Sunday, April 1, 2012

Can We Say Tired?

Oh Sunday, how you exhausted me!

We broke down and rented a storage unit this weekend.  It had to be done.  I mean, we were literally bursting and although there is still some clean up to be done, I know it will feel much less cluttered as a result.  It is amazing how much 'stuff' you accumulate over time.  Luckily I have purged fairly regularly so that I don't have a huge donate pile.  This doesn't solve the problem  challenge we have of needing a new home, but it makes the space we are currently in more tolerable while we search.  For the past few months I have been stashing away boxes anytime we get a delivery and it felt so good to pack up our belongings in boxes that we didn't have to purchase for the purpose of packing.  It also felt pretty good to get rid of all those boxes!

Just as we finished loading up the rental van, our power went out.  Ok, so my husband did all of the loading into the van, but I packed up all the boxes!  It is the first time in years we have been without power.  You see, it was a blustery day here in the West and a tree fell on a power line behind our home.  After the fire danger subsided, we dealt with hours of no power which made it difficult to clean up some of the areas that were torn apart.  We survived though!  Now we watch some television before bed.  Not a bad end to a tiring day.  I am really hoping that my toddler and baby to be allow me to get some rest tonight.  I should probably step away from the computer and try to sleep now. Yes.  That sounds like a plan.