Although there are many activities to choose from on the fourth of July - there is usually a parade you can attend, fireworks of course, and any number of food and music events- we chose to stay in this year and save our money as well as our sanity. That's not to say that we didn't have lots of family fun though!
We went to the park to play at the playground and as we anticipated, it was extremely crowded. We still managed to have a good time. Logan loves going down the slide. It is by far his favorite playground activity!
Logan got a new pool yesterday, so we of course had to have a little pool time! He had a blast! The weather hasn't been at its warmest here, but that didn't stop Logan from wanting to stay in the pool forever. He threw a fit when it was time to come inside and although I reassured him that we would have many more opportunities to play in the pool, he was less than happy with Mama for a while!
After dinner we did some arts and crafts, because it wouldn't be a holiday without a little craft time with Mama! We made a Fourth of July Sparkler! We simply rolled a piece of heavy paper into a cone shaped tube and taped some red and white stars around the outside. We stuffed some silver, tinsel like filler in the top and we had ourselves a sparkler! The bottom of the cone was large enough for Logan to place his arm in to wave the sparkler around. He played with it after making it, but as a special treat, after bath time and stories, when it was getting dark out, we took it outside so he could see his sparkler shimmer in the lights. He loved it!
To finish the evening we decided to watch the Macy's 4th celebration on television. Logan fell asleep just as the fireworks began, so he missed it! Oh well, I guess that he had enough fun for one day! All in all it was a great fourth of July!