that they prefer the CDC schedule (no surprise there) but one doctor was more open to working with an alternative schedule than others. She politely said, “if you don’t want to have your child vaccinated, I’m probably not the doctor for you but there are some parents who choose to go with an alternative schedule.” After a great deal of agonizing, I decided to go with the CDC schedule.

My son began receiving shots at 2 months of age. I felt like I was a bad mother because I chose to go with the schedule that my doctor recommended. I beat myself up about it. I then began to speak to other mothers and found that I was not alone in choosing the CDC schedule. I kept telling myself that there are tons of people that go with this schedule but there was always a voice in the back of my head making me feel guilty.

When the baby got his first round of vaccines I didn’t know what to expect. I liked that my doctor did combination shots (less pokes). The baby was fine for about two hours after the visit and then he cried unless he was held (for hours). I sat in my bed with him all evening because that was the one position that seemed to work for him to be content. The baby was fussy the next day and then after that he was back to his normal self. No severe reaction, just a difficult day.

When it came time for the four-month shots I knew what I was getting into, or so I thought. The reaction was relatively the same as the two-month round, however he was fussy for about four days. This time around I felt the need to break out the Tylenol. That’s when I decided that we needed to change how we do this. I decided that the next time around we were splitting them up and giving two at a time.

At the six month appointment the little guy was not feeling so hot and had a slight fever so we didn’t do the shots, but I took the opportunity to speak to the doctor about it. She sat with me and we came up with a plan that worked for both of us. That brings me to today. Logan got his two shots yesterday and I can’t begin to tell you what a difference it made. I mean, he was still a bit fussy, but not nearly to the extent that he was previously. No Tylenol necessary, just cuddles and a change of scenery every now and then. He even let me sit him down so that I could get a few things done around the house! I also held him this time while he received the shots and he didn’t even cry! He slept through the night last night and today I can't even tell that he got the shots yesterday afternoon. What a relief. I guess I should have listened to my gut in the first place.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Yikes People are Looking at Me

The babe and I went out to dinner last night with a dear friend. I love getting out of the house and visiting with others. It took me a long time to get comfortable taking Logan to public settings. I was afraid that he would start crying and that I wouldn't be able to console him. I was concerned that I would be disruptive to others. Now that I have had a few months to grow as a mother I realize that its just not that big a deal. Babies cry. That's how they communicate. Most people that you run into either have children or like children. I also feel that as long as I am dealing with the situation people will view me with positive regard and for some reason this matters to me.

I have been on the other end. I have been on the plane with the crying baby sitting nearby. Rather than being annoyed, I felt for the mom trying to calm her child. I've been at the doctor's office and was very irritated when a mom didn't seem to care, barely noticed, that her children were acting unruly. Everyone else in the room noticed, why didn't she? I wonder what a day at that house is like?

After bringing Logan out a bunch you know what I have found? He really doesn't fuss much. As long as his needs are met he is pretty content. Feeding the baby in public is something that I had to learn to get comfortable with. I felt and sometimes still do feel uncomfortable breast feeding in public. I become hyper sensitive to everyone around me and when people glance at me I wonder what is going through their mind. I have spoken to others who have similar thoughts and also feel uncomfortable nursing in front of others.

Why do women feel this way? I have heard of several situations that lend themselves to women feeling this way- women being asked not to nurse in specific locations although it is their legal right, silly polls in magazines that show a fair amount of individuals think women should not nurse in public etc. I am almost ashamed to feel a sense of embarrassment (I guess I would call it) for doing something that is natural, recommended, and beneficial to the well-being of my son. As time goes on I am less self conscious. I will admit though that if I am going out with friends or going to a restaurant I try to bring a bottle with pumped milk. My son gets the nutrition and I feel more at ease. That being said, if my son needs to be fed, he will be fed no matter where I am, no matter who is watching, no matter who cares.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Stroller Strides

As I mentioned yesterday there is a program in my area that I have been looking into called Stroller Strides. They have several different fitness classes (a prenatal class, a new mom class and mom at any stage class). Well, I am doing it! I start Monday. I am so excited to not only get some outdoor exercise but to meet moms and babies in my area! If you are in the Los Angeles area check them out at I will let you know how it goes.

Now I am off to do my 10 minute Leg routine while the baby naps!

Bye Bye Food Pyramid Hello My Plate

Have you heard of the new My Plate diagram? Earlier this month First Lady Michelle Obama along with Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, and Surgeon General Regina Benjamin unveiled the new food diagram replacing the food pyramid. Apparently the food pyramid has become more and more confusing over the years as it has been revised. This new icon is a simple reminder to everyone of what we should be eating. I like the idea of having a guide to remind people of what should be going on their plates, but I feel this diagram is lacking in several areas.

First, there are many people who may not know the many delicious foods that are available in each category or think that because they are eating a food that is considered a protein for instance, that they are eating well enough. I rather enjoyed and was inspired by all of the pictures of foods in each category on the food pyramid. When I was first introduced to the food pyramid, there were many foods that I had not tried; healthy foods that I have learned to love over the years. While I was pregnant I religiously counted the servings that I ate of each (not always eating them in meals). The diagram shows in a sort of pie chart manner the serving sizes of each category.

So, while I like this as a tool to assist people, especially children in what their meals should look like, it can not be used as a stand alone tool to teach healthy nutrition. I don't think the intention was for it to be so. The website has some additional links that are very helpful and informative. Check it out.

Monday, June 13, 2011

Hot Legs Get your Hot Legs

Every mom knows how difficult it can be to shed the baby weight after your little one is born. I was very thin prior to conceiving Logan. I embraced my pregnant body and loved my belly. When the baby was born the weight started coming off very quickly. Breast feeding assists in this I hear. Now I am at a weight I am comfortable with, not as thin as I was before, but comfortable. There is just one problem. I am unhappy with my legs. I have tried to accept that having a baby is a huge deal; that I should wear my legs with pride given what I went through; that most moms don't shed the baby weight for a year. I even get that to most people I don't look like I had a baby six months ago, but I can tell. Its more about feeling good about myself than it is the shape of my legs, but I must say, if I get myself some toned legs and a slight tan (I am very white) I will feel like a hot mom- and who doesn't want to feel like a hot mom!

So I've decided to make a commitment to myself. I will spend 10 minutes a day doing Leg exercises. A friend of mine suggested that rather than focus on the number of reps or the length of time I spend on a specific exercise, I could pick a few songs to play and time the exercises in the length of the songs. I had read this online as well. Sounds easy enough.

I started today. I am committing to a month. I will play 3 songs (about 10 minutes of exercises) and will do one exercise for the entirety of each song. It can be hard to find time to exercise with a little one, but I can always find 10 minutes. There are some tried and true exercises that everyone swears by for great legs that I plan to incorporate. The number one exercise has to be squats. Next I am going for calf raises. I plan to add side lunges on some days and the dreaded sit against the wall bit on others. That one hurts the most but I will accept the challenge.

The problem that I always run into is sticking with a routine. I will get super motivated to exercise, start exercising everyday and then fall off the wagon for a month. I am not the type of person that will go to a gym everyday or even twice a week. I am hoping to do more than just 10 minutes of leg exercises a day, but I vow to at the very least complete the month of 10 minutes a day. I have so much in my area that makes it easy to get in shape. So, if I do end up wanting more I have created a list of what I could do.

The List
-Join a Gym (Lets be honest, this is not going to happen. No classes either- group exercise is not my thing)
-Walk/Hike in Griffith Park (this one I do already!)
-Push the stroller up Runyon Canyon at least a couple times a week
-Dust off the exercise videos and do me some Yoga, Pilates or Aerobics!
-WII Active (I did this a lot before I was pregnant and I enjoyed it)
-Ride that bike that I bought a couple months ago that I have barely ridden
-If I am really wanting to kick my ass I could do some P90X (If my husband can do it so can I!)

and last but certainly not least (drum roll please)

***JOIN STROLLER STRIDES!!! Stroller Strides is a fitness program in my area that allows you to get fit with your baby. This is one group I can see myself being part of! You know, the more I think about it the more I want to join. The group I would like to join meets Monday and Friday mornings so I think next week I will go for it! The first class is free so why not check it out and see how I like it! I've got nothing to lose (except that unwanted fat on my legs)!

In order to keep me motivated I will report on how all this goes. Wish me luck!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Oh Poop!

I know, I know.... The first post I write and its an icky one, but I told myself that I would just write what is happening currently rather than forcing topics - the good, the bad, and the stinky.

The past 24 hours have been rough. My baby boy has been cranky and not feeling so hot. We started him on solids at about 5 months, very slowly increasing the amount and frequency in which he eats- first one time a day then two and are trying to get to three times a day but have not yet been successful which I am ok with. The problem is as I increase the foods he has a harder time pooping. A few weeks ago he became constipated and didn't poop for several days, which is out of the norm for him. Yesterday, he did poop, several times, but it was much thicker than usual, a thick peanut butter texture and while this didn't alarm me, he seemed to be in pain as he pooped. Each time he struggled and cried. I know that poop consistency has much to do with diet and we are playing around with the diet to see what works best for us. I have not been giving him rice, apples or bananas because these are more binding foods, however at some point I would assume that his digestive system will be ready for these foods. Right? I continue to breast feed and have also tried giving him some juice and water. Has anyone else struggled with this?

Why the Play Mat?

I've been wanting to start my own website for some time. Rather than continue to think about it, talk about it and plan for it, I have decided to just go for it. I chose the title 'The Play Mat' because my son enjoys his play mat so much. It is his place to relax, play around with the toys he loves so much and explore his new physical abilities. This blog is my play mat- my space to relax and share all of my mommy experiences as I so enjoy doing! His independent play mat time also provides me an opportunity to write which made the title seem all the more appropriate. I am excited to see what this evolves into.